Re: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

2000-09-10 Thread John Ferlito

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 05:42:21PM +1000, Doug Stalker wrote:
> Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
> >Why dont you shop the parts yourself and put them together into a box.
> > You can build computers very cheap this way and you are not requested
> > to buy a particular shop's hardware set
> >
> I do that for my personal systems, but for work systems it's a lot easier to get
> everything from one supplier with good after-sales support.  That way when
> something goes wrong you know exactly who to contact without trying to remember
> which part came from where.  Also, for work related systems there are a lot more
> things to consider financially than just the initial cost - it's a lot better to
> spend extra at the beginnning to avoid downtime later.
> As for linux, some manufacturors will sell servers wihout any pre-installed
> operating system.  You are then free to install whatever OS you want onto the
> system.  They obviously don't offer support for the OS,  but there may be third
> party vendors who offer linux support.

Two good places for this sort of thing are and

Just email the relevant address with the full specs of the box you want ie 
which motherboardbrand of HD etc and assuming they have everything in stock you 
usually get a fully built box in a couple of days. You can even build your box at your 
own box using a webpage at compware even easier :)

>  - Doug
> --
> _
>   Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
>  Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
>   Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:


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Re: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

2000-09-10 Thread Doug Stalker

Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
>Why dont you shop the parts yourself and put them together into a box.

> You can build computers very cheap this way and you are not requested
> to buy a particular shop's hardware set

I do that for my personal systems, but for work systems it's a lot easier to get
everything from one supplier with good after-sales support.  That way when
something goes wrong you know exactly who to contact without trying to remember
which part came from where.  Also, for work related systems there are a lot more
things to consider financially than just the initial cost - it's a lot better to
spend extra at the beginnning to avoid downtime later.

As for linux, some manufacturors will sell servers wihout any pre-installed
operating system.  You are then free to install whatever OS you want onto the
system.  They obviously don't offer support for the OS,  but there may be third
party vendors who offer linux support.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Small CD-R blanks

2000-09-10 Thread John Morrissey


Pacific Mirror Image -they sent me an updated price list last Friday.
Unfortunately to the other office and I won't be there until after 7.00pm so
I'll forward it tonight.  The round ones (about 40Mb) were $280.00 per 100 at
the markets in March this year.



Howard Lowndes wrote:

> Does anyone have a source of supply for the credit card sized/shaped CD-R
> blanks, pse?

John Morrissey

Marketing Manager
Powermedia Systems Pty Limited
Providers of Quality Graphics Solutions to the
Design, Advertising Video and Print Industries.

Phone: (02) 9518 9111 Fax: 9518 9199

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Re: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

2000-09-10 Thread Ricky C


good point... I do that with all my personal Linux box. However, Linux has 
matured to a point where a "solution" can be provided. A Solution is more 
than just a box with cheap parts.

Beside, its a good way to keep Linux users employed. I guess its the same 
reason why I bought a few SAMBA books, even though most of what I need is 
already online.


>Why dont you shop the parts yourself and put them together into a box.
>You can build computers very cheap this way and you are not requested
>to buy a particular shop's hardware set

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Re: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

2000-09-10 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 04:18:36PM +1000, George Vieira 
> The only problem doing this I find over the years is if something breaks
> down and possibly takes out another component in the machine can cause havoc
> on the warranty. That's only if they find out that something else caused it.
> Complete machine built in one go means that if the video card took out the
> motherboard, or worse like in my nephews case the power supply which blew
> the RAM,MB and one of his HDDs then it's all covered under the same roof


 * you dont need to "buy" the OS license (eg winblows)
 * you can setup a hardware config which suit you, eg

   + AMD k6-2 500
   + Mylex RAID controller
   + a set of IBM 9GB disks (depending on the RAID level)
   + a scsi CDROM
   + one IDE drive to boot and swap
   + any amount of RAM you want
   + ANY MB you want (and suits above) even if you still use AT type
 with NOTHING on it (ie no video, no sound blah blah)

 * I have never had a breakdown you have described in all my time I
   have been working with computers

I have never seen a machine setup I liked from any of the shops
and computer manufacturers. And most of the time there is on piece
of equipment in there which is cheap to stay competetive (pricing)
producing a bottelneck in the system.

