Re: [SLUG] RE: VMware 5 Workstation + Linux = kernel panic?

2005-11-10 Thread Christopher JS Vance

I run vmware 5.0 on breezy/amd64.

I have definitely run two vms at once on this system.

I was running a team of up to about 6 vms with the same vmware, but
can't remember if it was hoary or breezy.

I use bridged networking.  The team also had internal networks.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] drivers

2005-11-08 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 04:06:16PM +1100, Christopher JS Vance wrote:

I've been asked to get a particular touchscreen (eGalax usb) going
before Tuesday next week on Breezy.

Thanks all.  Somebody moved the goalposts, and the target is now FC3,
which is covered by the supplied drivers.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] drivers

2005-11-06 Thread Christopher JS Vance

I've been asked to get a particular touchscreen (eGalax usb) going
before Tuesday next week on Breezy.

The manufacturer has actually provided some Linux software in the way
of binary bits plus some sources for a number of old rpm-based
distributions (RH=9, FC=3, Mdk=10), all for XFree86 and a 2.4 kernel.

I see the following issues, with possibly varying degrees of

.deb != .rpm
2.6 != 2.4
Xorg != XF86
package names and divisions are all different

My questions (to those who might actually know):

Does anyone by chance have working bits for this beast?

Should this be relatively simple to kludge into Breezy?

What gotchas can I expect if I try to do it myself?

Should I start from FC3 or one of the other sources (as closest to

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-10-04 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 10:30:36PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not everyone codes so that time_t is equivalent to int so there's nothing
wrong with time_t being a long (and fix the code that can't handle it).

Of course not.  The synopsis for time(2) on v7 Unix says

| long time(0)
| long time(tloc)
| long *tloc;

precisely because int was 16 bits, and therefore not long enough.

Mind you, time_t wasn't even a sparkle in anybody's eyes then...

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Keeping passwords safe

2005-10-04 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 08:03:44AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is anything obvious from the man page?

Not on an OS where the people don't care about documentation.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] package installation initial state

2005-09-28 Thread Christopher JS Vance

Let's say I have a running Linux kernel with working user space, and I
want to construct a minimal chroot environment from a bunch of .deb
files (I have the Breezy preview ISO).  No optional or recommended,
just the bits I say, with their prerequisites.  The chroot doesn't
need to be bootable, but does need to be self-contained.

With RH/Fedora, I can make a few empty directories, run rpm --initdb
(or whatever the spelling is), and then use rpm either after chroot or
with an option to change the directory it considers as root.

What is the equivalent in Ubuntu/Debian?  I have come to prefer apt
over rpm for upgrading, but it's not obvious how to start the thing
out.  The man page for dpkg is up(?) to the usual GNU standards for

Or is it significantly easier just to start with a huge installation
and try to remove things I don't want or need until there's nothing
left to remove?

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: package installation initial state

2005-09-28 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 12:58:07PM +1000, Matt Palmer wrote:

What you want is debootstrap.  Does everything you're looking for, but in a
single command.  I note with some interest that somebody has recently
written rpmstrap (name might be slightly different) to provide an equivalent
to debootstrap for RPM-based distros.

Thankyou.  I'll investigate.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] BSD packages on Linux installation ????

2005-09-26 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 06:26:46PM -0700, pesoy misak wrote:

I am wondering about FreeBSD tgz binary packages is
compatible with linux distros such as debian or
fedora. and also can i just unpack the bsd package and
run them on any of these two linux distros

No.  Explanation follows.

BSD *.tgz binary packages are gzipped tar files containing a number of
control files (each has a name starting with '+') and then the stuff
you actually want installed.  The +CONTENTS files may contain several
@cwd directives which change where different files in the archive get
put, so you can't always just untar in /usr/local.  (In order to build
some BSD packages on Linux, I've just had to hack around what looked
like a bug in GNU tar where it couldn't make a BSD package because it
didn't obey multiple -T arguments.)

But even if you could unpack a BSD package in the right place, it will
almost certainly not work for you.  One reason for this is that the
BSD package will almost certainly expect you to have appropriate
libraries installed on your machine.  Most of these libraries will be
part of the BSD base system, and are not available as or in packages.
Your Linux libraries will not be adequate.

BSDs also have different system calls from Linux and from each other.
Unless you have a Linux kernel which knows how to emulate FreeBSD
sufficiently to handle its system calls, you'll be in trouble, even if
you could copy the right libraries in.

As a side note, I will say that all the BSDs successfully emulate most
of Linux, but I've not heard any suggestion that Linux is adjective
enough to reciprocate.  I build Linux stuff on BSD from time to time.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] distro footprints

2005-09-20 Thread Christopher JS Vance

quote who=Christopher JS Vance

At the moment we're using Thinstation as a diskless Linux distribution for
running Tcl/Tk applications with Firefox, but I'm finding it quite
person-hostile for reconfiguration, etc.

