let us ignore the fact that i just failed a final exam...

i went to see the super friendz and al tuck at the volcano club in 
kitchener just like a whole bunch of other people on this list.  the only 
difference -- i was hanging out at the club for a total of *6* hours... 
but that's another story.

since i haven't heard anything about the whole crew getting their 
stomachs pumped, it is safe to say that the cupcakes i made were fine :) 

al tuck was *great* :)  his music sounded really classic, like his songs 
have always been around and have stood the test of time.  i really fell 
in love with his music that night.. of course, being the moron i am, i  
forgot to buy a cd... really great songs, and he played "budda" just for  
me ;)  (hey, a girl can dream, can't she?)  actually, before playing the 
song,  he explained that they play "budda" but some nights they don't  
really feel like playing it unless someone requests it, so he asked for a 
request, and i put up my hand and requested it [note:  i was sitting 
right up front, half on the stage, trying to hide behind the speaker].   
but the highlight was "can i count on you" (?), which was just him and  
his guitar, and it was totally beautiful.  i think i'm in love..

the super friendz... what more can be said?  they sounded great, and were 
all really active.  and i have to admit, lonnie is an awesome drummer and 
kicks t.c.'s ass!  i kinda requested "undertow" before the show, (which they 
played, of course), but for the sole reason to hear the correct lyrics.  
i wasn't disappointed :)  "television", "up and running", and "green 
hands" were totally awesome, and i can't wait to hear those songs 
recorded.  for the encore, i think matt came *very* close to do some 
l'il orton.. ;)

here's something interesting.. copies of the first pressing of the _by  
request_ 7" (with the green sleeve) were left at the volcano from some  
previous show, so 8 copies were for sale. 

umm.. oh, charles said that they'll be releasing a single on genius 
records :) ...er, :( since i still don't have a turntable.. ("dear 
santa..")  and add me to the list of al tuck fans :)

                                ..sizzle teen

p.s. i got al to guess my age, and he said 23!
p.p.s.  hey!  charles tried to get me drunk with the beer tickets too.. i 
don't feel special anymore... ;)  (..you should've seen the stack that he 
started off with...)

carol nishitoba  !  2A e.r.s., co-op  !  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  !    
                           *moving to ottawa*

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