Other than two HD which gave up (and both still under warranty) I
have had no HW related problems (only software ones related to NT).


Who is general Failure and what is he doing on my disk?
|__, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical Director|
|  _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L  |
|-(_)--(_)=  +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia|

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Trinity Virus

2000-09-10 Thread George Vieira

Trend Micro have a Linux version of InterScan for Linux and it's an Eval

I recommend installing it.. and update the pattern files.. etc..

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Jason Stokes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 3:13 PM
To: Linux Sydney (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Trinity Virus

John Wiltshire wrote:
> From: Peter McCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >Howdy
> >
> >I have received email from some guy called Cyber abuse in the
> >states who says
> >that my machine has been infected with a Trinity Virus
> >
> >
> >URL ref is
> >
> >Does anyone know about this Virus and how it can be removed
> >with having to do a
> >complete reformat...
> If you do have the Trinity agent on your machine then I would recommend a
> reformat as you have no idea how many of your system files have had
> installed in them.  To put it simply - the machine should never be trusted
> connected to the internet again until it is reformatted.

Ok, now, how would I become infected with the Trinity agent?


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RE: [SLUG] Trinity Virus

2000-09-10 Thread John Wiltshire

From: Jason Stokes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>Ok, now, how would I become infected with the Trinity agent?

Have your machine hacked, or run a dodgy binary would be my guess.  More
than likely it it is primarily distributed by running a 3l33t h4x0r script
on IRC that someone more 3l33t has seeded.

You could try looking for old daemons with known bugs (wu-ftpd from RH6.2)
and other things like that also.

John Wiltshire

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] CVS Server problems

2000-09-10 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 03:08:29AM +, Marshall, Joshua wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just built a linux server to act solely as a CVS pserver.
> I have been able to successfully log in and import data, however when I 
> try to check out a module I get the error:
> -f [server aborted]: Cannot check out files into the repository itself
> Has anyone seen this, and can shed some light on what's gone wrong?

This is one of the cases where CVS apparently tries to economise on the
number of error messages it has to  store by reusing them for unrelated
problems. :(

Aside from the obvious "you are trying to checkout into the repository"
(which you have already indicated is not the case), this can occur when
the $TMPDIR (or $TMP or $TEMP) variable is set to point somewhere inside
the cvsroot on the server.

To see if this is the case, try changing its location by using the -T

cvs -T /tmp -d $MY_CVS_ROOT checkout foo

The argument to -T must be an absolute path.

Not sure if this will solve the problem, but it's the other case where
I've seen it happen.


Malcolm Tredinnickemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd

 PGP signature

RE: [SLUG] Sidewinders and SoundBlasters

2000-09-10 Thread John Wiltshire

From: Aaron Binns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Hi all,
>I have a sidewinder 3d pro joystick and a soundblaster live 
>platinum soundcard.
>The joystick used to work fine with my old soundblaster awe32, 
>but when I plug
>it into the 'LIVE' card, it is not picked up at all. (says 
>"not connected"). The
>soundcard is seated correctly and the joystick is plugged in 
>securely without
>any bent pins.
>- I havent used the joystick in a month or two, its been in 
>storage for a while.
>- happens in both MS and Linux
>- using latest drivers for both soundcard and joystick
>Does anyone have this card/stick combo? Does anyone know of 
>this problem or know
>of an issue between the two devices? Does anyone know of a 
>solution.. either on
>Linux or MS or (preferrably) both?

I have a SBLive/Value + Sidewinder Pro.  Works fine in Windows.  Never tried
the joystick in Linux because I don't have anything interesting to use it
for.  Only thing I use it for in Windows is Mechwarrior (where it is
absolutely fantastic).

John Wiltshire

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

2000-09-10 Thread George Vieira

The only problem doing this I find over the years is if something breaks
down and possibly takes out another component in the machine can cause havoc
on the warranty. That's only if they find out that something else caused it.

