[SLUG] SAGE-AU 2008's Fabulous Keynotes

2008-07-21 Thread jarich
Dear Sydney LUG members,

[Please forward this invitation to anyone you feel would be interested] 

This is the second last announcement about this conference.

SAGE-AU is the System Administration industry body in Australia.  The
annual Australian System Administrators' conference (SAGE-AU) is in 3 weeks
time!  Book now to secure your spot!


Key information:

11th - 13th August: Training Program
14th - 15th August: Technical Program

Holiday Inn Adelaide
65 Hindley Street
South Australia

This year we have some fantastic keynote speakers:

*Tom Limoncelli* - author of "The Practice of System and Network
Administration", "Time Management for System Administrators" and "The
Complete April Fools RFCs".  Tom is the joint recipient of USENIX/SAGE's
2005 Outstanding Achievement Award and blogs at

Tom will be speaking on "System Administration and The Economics of
Plenty": Over the years IT resources (disk space, CPU, bandwidth) have gone
from being scarce to nearly infinitely plentiful. Why do our IT policies
still reflect the days of scarcity? Seeing the world in terms of "the
economics of plenty" brings about a paradigm shift that changes the way we
treat our users, manage our systems, and take care of ourselves. Believing
in the false world of scarcity leads to mistrust, secrecy and closed-source

Tom will explain the economics of plenty, how much of what we believe to be
scarce is actually plentiful, and how the open source movement benefits
when we see the world through through the paradigm of a plentiful world.
This new thinking is the philosophy behind the newly released second
edition of "The Practice of System and Network Administration"
(Addison-Wesley) by Limoncelli, Hogan and Chalup.

*Elizabeth Zwicky* - co-author of "Building Internet Firewalls" and
founding board member of BayLisa, SAGE and SAGE-AU.  Elizabeth has been
involved in system administration for more than 20 years in education,
government, and corporate environments, has worked in three countries and
two languages, and has been an author, educator, developer, manager, system
designer, and consultant.  Her specialities are internet security,
large-scale system administration, writing, and management.

Elizabeth will be speaking on "Rules of Thumb of System Administration":
Every profession accumulates some condensed wisdom, whether it's in the
form of Zen koans or laws of engineering. This presentation is a tour
through the condensed wisdom of system administration, in the form of pithy
sayings supported by educational stories (some of them, of course, stolen
from other professions, including Zen koans and laws of engineering).

*Simon Hackett* - founder and CEO of Internode and Agile.  Simon helped put
AARNet v1 together many moons ago. He likes making good and cool technical
things happen in the broadband space.

Simon will be speaking on the "State of the Broadband Nation": In this
session, we'll take a look at the current state of play in Australian
broadband, and see what is approaching on the horizon.

*Paul Fenwick* - managing director of Perl Training Australia and experienced
speaker at technical conferences worldwide.  His interests include
security, mycology, cycling, coffee, scuba diving, and lexically scoped
user pragmata.

Paul will be speaking on "All your brains suck - Known bugs and exploits
in wetware": Humans. As a species, we suck. The only real evolutionary
advantage we have is our brains, and by using them we've become the
dominant species on the planet. Our brains are superbly adapted for our
survival and success in the environment in which they evolved... the
African savanna 200,000 years ago.

Our brains are not-at-all suited for modern life, and are plagued by a raft
of bugs and unwanted features that we've been unable to remove. Join us in
a tour of some of the most amusing bugs and exploits wetware has to offer.

To see our training program please visit:


To see the technical program please visit:


You can help make this conference be the best system administrators'
conference ever, just by turning up and participating.  We look
forward to sharing this great conference with you.

Many thanks go to our Platinum Sponsors: Internode and Tas, our Gold
Sponsor: Ironport our Silver Sponsor: RedHat.

Jacinta Richardson
SAGE-AU Program Coordinator
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html


2008-07-21 Thread jam

Any helpful soles who can guide me (or point at where I can find) thanks.

I schedule 10 to record F1-GP and MotoGP (both recurring programs) from the 
program guide 
from off-air EPG

Upcoming recordings says: Will Record against both

Neither records (logs show 'mumble' but no diasters)

Previously Recorded shows MotoGP grayed and flagged N (others are R)
Where are the on screen codes explained ?

F1-GP is not mentioned.