I wonder what kind of diskspace or memory footprint I'd need if I wanted
to replace it with a working subset of a real distribution like Ubuntu or
Fedora.  I want to use official packages for easy maintenance, but to
avoid cruft like Gn*me and K*E.  Sound use includes music and VoIP.

Hardware is VIA motherboards and CPUs with 512MB memory and a touchscreen.
No shell access for regular users, no window manager, etc.

Hints about which directions to avoid would also be useful.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 04:57:32PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

You could try out the deeply integrated LTSP functionality in Ubuntu 5.10
(which will be released in mid-October, but available as a Preview release
right now, and well worth testing). It'll work with whatever X session you
choose to set up.

I think you might have misunderstood.

We have a file server already, running a different open OS.

We want to boot from the server, but run all programs including
Firefox and Tk locally on the minimal footprint diskless Linux.
No swap.

I managed once to get a chrooted Red Hat kernel build environment in
only 50 .rpms and that was painful.  I guess I could try doing the
same sort of thing with Ubuntu, but was wondering how many .debs will
it take me to get this kind of stuff running with no recommended
packages, just the obligatory ones.  And how many MB of ram disk
that'll cost.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] distro footprints

2005-09-19 Thread Christopher JS Vance

At the moment we're using Thinstation as a diskless Linux distribution
for running Tcl/Tk applications with Firefox, but I'm finding it quite
person-hostile for reconfiguration, etc.

I wonder what kind of diskspace or memory footprint I'd need if I
wanted to replace it with a working subset of a real distribution like
Ubuntu or Fedora.  I want to use official packages for easy
maintenance, but to avoid cruft like Gn*me and K*E.  Sound use
includes music and VoIP.

Hardware is VIA motherboards and CPUs with 512MB memory and a
touchscreen.  No shell access for regular users, no window manager,

Hints about which directions to avoid would also be useful.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] distro footprints

2005-09-19 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 04:57:32PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

You could try out the deeply integrated LTSP functionality in Ubuntu 5.10
(which will be released in mid-October, but available as a Preview release
right now, and well worth testing). It'll work with whatever X session you
choose to set up.

I'll give it a look, ta.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Aptitude command to TOTALLY remove KDE

2005-08-30 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 09:47:29AM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:

Now all I need to do is remember the pager proggy for twm and I'm set.

I'm happy with ctwm.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] NTPD behind a masquerade

2005-08-17 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 01:50:51PM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:
I find that a lot of the syncs time out with my main ntp boxen. I 
suspect that the main servers are extremely overloaded now that every 
home use has easy to use software to enable them to sysnc with stratum 1 

Trying to sync with stratum 1 servers is the problem.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] DNS Issue

2005-08-17 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 05:19:23PM +1000, Kevin Fitzgerald wrote:

This is probably an Obvious Question but I'm not sure where to look next.
Running Fedora Core 4, set up a DNS server and DNS record for my machine. If
I do #host kevnote I receive the correct IP Address. I'm trying to install
Scalix Community Server. As part of the install it checks the network
settings and comes back with an error Network Check Failed - IP Address
associated with host name ' is '' Yet
the Host request returns the correct info. Any ideas where I should be
looking to rectify the address?

Every time I've installed anything from Red Hat or Fedora, it put
stupid things in /etc/hosts.

Remove your hostname from every line in /etc/hosts which starts
'' or '::1'.  Those addresses should have the name
'localhost' with no domainname.

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] recursive tree log grep ?

2005-05-21 Thread Christopher JS Vance

On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 11:12:22PM +1000, Voytek Eymont wrote:

I have tree like:


how do i run a grep across all logs, as in 'grep a-string /home/*/logs/*'

If the logs are all immediately in the relevant logs directory, what
you've typed in your question is a good start.  If the logs appear at
different directory depths, then maybe you need find and xargs.  Say
something like

find /home/*.*/logs -type f | xargs grep a-string

Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Weird login behaviour

2005-02-27 Thread Christopher JS Vance
CONFIG_*=y means 'put this functionality into the kernel at compile
time, so that it's always there'
If your kernel boots, you've got this stuff.
CONFIG_*=m means 'make a separate file which *might* be loaded into
the kernel after the kernel has already started'
This loading can only be done if the module loading functionality is
compiled 'y'.  When your kernel first boots you don't have this stuff,
but it can be added after boot, as if it were always there.  Usually,
you can also make it go away again, if you really care.
CONFIG_*=n means 'do not put this functionality into the kernel at compile
time, and do not make a separate file for possible later loading'
If you built with a particular feature being 'n', there's still a
possibility somebody (maybe even you) might still compile it
separately with 'm'.  If kernel module loading is 'y', this stuff
could then still be loaded later as a module, even though you said
Lots of stuff could be marked any of the three ways, while some stuff
is either 'y' or 'n', and can't be 'm' (the module loading stuff comes
to mind here...).
The issue basically resolves to 'did we compile the stuff - and if so,
how does it get into the kernel?'.
I would normally compile stuff 'y' that is needed to boot, although
using an initrd may make such paranoia unnecessary (this depends on
how pedantically you read the word 'needed' within this sentence).
Some other free OSs take the Linux approach of using lots of modules,
while others think it more secure never to do this, and just use
bigger kernels with lots of stuff compiled in.  At compile time it's
not a big deal - unless you make a habit of turning unused things off
with 'n', you're still building the stuff either way.  At run time,
there may be some savings with slightly smaller memory footprints in
modular kernels.
Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Timezone and Daylight Savings Time