Complete machine built in one go means that if the video card took out the
motherboard, or worse like in my nephews case the power supply which blew
the RAM,MB and one of his HDDs then it's all covered under the same roof

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Jobst Schmalenbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 04:50:48AM +, Ricky C ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am sourcing for a backup server, if you are a Linux friendly supplier
> email me off-line.
> Selection Criteria
> 1) Linux compatible hardwares, no fancy video card, 17" monitor is fine
> 2) possibly a PIII (although not important)
> 3) good quality NIC
> 4) good quality SCSI card
> 5) * Important *   as a backup server, we want a large SCSI drives

> in it (say 70 GB). Drive brand and type yet to be determined.
> 6) easy upgrade (mainly in terms drive capacity)
> 7) * Important *   after sales support

Why dont you shop the parts yourself and put them together into a box.
You can build computers very cheap this way and you are not requested
to buy a particular shop's hardware set


Was that your wife I saw in that GIF?

|__, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical
|  _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L
|-(_)--(_)=  +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162,

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RE: [SLUG] Trinity Virus

2000-09-10 Thread John Wiltshire

From: Peter McCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Yeh but Trinity is a Linux Virus

Virus is a bit of a strong word.  It's actually a trojan (like most of the
so-called 'virii' around lately).  Virii distribute themselves without user
intervention (stupidity) whereas Trojans appear to be something but depend
on the user manually running them.

I've yet to see a successful Linux virus.

John Wiltshire

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

RE: [SLUG] Trinity Virus

2000-09-10 Thread Peter McCarthy

John Wiltshire wrote:
> From: Peter McCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >Howdy
> >
> >I have received email from some guy called Cyber abuse in the
> >states who says
> >that my machine has been infected with a Trinity Virus
> >
> >
> >URL ref is
> >
> >Does anyone know about this Virus and how it can be removed
> >with having to do a
> >complete reformat...
> If you do have the Trinity agent on your machine then I would recommend a
> reformat as you have no idea how many of your system files have had rootkits
> installed in them.  To put it simply - the machine should never be trusted
> connected to the internet again until it is reformatted.

Ok, now, how would I become infected with the Trinity agent?


Someone hacks your system and installs the program on it.
Still not sure how they got in, in the first place...


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] CVS Server problems

2000-09-10 Thread Marshall, Joshua

> Umm as a total guess I think you are probably trying to do a cvs checkout
> whilst in the cvs directory, so if you cvs repository is in /home/cvs
> you should probably go into /home/username and then do the checkout.

I'm trying to do a cvs checkout from another machine, using password 
authentication. I can import data and log in so the password is correct.

The command I use is:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot checkout Test

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: what does the perl package Provides: in Debian?

2000-09-10 Thread Herbert Xu

Angus Lees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> you can't do versioned Provides :(

Not at the moment, but (from the current CVS tree):

Thu Jun 15 13:41:28 CEST 2000 Wichert Akkerman 

  * lib/parse.c: add Enhances to fieldinfos[]
  * lib/fields.c:
+ initialize dop->backrev as well when creating new dependency
+ only allow exact version relations when dealing with provides
  * TODO: remove versioned provides
  * debian/rules: don't fail if make clean fails (which happens on a
cvsclean tree)
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page:
PGP Key:

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Re: [SLUG] CVS Server problems

2000-09-10 Thread Ben Leslie

> Hi all,
> I've just built a linux server to act solely as a CVS pserver.
> I have been able to successfully log in and import data, however when I 
> try to check out a module I get the error:
> -f [server aborted]: Cannot check out files into the repository itself
> Has anyone seen this, and can shed some light on what's gone wrong?
> Thanks,
> Josh.

Umm as a total guess I think you are probably trying to do a cvs checkout
whilst in the cvs directory, so if you cvs repository is in /home/cvs
you should probably go into /home/username and then do the checkout.

