Anthony Baxter, long-time release manager of Python, and fresh from his keynote at KiwiPycon, will give an informative, opinionated and above all hilarious talk on the do's and don'ts of creating API's in python.

Please RSVP (no rego needed):

Note: no lightning talks this week.

6:15: Arrive

6:30: "Creating Pythonic APIs" - Anthony Baxter (Google)

7:40 Social networking and beers and dinner nearby

Getting There: See the anyvite page for details ( )

Free free to join us at the pub after/instead.

If you have any problems call Dylan Jay on 0421477460

Dylan Jay
Plone Solutions Manager.
P +612 80819071   M +61421477460
skype - dylan_jay    twitter - djay75

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