2005-01-31 Thread Christopher JS Vance
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 01:43:11PM +1100, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:
When I run the 'date' command while we are in daylight savings time, it 

Tue Feb  1 13:35:07 EST 2005
1) Why is it EST ? Shouldn't it be EDT or AEDT ?
S for Summer.  We don't do Daylight Time here.
There are no legal or universal abbreviations for timezones in
Australia.  I've also seen EASST and EADT.  In some places, I think
it's also called L (or K in Queensland, right now...).
And someone in Norway knows something that Australian governments and
people don't?
I have checked the following already:
1a) TZ variable:
set | grep TZ
1b) /etc/localtime:
$) cksum /etc/localtime
1227095042 785 /etc/localtime
$) cksum /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney
1227095042 785 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney
Looks good.
1c) dump of the timezone file:
$) /usr/sbin/zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney  Sat Mar 27 15:59:59 2004 UTC = Sun 
Mar 28 02:59:59 2004 EST isdst=1 gmtoff=39600
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney  Sat Mar 27 16:00:00 2004 UTC = Sun 
Mar 28 02:00:00 2004 EST isdst=0 gmtoff=36000
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney  Sat Oct 30 15:59:59 2004 UTC = Sun 
Oct 31 01:59:59 2004 EST isdst=0 gmtoff=36000
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney  Sat Oct 30 16:00:00 2004 UTC = Sun 
Oct 31 03:00:00 2004 EST isdst=1 gmtoff=39600
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney  Sat Mar 26 15:59:59 2005 UTC = Sun 
Mar 27 02:59:59 2005 EST isdst=1 gmtoff=39600
Looks good.
Okay, the above file says EST with isdst=1, but again, shouldn't that be 
EDT instead ?
No.  EDT is for New York and places nearby.
2) Anyone know how to change the output of date so that it shows the 
GMT offset instead ?
Check the manual pages date(1) or strftime(3) if you have them.
Depends on your OS.
Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Timezone and Daylight Savings Time

2005-01-31 Thread Christopher JS Vance
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 02:36:23PM +1100, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:
S for Summer.  We don't do Daylight Time here.
Huh ? What do you mean we don't do daylight time here in NSW ?
That page doesn't mention daylight time anywhere.  It talks
everywhere of daylight saving, and doesn't give a name to the
Your proposed abbreviation for the timezone name didn't include an S
for the saving part of daylight saving, either.
I've heard the timezone most frequently called Summer time around
I know that you can format the output of the date command.
What I was after was having the _default_ ( that is, no options ) output 
of date to display GMT offset instead of EST.
The Unix standard was three characters for a time zone name.  POSIX
has increased the maximum number allowed to at least six, but it took
a while before more than three wouldn't break things.  POSIX does say
that the timezone name may not include digits, so you won't be
changing the default on any systems but your own.  Look for zic,
zdump, etc.  Or just recompile date.  Or make a wrapper script.
Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Timezone and Daylight Savings Time

2005-01-31 Thread Christopher JS Vance
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 03:58:29PM +1100, Jesus M. Salvo Jr. wrote:
That page doesn't mention daylight time anywhere.  It talks
everywhere of daylight saving, and doesn't give a name to the
OK ... I finally see what your original statement meant.
The previous page
actually calls it summer time, too, although never in capitals.
That's probably as close to official as you'll get in NSW.  Hence EST.
Understood ... but it just seems that it has been sort of accepted 
practice that there is a different abbrevation for standard vs. daylight 
savings time.
It's a good idea from a computing viewpoint, but governments don't
seem to have made an official Act or Regulation to specify any
abbreviations.  The words wise and government don't often appear
in the same sentence, unless mixed with sarcasm.
.. and it says, under Time zone names, that AEDT is the abbreviation
I do agree that's probably the most common and sensible 4-letter
abbreviation for it, but it's not the only one.  I usually just say
+1100 (and write dates like 2005-02-01) but AEDT also works for me
when the conversion is explicitly about Australia.
Christopher Vance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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