Hope that helps.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Wierd host in network traffic

2000-09-10 Thread Graeme Merrall

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 12:06:59PM +1100, John Ferlito wrote:
>   This means something is sending traffic to a multicast address.
> multicast is similar to broadcast except hosts have to join a multicast group 
> to pick up the traffic. What is the source address on the packets this should give
> you an idea on if you're generating them or your cable provider is.
> Possible sources are.
> Routing updates eg ospf, rip
> ntp
> multicast streaming video

Hmm yeah it's odd that the on;y 2 machiens I could see communicating are the
gateway and my own Linux desktop. Very mysterious. I might try the
suggestion of tcpdump and see where it gets me.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Small CD-R blanks

2000-09-10 Thread David Kempe

You can get the blank ones, My business partner here has bought one from a
computer store.
It was
Guy whos runs it is pretty nice. His name is York. Send him a mail he would
prob give you his supplier.


> We had a bunch done earlier in the year (they're really cool).
> I'm not sure
> that you can get blank ones as such (not ones that go in a
> desktop cd writer).
> I think you need to get the properly mastered, which is not
> exactly cheap :(
> We got them done by a bunch called MediaTec. There website is/used to be:
> - but it is down at the moment, So try the
> google cache:
> a+media+tech&hl=en
> Cheers,
> Benno
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] kernel/ipchains logging

2000-09-10 Thread David Kempe

Hey everyone,
I need to log messages from a firewall script.
In my /etc/syslog.conf i have the line:   /var/log/ipchains.log

that puts the correct things in that file, however it still dumps it in
messages as well.
How do i get it to only go into messages?



__ Consulting
Ph: (02) 9413 9604
Fax: (02) 9413 9719
Mob: 0413 022 143

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Re: [SLUG] Small CD-R blanks

2000-09-10 Thread Ken Yap

>We had a bunch done earlier in the year (they're really cool). I'm not sure
>that you can get blank ones as such (not ones that go in a desktop cd writer)
>I think you need to get the properly mastered, which is not exactly cheap :(

You can get credit size CD-R blanks, I've seen them in markets. About $2
each. Naturally they only work with trays, not caddies.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Small CD-R blanks

2000-09-10 Thread Ben Leslie

Hi Howard!

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Howard Lowndes wrote:

> Does anyone have a source of supply for the credit card sized/shaped CD-R
> blanks, pse?

We had a bunch done earlier in the year (they're really cool). I'm not sure
that you can get blank ones as such (not ones that go in a desktop cd writer).
I think you need to get the properly mastered, which is not exactly cheap :(

We got them done by a bunch called MediaTec. There website is/used to be: - but it is down at the moment, So try the google cache:



SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Small CD-R blanks

2000-09-10 Thread Howard Lowndes

Does anyone have a source of supply for the credit card sized/shaped CD-R
blanks, pse?

LANNet Computing Associates 

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[SLUG] Re: what does the perl package Provides: in Debian?

2000-09-10 Thread Angus Lees

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:01:59AM +1100, Ken Yap wrote:
> I'm constructing a deb and I was told a Depends: perl (>= 5) causes
> problems because the Perl5 deb Provides: perl5, not perl with version 5.
> Can someone please confirm this for Woody and Potato?

you can't do versioned Provides :(

have a read of /usr/doc/perl-5.*-doc/perl-policy.text.gz

it gives simple instructions as to what the dependencies should be

 - Gus

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] XFree4 & TrueType

2000-09-10 Thread Visser, Martin (SNO)

I haven't used XF86 v.4, but in v.3 you need to run "ttmkfdir" rather than
"mkfontdir" to produce the requisite fonts.dir file for directories with
TrueType fonts.

Martin Visser
Technology Consultant - Compaq Global Services

Compaq Computer Australia
410 Concord Road
Rhodes, Sydney NSW 2138

Phone: +61-2-9022-5630
Mobile: +61-411-254-513

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Waugh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, 10 September 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: [SLUG] XFree4 & TrueType

Howdy all,

I've taken the XFree86 4.0.1 leap... It's very yummy. Seems to have a much
smaller memory footprint too, which is pleasing.

Trouble is, I'm still using the old fontserver for my TrueTypes, and I'd
prefer not to given that XFree4 is supposed to do it itself.