Having been struggling for a while I emptied the oldrecorded table (in the sql 
database :-), 
but this did not preventing the scheduler deciding that the program was 
'previously recorded'
and should not be allowed to 'record again'.

How do I tell the scheduler 'raise the earth to lovemaking bedrock, but record 
what I say' ?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] yaa

2008-07-21 Thread jam
Yet Another Attack


Yes the FSF are paranoid but the relentless push to get rid of FOSS to benefit 
BigBusiness seems rife

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] July SLUG Monthly Meeting — this Frida y

2008-07-21 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
== Call for In-Depth Speaker ==

We no longer have an In-Depth speaker for this month! Please contact
the committee if you would like to talk — [EMAIL PROTECTED]

== July SLUG Monthly Meeting ==

You can read the full version of this announcement on the Web at

18.30 - 20.30, Friday, 25 July, 2008

We start at 18:30 but we ask that people arrive 15 minutes early so we
can all get into the building and start on time. Please do not arrive
before 18:00, as it may hinder business activities for our host!

Appropriate signage and directions will be posted on the building.

Atlassian[0], 173-185 Sussex Street, Sydney
(corner of Sussex and Market Street)

Entry is via the rear on Slip Street. There are stairs going down along
the outside of building from Sussex St to near the entrance. A map of
the area and directions can be found here[1].

= Talks =

** General Talk **
Nick Nicholas: open approaches to persistence, a report on the PILIN project

** In-Depth Talk **
None set! Please get in touch with us if you'd like to participate!

** SLUGlets **
Ken Wilson: Installation of Linux on a Desktop (beginner level)

= Meeting Schedule =

See here[2] for an explanation of the segments.

 * 18:15 : Open Doors
 * 18:30 : Announcements, News, Introductions
 * 18:45 : General Talk
 * 19:30 : Intermission
 * 19:45 : Split into two groups for
 * In-depth Talk
 * SLUGlets
 * 20:30 : Dinner

Dinner is at Golden Harbour Restaurant, in Chinatown. We will be having
the $24 Banquet[3], but we will be collecting $25 per head for ease of
accounting and to cover a tip. We will be taking numbers during the
break to confirm the reservation size. If you have any particular
dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian), or if you would prefer to order
separately, let us know beforehand. Dinner is a great way to socialise
and learn in a relaxed atmosphere :)

We hope to see you there!

[0] http://www.atlassian.com
[1] http://tinyurl.com/35fxes
[2] http://www.slug.org.au/meetings/meetingformat
[3] http://www.goldenharbour.com.au/specials.html

Sridhar Dhanapalan
Sydney Linux Users Group
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Creating LaTeX figures in Octave

2008-07-21 Thread Cibby Pulikkaseril

  After a couple of weeks messing around scripts and psfrag with MatLAB, I 
found an easy way to generate beautiful, font-consistent figures in LaTeX.

  It turns out that the latest version of Octave, an open-source MatLAB-like 
environment, allows gnuplot figures to be exported in several LaTeX friendly 

  Using the command print(filename,device), figures can be saved in EPS, PS or 
other formats:


   Specifying the device as 'depslatex' produces two files: one EPS file with 
the graphics, and one TeX file which overlays the axis labels and annotations, 
ensuring the fonts will be consistent with the rest of your document.

  Even more remarkable, using 'depslatexstandalone' generates one TeX file that 
includes the data from your figure. I found this to be amazing - you've got 
full control over your figures at this point.

  I apologize if this is commonly-known information, but I didn't find any 
readily available information on the web, and thought I'd pass it along.

  Beautiful figures, huzzah!

Cibby Pulikkaseril

Connect with friends from any web browser - no download required. Try the new 
Yahoo! Canada Messenger for the Web BETA at 
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] This email has violated the PROFANITY (was submissions to National Innovation System Review)

2008-07-21 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo

> This email has violated the PROFANITY.
> and Quarantine entire message has been taken on 22/07/2008 4:50:47 AM.
> Message details:
> Server:ASGMAIL
> Recipient:slug@slug.org.au;
> Subject:Re: [SLUG] submissions to National Innovation System Review
> If you believe this email is work related and has been blocked in error, 
> please forward this message to the service desk at 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The message will be assessed and released to 
> the recipient if appropriate.


