grace babies are an awful band, featured on mucheast a few too many times.
for inexplicable reasons, they have a debut full-length out on no records.  
It's really awful.  umm.. lemme see.. they're very pop-rotten (or is that
rawtten?), lots of crappy little ditties, and the songs make me puke :)  
"kool-aid" is every bit as detestable as the beverage from which it takes 
its name (mainly because of the lyrics...oh and the music :) ) 
lots of guitars is not an indication of good music, but sometimes they 
have that whiny guitar sound which I associate with shit..

oops, i'm out of time.  gotta go slag something else now.
umm.. i hope this helps!

                        ...sizzle jerk

> grace babies are an awesome band, featured on mucheast a few times.  they 
> have a debut full-length out on no records entitled _lure_.  it's really 
> awesome.  umm.. lemme see.. i wish i had a copy of my zine here so i 
> could just write out my review... ummm.. ok, they're very pop-rawky, lots 
> of catchy little ditties, and the songs are kinda cute :)  "kool-aid" is 
> one of the best in the bunch (mainly for its lyrics.. mmm... candy :) )  
> lots of guitars, uptempo (most of the time), but sometimes they have that 
> wailing guitar sound which i associate with treble charger..
> oops, i'm out of time. gotta go write a final now.  umm.. i hope this helps!
>                               ...sizzled :P sizzle teen


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