The relevant details in my XFree86Config include:

Load "freetype"
FontPath "blahblahblah"

I've run mkfontdir in the ttf directory, and the log output line when I run
X indicates that the freetype module loads happily. None of the fonts appear
under X, either as entries in lists, or the fonts themselves.

Clues for the clue-needy?

- Jeff

-- please excuse the email software :)
-- moses hasn't gnu parted the hard drives at work (yet)

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RE: [SLUG] RE: Ot train BSOD stuff

2000-09-10 Thread John Wiltshire

From: George Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>The government have a spending budget that needs to be kept up 
>it'll be reduced the following year so they buy things every 
>financial year
>to make it look like they really need the  money..

I can say I've seen this many times.  A government department that runs a
million dollars under budget gets in a *lot* more trouble than one that runs
a million dollars over budget.  Not only that but the one that goes under
gets less money in the following year and the one that goes over gets more

People occasionally wonder what the incentive for cost saving in the
government is.  The answer is that there is worse than no incentive for cost
saving - there is a major incentive to spend more, and the more you can
spend for the less results the better it is.

John Wiltshire

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Wierd host in network traffic

2000-09-10 Thread John Ferlito

This means something is sending traffic to a multicast address.
multicast is similar to broadcast except hosts have to join a multicast group 
to pick up the traffic. What is the source address on the packets this should give
you an idea on if you're generating them or your cable provider is.

Possible sources are.

Routing updates eg ospf, rip
multicast streaming video

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:32:04AM +1100, Graeme Merrall wrote:
> Hey hey.
> I was wondering what was making my cable modem lights blink this morning
> when nothing was running except for bpalogin on our home network. I checked
> the archives and grabbed ntop which is pretty funky and started watching on
> the external ethernet card.
> I've been seeing some traffici to ALL-SYSTEMS.MCAST.NET which I'm unable to
> idenify although a whois shows it belongs to IANA so I don't think it's
> anything bad. :)
> While not being a DNS exxport type person I looked in the root name servers
> file and no mention of it there. 
> Anyone able to shed some light?
> Cheers,
>  Graeme 
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:


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RE: [SLUG] Wierd host in network traffic

2000-09-10 Thread Rachel Polanskis

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, George Vieira wrote:

> Have you tried tcpdump and watch everything as you said there should be
> practically nothing going in out out.

Nearly all UNIX boxes with the multicast functions in the TCP/IP stack or 
kernel will show this routing entry.

It's the multicast network route for things like MBONE, NTP and 
rwho and ruptime and so on.   Don't worry about it too much.

If it really niggles you, you can kill it off (not sure how this done on 
Linux) but then some mcast programs (as above and more) may fail to 


Rachel Polanskis University of Western Sydney, Nepean
Senior UNIX AdminPO Box 10, Kingswood NSW 2747
Systems && OperationsInformation Technology Services, Kingswood
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Phone: +61 (0247) 360 291

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Wierd host in network traffic

2000-09-10 Thread George Vieira

Have you tried tcpdump and watch everything as you said there should be
practically nothing going in out out.

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Graeme Merrall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 10:32 AM
Subject: [SLUG] Wierd host in network traffic

Hey hey.
I was wondering what was making my cable modem lights blink this morning
when nothing was running except for bpalogin on our home network. I checked
the archives and grabbed ntop which is pretty funky and started watching on
the external ethernet card.
I've been seeing some traffici to ALL-SYSTEMS.MCAST.NET which I'm unable to
idenify although a whois shows it belongs to IANA so I don't think it's
anything bad. :)
While not being a DNS exxport type person I looked in the root name servers
file and no mention of it there. 
Anyone able to shed some light?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Wierd host in network traffic

2000-09-10 Thread Graeme Merrall

Hey hey.
I was wondering what was making my cable modem lights blink this morning
when nothing was running except for bpalogin on our home network. I checked
the archives and grabbed ntop which is pretty funky and started watching on
the external ethernet card.
I've been seeing some traffici to ALL-SYSTEMS.MCAST.NET which I'm unable to
idenify although a whois shows it belongs to IANA so I don't think it's
anything bad. :)
While not being a DNS exxport type person I looked in the root name servers
file and no mention of it there. 
Anyone able to shed some light?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] RE: Ot train BSOD stuff

2000-09-10 Thread George Vieira

Just that, they are old boards.. Not that they needed high maintenence or
anything. Probably bad image for the Olympics and even worse with a BSOD.

