From: Dave Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1) best east-coast band: Sloan
                         Eric's Trip
                         Hip Club Groove
2) best non-east-coast band: Sonic Youth

3) best east-coast LP: Hip Club Groove-
                          Trailor Park Hip-Hop

4) best non-east-coast LP: Sonic Youth - Washing Machine
                           Sianspheric4 - Somnium
                           Cypress Hill - III (temples of boom)

5) best east-coast EP or single: Orange Glass - 7"
                                 Elevator to Hell - 7"

6) best non-east-coast EP or single: Grasshopper - The Invisible Album.
                                     Treble Charger - Self=Title (just 
cause of the screenzine......:)

7) best live performance: July 23rd, 1995 Lollapalooza, Barrie
                                Sonic Youth.....

8) best video (EC or non): Shallow - Odd
                           Sonic Youth - Diamond Sea
                           Sonic Youth - Superstar

9) Worst Song of the year: What if God was...... - joan osborne (who is 
obviously Ozzy's sister......>

        well, that thar's my ballot. dave.

From: colin mackenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 1) best east-coast band-The Super Friendz (this year)
> 2) best non-east-coast band-Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
> 3) best east-coast LP-Mock up Scale Down
> 4) best non-east-coast LP-Luna-Penthouse
> 5) best east-coast EP or single-Witchdoctor/Flexman-Metropoloticians
> 6) best non-east-coast EP or single - Grifters- Eureka ep
> 7) best live performance  - Boss Hog- Portland Rock for choice
> 8) best video (EC or non) - tie Micheal Jackson & Bjork> 

From: "James R. Covey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* best east-coast band

- the motes 
- thrush hermit
- spine

(best new songs + live consistency won out here.)

* best non-east-coast band

- pavement
- flying nuns
- change of heart

(i'm only voting for bands i've actually seen live this year.)

* best east-coast LP

- the motes _gesner_ (ant)
- horseshoes and handgrenades _a thousand thousand ways to get things done_
- the hardship post _somebody spoke_ (sub pop)

(i'd vote for rebecca west but i like the songs they've written *since*
 the record a lot better!)

* best non-east-coast LP

- superchunk _here's where the strings come in_ (merge)
- archers of loaf _vee vee_ (alias)
- pavement _wowee zowee_ (matador)

(that was the easiest category.)

* best east-coast EP or single

- thrush hermit _the great pacific ocean_ (murder) 
        (the bongload single rules too!)
- elevator to hell _forward to snow_ (sappy)
- broken girl _nora_ (sappy)

(i can also recommend some choice selections from our own catalogue, hee hee.)

* best non-east-coast EP or single

- nerdy girl _nerdy girl_ (no life)
- sportsguitar "gong gong" b/w "tits" (sub pop)
- archers of loaf "harnessed in slums" b/w "telepathic traffic" (alias)

* best live performance 

- pavement, may 15, lupo's heartbreak hotel, providence RI
- spine, april 7, birdland, halifax NS
- eric's trip, october 14, birdland, halifax NS

* best video (EC or non)

(this is the hardest -- i don't watch enough tv)

- al tuck "buddha"
- the beatles "free as a bird"
- radiohead "just"

ok, now my own categories:

* best read

- _the baffler_ #6 (the mother of all indie 'zines)
- james kelman _how late it was, how late_ (1994 novel)
- john ralston saul _voltaire's bastards_ 
  (i haven't finished _the unconscious civilization_ yet but it's great so far)

* best major-label LPs

- hum _you'd prefer an astronaut_ (rca)
- the sixths _wasps' nests_ (virgin)
- teenage fanclub _grand prix_ (dgc)

* best songs that haven't been released yet

- state champs "set up in frats"
- eric's trip/broken girl "soon coming closer"
- coyote "never let your friends find you dead" & "she's alright"

* favorite live musical moment

- coyote with david ledden on guitar: "like a pig" at their EP release

* the "everybody's forgotten about this great LP because it was released
  so early this year" award:

- pond _the practice of joy before death_ (sub pop)

merry christmas!


From: Jeremy Harris Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: my best of 95 cont'd

>8)best video
   i don't have cable so these might not be very good in relative terms 
   but out of what i saw they wuz cool.

1.sEAm-"the honey coming down the face of the singer guy" video
2.sEAwEEd-start again
3.rAdIOhEAd-just(what does the guy say?)