Erik de Castro Lopo
"Testing can prove the presence of bugs, but never their absence."
  -- Edsger Dijkstra
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] submissions to National Innovation System Review

2008-07-21 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo

> Quoting Silvia Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > If any of you have made a submission to the National Innovation System
> > Review http://www.innovation.gov.au/innovationreview/Pages/home.aspx ,
> > I'm on a panel discussing this topic and I'd like to find out what
> > people's concerns were.
> Well you'll be rich soon - most people worth their salt in the  
> Australian Government find it pretty easy to siphon off the  
> development funds.

WTF? Are you accusing Silvia of a criminal offense here?

This is the second time you've made wild, unsubstantiated accusations
of government corruption on this list. Like last time, I suggest that
if you have any *real* evidence of this you take it to ICAC or the
newspapers. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

Erik de Castro Lopo
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism 
ever conceived" -- Isaac Asimov
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] submissions to National Innovation System Review

2008-07-21 Thread david . lyon

Quoting Silvia Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi all,

If any of you have made a submission to the National Innovation System
Review http://www.innovation.gov.au/innovationreview/Pages/home.aspx ,
I'm on a panel discussing this topic and I'd like to find out what
people's concerns were.

Well you'll be rich soon - most people worth their salt in the  
Australian Government find it pretty easy to siphon off the  
development funds. Just one way I've heard of is.. a) find not enough  
(good) projects to invest in.. b) find a recognised fund manager.. c)  
move the funds to via the fund-manager to singapore where it can be  
collected less a commission... d) collect your money and go. Best  
thing is - all above board... nothing illegal in that. That's what  
happened with the $700 million grants from NOIE a few years ago...  
happy if you prove me wrong..

But seriously...

What good is innovation if it isn't directed towards good quality  
saleable products ?

That's basically what the world wants.. nothing else...

The fact is that Australia has had so many opportunities to be a  
player in the global technology market but our Government has thwarted  
those opportunities for its people.

For example, look at our involvement in Korea.. now a technology  
powerhouse... Australia was there - during the Korean war. We sent  
troops to Korea and a lot of our soldiers get killed. We win the war  
and had the whole country at our disposal.

Our government then walks away - following orders I guess. At the same  
time, other governments, a bit more loyal to their citizens, supply a  
stream of their own people into Korea and fund them with money to  
rebuild (and own) the country.

20 years later Korea is transformed from an Agricultural backwater to  
high-tech powerhouse. All the other participants share in 25%  
ownership of the countries industry.

Except for Australia of course.. we get to buy some flowers for some  
missing loved ones who were told they were doing it for their country.

Exactly the same thing happened in Japan in WWII.. with unconditional  
surrender Australia could have owned 25% of Sony, Mazda, Mitsubishi...  
all or any of them... what do we own now - about 0.0001 of 1%.. quite  

And now, China's market is booming... so what does Australia do about  
it apart from commodities ? nothing... absolute zilch...

Send our young people there? give them our endorsement like the  
British or Germans ? i'm not hearing it..

We must not kid ourselves into believing the government spindoctoring.  
Our government is anti-innovation - and I am not picking up how any of  
this is actually getting Australian products into the worlds products  


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] [OT?] Looking for a web designer

2008-07-21 Thread Amos Shapira

If people here can provide personal recommendations for a web designer who
can design a simple "brochure" web site (for a Pilatest Studio) then I'd
appreciate to hear about it.

I hope that once the basic graphic design/style sheet/page layout is put
together, I'll be able to take over the ongoing maintenance of the site.

We have been given lots of pointers off line but so far none came up with a
contact who gave us enough attention.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] cheap Asus PC701

2008-07-21 Thread Henry Chatroop

I noticed today that the JB Hifi store in the Mount Druitt Westfield
Shopping Centre has the Asus PC701 (Linux version) on sale at $290.00.

Interested in the applications of technology - past, present and future -
especially unusual.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Kerosene Bay by Henry Lawson

2008-07-21 Thread Peter Miller
Dear Lazy Web,

I'm looking for the text of Henry Lawson's poem Kerosene Bay, penned in
1914.  The intertubes doesn't have a copy, it seems.  If someone has a
book they can drop on a scanner, I'd appreciate it.  It's only the one
page, IIRC.

Peter Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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"A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into
theorems." -- Alfred Renyi

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html