The government have a spending budget that needs to be kept up otherwise
it'll be reduced the following year so they buy things every financial year
to make it look like they really need the  money..

I saw Central Station with a normal Windows desktop but the usual case of no

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Alex Salmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 9:55 AM
Subject: [SLUG] RE: Ot train BSOD stuff


apparently there was some sort of bsod @ strathfield yesterday. 

what was wrong with the old boards.??


Sometimes i sit and think, Other times i just sit.

This universe shipped by weight, not by volume.  Some expansion of the
contents may have occurred during shipment.

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[SLUG] RE: Ot train BSOD stuff

2000-09-10 Thread Alex Salmon


apparently there was some sort of bsod @ strathfield yesterday. 

what was wrong with the old boards.??


Sometimes i sit and think, Other times i just sit.

This universe shipped by weight, not by volume.  Some expansion of the
contents may have occurred during shipment.

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[SLUG] what does the perl package Provides: in Debian?

2000-09-10 Thread Ken Yap


I'm constructing a deb and I was told a Depends: perl (>= 5) causes
problems because the Perl5 deb Provides: perl5, not perl with version 5.
Can someone please confirm this for Woody and Potato?

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Re: [SLUG] OT NT on train timetable screens vs indicator boards

2000-09-10 Thread Paul Robinson

That php gave me a "this document contains no data" message. but this works:


At 10:29 AM 11/09/00 +1100, Ben Leslie wrote:

> > $50 donation to the Open Source project of your choice in the name of
> > the first person to post a genuine image of the new train indicators
> > with a BSOD.
>My friend took this photo a couple of weeks ago, not quite a bsod but still
>it didn't work so same end result to the customer.
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Re: [SLUG] OT NT on train timetable screens vs indicator boards

2000-09-10 Thread Ben Leslie

> $50 donation to the Open Source project of your choice in the name of
> the first person to post a genuine image of the new train indicators
> with a BSOD.

My friend took this photo a couple of weeks ago, not quite a bsod but still
it didn't work so same end result to the customer.



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RE: Still is??: Re: [SLUG] linux jobs ##

2000-09-10 Thread Jill Rowling

Also quite a few employers say "does he have a degree in anything".
If so, you get a better chance than if you don't.
Especially if you go for a job with a corporation rather than a small
In the case of small business, they usually don't care if you have a degree
or not. With corporations, a degree is seen as the person having some
commitment to what they are doing.

Try for a part time degree. It will take longer but you can work at the same

You could take a year off Uni (like I did) and try taking on a couple of
short term contracts to build up your finances and experience.

- Jill.
Jill Rowling
Snr Design Engineer & Unix System Administrator
Electronic Engineering Department, Aristocrat Technologies Australia
3rd Floor, 77 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Phone:  (02) 9697-4484  Fax:(02) 9663-1412

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Re: [SLUG] ext ascii (127-255)

2000-09-10 Thread Jamie Honan

> for (cnt = 128; cnt <= 255; cnt++)
>printf("%c", cnt);

(cnt is either int or unsigned char, hopefully not just char ?)

> doesn't seem to work very well. i'm unsure if linux uses a different
> character set to msdos' extended ascii.

Msdos upper chars are controlled by whatever codepage you are
running. It's generally different in Europe to the default.

One character set I've seen a lot in Linux is iso_8859_1 (try man

There is a dos font for X, very useful for dosemu.

I'm sure there are many other people with much more experience
in this area.