From: "C. Trowbridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 1) best east-coast band
-superfriendz, coyote, elevator to hell
> 2) best non-east-coast band
-jon spencer blues ex, spiritualized, al green
> 3) best east-coast LP
- superfriendz, elevator to hell
> 4) best non-east-coast LP
- raekwon - only built for cuban linx
- boss hog -s/t
- blacktop - i gotta bad feeling about this
> 5) best east-coast EP or single

> 6) best non-east-coast EP or single
- The Headcoatees - I feel Good/Park it up your Arse
- The Stinkies/Knuckledusters split 7" (stinkie side only)

> 7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)
- Boss Hog, Lee's Palace, fall '95
- Fugazi, The Warehouse, summer '95
- Cornershop, The Horseshoe, a few weeks ago

> 8) best video (EC or non)
Al Tuck - Buddha (is that '95?)

Best Cassettes:
-Thee Suddens
-Absolutely Nothing

Best TV Appearance:
Superfriendz tribute to Twisted Sister on the Wedgee

Most Appearances in other's videos:
Rich, Stinkin'; Duggan, Shawn

Best Rock battles:
Blur vs. Oasis, Cypress Hill vs. Ice Cube, Hardship Post vs. Hardship Post

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cecil Castellucci)

1) best east-coast band-Sloan
 2) best non-east-coast band-Tinker
 3) best east-coast LP-Jale Closed EP
 4) best non-east-coast LP-Tinker (unreleased I have an advanced tape of the
album, but it still counts right?)
 5) best east-coast EP or single-Sloan/ same old...
 6) best non-east-coast EP or single-Mary Lou Lord
 7) best live performance-Acetone @ The NMM NMM's
 8) best video-My love is for Real/ Paula Abdul  (heehee hee hee)

love and kisses 

From: "J. R. Valentine (Creider)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

here's my votes

1) best east-coast band:
   1. eric's trip
   2. superfriendz
   3. jale

2) best non-east-coast band
   1. treble charger
   2. archers of loaf
   3. sonic youth

3) best east-coast LP
   mock up scale down- superfriendz

4) best non-east-coast LP
   vee vee-archers of loaf

5) best east-coast EP or single
   edgefest 7" (jale, sfz, sr, th)

6) best non-east-coast EP or single
   self=title-treble charger

7) best live performance (a single date/ single band, please)
   aug. 3- edgefest 3 probably thrush hermit, treble charger and sloan...

8) best video (EC or non)
   1) even grable-treble charger
   2) ono soul-thurston moore
   3) 10 lbs-superfriendz

whitney valentine

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryce Colenbrander)

>1) best east-coast band
-Thrush Hermit
-The Superfriendz

>2) best non-east-coast band
-Tristan Psionic
(arrgh.. i want to say radioblaster too, but 3 choices seems right)

>3) best east-coast LP
-SFZ : Mock Up, Scale Down

>4) best non-east-coast LP
-treblecharger : self=title
-radioblaster : sugar shock

>5) best east-coast EP or single
-thrush hermit : The Great Pacific Ocean ep
-sloan : stood up / same old flame
-thrush hermit : take another drag / came and went

>6) best non-east-coast EP or single
-punchbuggy : Dressed for Success / My Voice is Weak
-chixdiggit : Best hung carrot in the fridge

>7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)
-edgefest3 : thrush hermit
-May 14 - the pit <ottawa> : thrush hermit

>8) best video (EC or non)
-al tuck : buddah
-treblecharger : even grable
-the Rentals : friends of P

From: "Michael Ball (Snow Blind)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>1) best east-coast band
>2) best non-east-coast band
        Heavy Early
        Black Strap
>3) best east-coast LP
        (since I only heard Sloan LPs I won't vote here :)
>4) best non-east-coast LP
        MC&IS - SP
>5) best east-coast EP or single
        (see #3)
>6) best non-east-coast EP or single
        (see #5)
>7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)
        Tragically Hip (1st Avenue Minneapolis - c. Spring '95)
>8) best video (EC or non)
        (It has been such a lame year for videos, I'll say - Rusty: Monogyny)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tara da Costa)

>1) best east-coast band
-sloan (defunct or not)

>2) best non-east-coast band
-treble charger 
-son of flynn
>3) best east-coast LP
-elevator to hell s/t
-steaming toolie 'snowbreeze glitter'
-superfriendz 'mock up scale down'

>4) best non-east-coast LP
-len 'superstar'
-pavement 'wowee zowee'
-herbal E 'kill lawlor'

>5) best east-coast EP or single
-sloan 'stood up/same old flame'
-elevator to hell 'forward to snow'
-thrush hermit 'great pacific ocean'
>6) best non-east-coast EP or single
-local rabbits 'put on your snowsuit you're going to hell'
-yo la tengo 'tom courtenay/the bisexual boogie'
-treble charger 'self=title'

>7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)
-sloan, montreal on feb.19th 95.
>8) best video (EC or non)
-superfriendz '10 lbs'
-hip club groove 'shootin the gift'
-len 'candypop'

9) best rave singe ;) ;)
-herbal E 'whip it'
-herbal E 'terminal ecstasy'
10) best email list (hahahahah)
-sloannet :) 
that would make jamesy C. the best listmanager. :)
thanks 4 doing this james :)
happy freakin holidays to all!
:) :) :)

tara :)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Rocchi)

>1) best east-coast band
-Superfriendz (Get the new stuff out, 'cause it rocks.)

