I recently set up a new CPU with Mint 11 to function as a printer and backup server. It's on the LAN as and I can access it with no difficulties via Remote Desktop and through Nautilus with File/Connect to Server. I would like it to mount some of its directories as devices on my main (also Mint 11) PC, but I can't get that to happen.

I have made the folders on the server shared using Nautilus. Again, there is no trouble accessing them via Connect to Server.

I'm assuming that I need a line in my /etc/fstab file, but what? I went through all this before with a shared folder on a Windows PC, and I finally got it working as follows:

// /media/Underhouse cifs noauto,iocharset=utf8,username=""xxx"",password="yyy",uid=1000 0 0

This makes the Windows share appear as a volume under the Computer icon in Nautilus and of course means I can access it via the folder media/Underhouse.

I've tried the following with various combinations of filesystems, passwords and user names, but although mount doesn't object to it, it doesn't seem to make anything happen.

// /media/JonXHDD cifs noauto,iocharset=utf8,,,uid=1000 0 0

And yes, /media/JonXHDD does exist.

The only help I can find with Google is horrendously complicated. Can anyone provide a simple solution or point me to a straightforward set of instructions?

It might help to know that I can't get the Windows Network icon in Nautilus/Network to open either: it just comes up with 'Failed to retrieve share list from server'


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