For consoles, try /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts/, man consolechars
also search around "Linux Console Tools"


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Re: Still is??: Re: [SLUG] linux jobs ##

2000-09-10 Thread Dave Fitch

"Jeff Waugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > IMHO, staying longer at uni would have made me less employable.
> In the short term, or the long term (and in the long term, to what degree)?
> Sure, in this situation, you get short term bikkies. How fast are you going
> to 'climb the ladder' though? If your purpose at work is to earn money (mine
> isn't, but that's another story), how fast/far do you think your career will
> advance without having done Uni?
> I worry about this. :)

more or less the attitude I took at the time.
It was tough that my friends were doing a 1 or 2 year tafe
course (or nothing at all) then getting jobs and money and
buying cars etc when I was a poor uni student.  But I was
determined that I was going to graduate, no matter how long
it took, and it took me 6 years (BSc) part time and working
part time (as a car detailer).

I believe it paid off.  As others have said uni gives you
a good grounding.  There's also the fact that uni is a great
time in your life, a time you'll look back on in later years
and vaguely remember between all the drinking.


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Re: [SLUG] HTML Editors

2000-09-10 Thread Steven downing

I almost asked this same question of the list last week.

And after searching for 'quanta' i ran across another one.

It's not WYSIWYG or anything, but it its a little better than using vim with syntax 


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RE: [SLUG] Old scsi hard drive problems.

2000-09-10 Thread Stephen Mills

could have a dodgy harddisk, those 4 gig scsi micropolis drives were very
dodgythe company doesn't exist anymore either.

since this hdd is a narrow one, it only needs 8 bits terminated, like your
burner, but you might want to set active termination.

hope u got the drive for next to nix :)


-Original Message-
From: Arunava Sen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 1:04 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Old scsi hard drive problems.


i just got an old scsi hard drive. its a micropolis 4341NS. i try to
insmod my scsi card module. my burner is properly detected and stuff but
the hard drive causes problems.

i get (approximately):
sda: (scsi:0:2:0) No active SCB for reconnecting target.
and then i get lots of "timeout" errors.

Anyone have this hard disk or know what is going wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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[SLUG] GnuCash & GST

2000-09-10 Thread Alan L Tyree

GST and GnuCash

A couple of weeks ago I posted a question about this. I got a couple
of replies to the effect that others were interested in any
solution. After trying several possibilities, here is the one that I
think works best. I have used it now for a week or so and it seems to
handle the problems.


GnuCash is a double accounting system. It has a "chart of accounts"
rather than "categories" such as Quicken or other simple cash
accounting systems. Every transaction is entered twice and represents
a transfer from one account to another.

The "chart of accounts" is actually a tree structure. The top level of
the tree (nearly) always has the same form:





There may be others, but these are the basics. Each of these are
"container" accounts that have sub-accounts or sub-sub-accounts where
the real entries are made.

GST Accounts

The key to making GnuCash work with our rather messy GST is to create
two accounts, one a sub-account of "Assets" and the other a
sub-account of "Liabilities".

Call the asset sub-account "GST Credits" and the liabilities
sub-account "GST Payable".

Whenever you have a GST related transaction, whether a "supply" or an
"acquisition", some component of it is sent to one of these two

For example, a "supply" is when you sell either your services or a
product. One eleventh of the amount you are paid is GST Payable. It is
a liability that you will pay off (usually) once each quarter.

On the other hand, one eleventh of a GST-related acquisition is an
amount that you can off-set from the amount which you owe. It is an
asset that should be recorded in the GST Credits asset account.


There are other ways of doing it, but this gives you accurate reports,
particularly balance sheet reports.

The downside is that all GST-related transactions have to be entered
as "splits". This isn't as bad as it sounds since GnuCash memorises
the "GST" part of the split and automatically selects the "GST
Credits" account when you are making an acquisition.

Room for improvement

Since the split is always 1/11 of the main transaction, it is
obviously programmable. I'm not sure whether this should be done on a
per transaction basis (a box to tick if the transaction is GST
related) or an account basis (certain accounts will only have GST
related transactions).


I became quite interested in the structure of GnuCash
accounting. There is a good simple tutorial on double entry accounting
at the Online Women's Business Center:

It is better than the on-line explanation in the GnuCash manual. Read
the OWBC stuff first, then the GnuCash stuff makes more sense.