>2) best non-east-coast band
-PJ Harvey (Some would say 'She's not a band, she's one person.' Bullshit.
She's a force of nature, and do not forget it.)

>3) best east-coast LP
-Twice Removed. (I KNOW it came out last year; it still spent more time on
my stereo this year than any other album did, so tough. It's a Freaking

>4) best non-east-coast LP
-To Bring You My Love, PJ Harvey (Drink, Demons, Water, Wailing, The
Ecstacy of Heaven and the Sins of Hell.)

>5) best east-coast EP or single
-"The Great Pacific Ocean" Thrush Hermit (That Dammned song is close to
Opera in it's power, and verges on theater in it's emotional content. Damn
fine production , as well.)

>6) best non-east-coast EP or single
-treble charger, Self=title (Better songs than "NC-17"...and that's saying
a lot; great CD-Rom stuff, too.)

>7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)
-The Archers Of Loaf, The Embassy, London Ont, Too Early to Remember.

>8) best video (EC or non)
-Oh, screw Video. It's boring. And Extraneous. That said, "Flava", JSBE,
since it takes Video as seriously as video should be taken.

        Prediction for '96; I'll pull back my shower curtain to find
Patrick Duffy/Bobby Ewing, who tells me that I must of had a horrible
dream.....and that Sloan never broke up. I'll feel happy, and cheated, just
like I did with Bobby.

        Toys if you're Good, A Brutal Barehanded Clubbing if you're bad,


From: Lisa Wilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey James, here's my little western prairie province views on the best o' 95-

> >1) best east-coast band


> >2) best non-east-coast band

Canadian- Zumpano, Pluto  American- Yo La Tengo, Posies   Euro- too many 
but the Cardigans and Oasis are pretty good.

> >3) best east-coast LP

Thrush Hermit- Great Pacific Ocean (or is that an ep?)

> >4) best non-east-coast LP

Zumpano- Look What the Rookie Did, Portishead-Dummy, Teenage Fanclub- 
Grand Prix.

> >5) best east-coast EP or single

Sloan- Stood Up. But I like the b-side Same Old Flame better.

> >6) best non-east-coast EP or single

Piper Cub- Chance. Made up of members from Tsunami and Velocity Girl. Out 
on Sub Pop, very cool.

> >7) best live performance (a single date, a single band please!)

Sorry, but it was a tie (surprise, surprise)
The Posies- May 2? The Republik
Yo La Tengo- June something The Republik
Oh yeah, Zumpano rocked the Human Touch Tour too!

> >8) best video (EC or non)

The Rentals- Friends of P. Radiohead- Fake Plastic Trees Pulp- Common

Er, sorry. I'll just shut up now thanks! :)

                                                        Cheers, Lisa :-)

P.S. Actually, I can't shut up yet 'cuz I fergot to mention Sianspheric 
as one of the best bands, Land of the Loops' Multi-Family Garage Sale as 
one of the best singles and the song Dodging Invisible Rays on the new 
Guided By Voices 7" as one of the best songs EVER! Plus, the GBV/Mary Lou 
Lord/Superconductor gig at the Starfish Room in Vancouver was brilliant too!
Uh, okay thanks again.


bonjour... merci.
  - best east coast band:  okay, I hate to say it but... Sloan.  Then 
Thrush Hermit
  - non ec band: Blue Rodeo (!!!!)
  - EC lp - oh god, I don't think I even have any of those from this 
  - non EC lp - Blue Rodeo: "Nowhere to Here"
                     Spookey Ruben: "Modes of Transportation Vol. 1" 

  - EC ep/single - "Same old Flame"... the Great Pacific Ocean.. that 
Orange Glass one...
  - non EC ep - uh oh... okay, the Wooden Stars one w/ "Farewell to 
the Yellow Jacket Avenger" on it. 
                      Psycho Christmas music, as far as I'm concerned 
:).  That album really does scare me.
  - live performance - Jeff Buckley in Toronto at the Danforth Music 
Hall, May 25 (?)
  - best video - the only one I can think of right now is Folk 
Implosion's "Natural One"... nice colours.
                     And an honorable mention to Alanis Morissette's 
"Hand in my Pocket", b/c the lip-synching is so incredibly awful that 
it just kills me every time I see it.
                                                      I oughta know,

     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __      _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
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