Please let me know if you have any better solutions!!


Tel: +61 2 4782 2670
Mobile: +61 419 638 170
Fax: +61 2 4782 7092

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RE: [SLUG] Optus Cable and a network install

2000-09-10 Thread Patrick Kelso

I found when I set up my linux box for optus as a comparitive linux newbie
(with much help from Andypoo), that Optus is straight DHCP networking, no
authentication, etc, its a simple setup routine with SuSE 6.4, and im sure
redhat has a similar setup routine that involves just a few questions and
that is it, all you need to know is your computer name co and away
you go.
Good Luck
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Brem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, 10 September 2000 12:00 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Optus Cable and a network install

Hi all,

I am still classifying myself as a NEWBIE but I am in need of a little help.

I am about to help a friend of mine to put a RH6.2 system in as a server for
the Optus Cable they have had installed.
The box I am giving them is a P133 with 32Meg and a 1 Gig HDD and two
network cards and a FDD. I am trying really hard to avoid the need to put a
CDROM in the box as it will never be used again afterwards and I would hate
to have to go out and buy one. 

I am wondering (I know it is possible) how I can setup a bootable floppy (or
a few) to be able to do an Internet Install of RH6.2 with the necessary
settings for using the OPTUS cable modem for this. 

I have Telstra cable and I know the setup is very different but I don't know
ANYTHING about the Optus cable. Has anyone else ever tried this and can send
me an image of the disk(s) or point in the right direction for a few session
of RTFM. I would appreciate the assistance.


Daniel Brem.

"That's right!" shouted Vroomfondel, "we demand rigidly defined
areas of doubt and uncertainty!" HHGTTG Douglas Adams.

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Re: [SLUG] [OT] Blank 5.25" DSDD Floppies

2000-09-10 Thread Ian Ward

- Original Message -
From: "James Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "slug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 7 September 2000 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] [OT] Blank 5.25" DSDD Floppies

> On Thu, 07 Sep 2000, Kevin Pulo generated:
> >Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I might be able to buy
> >some blank Double Sided, Double Density (DSDD) 5.25" (ie. 360Kb)
> >floppy disks?

Wot might help is I seem to remember you can format DSHD (1.2Meg) floppies
in 360K drives (for 360k use of course) unlike the 720K/1.44M which have the
extra hole in the plastic to differentiate them.

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Re: [SLUG] Quake3 on Linux?

2000-09-10 Thread Arunava Sen

Umar Goldeli wrote:

> I've just gone out and bought myself Q3 for Linux - and am trying to setup
> a q3 server.. the only problem is that the usual backgrounding and 

this might be a dodgy way of doing things but you may try using
"screen" and then detach it. using "ctrl-a" then "d".


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[SLUG] Quake3 on Linux?

2000-09-10 Thread Umar Goldeli

Greetings Gentlefolk,

I've just gone out and bought myself Q3 for Linux - and am trying to setup
a q3 server.. the only problem is that the usual backgrounding and tty
dissociation methods don't seem to be working..

On RH6.2 - in /etc/rc.d/init.d/quake3 - under start I have:

/bin/su -c "/usr/bin/nohup /opt/quake3/q3ded +set dedicated 1 +s
et com_hunkmegs 16 &" quake

which should theoretically work right? but it doesn't...


/bin/su -c "/opt/quake3/q3ded +set dedicated 1 +set com_hunkmegs
 16 > /dev/null 2>&1 &" quake

doesn't seem to work either..

Does anyone have a /etc/rc.d/init.d/quake3 file that I can have - and/or
can someone tell me why this isn't working?

The ps -uaxw output is:

quake12229 78.0  1.3 29864 1780 pts/2R17:11   0:03
 +set dedicated 1 +set com_hunkmegs 16

note the 78% cpu - (strace shows that it looks like it's in a loop of some
sort) - when run manually from the command line as:

./q3ded +dedicated 1 +set com_hunkmegs 16

things work fine..

Thanks in advance...


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