[SLUG] Re: slug Digest, Vol 28, Issue 27

2008-05-26 Thread David Liell

Hi Sluggers,

Would someone fill me in on which partition my Ubuntu Hardy system is
on.  Is it "/" or "/home?"  A list of both directories follows:

bin    dev initrd.img  media  root  tmp  vmlinuz.old
boot   etc initrd.img.old  mnt    sbin  usr
cdrom  home    lib opt    srv   var
david  initrd  lost+found  proc   sys   vmlinuz

bin   cdrom  etc   initrd  lib media  opt   root  srv  tmp 
boot  dev    home  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt    proc  sbin  sys  usr 

I recently upgraded from Feisty and added a separate /home partition
during the installation.


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[SLUG] Partitions

2008-05-27 Thread David Liell

Thanks, Sonia but I don't follow.

I know which partition has "/" and which has "/home". What I don't
understand is which one has the Ubuntu system and what is "/home" for?


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Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Partitions

2008-05-28 Thread David Liell

Thanks Sonia & Mary

Yes I am an ex Windows user still struggling with the differences.

Here is the output of the commands:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls /boot
abi-2.6.24-16-generic initrd.img-2.6.24-17-generic.bak
abi-2.6.24-17-generic lost+found
config-2.6.24-16-generic  memtest86+.bin
config-2.6.24-17-generic  System.map-2.6.24-16-generic
grub  System.map-2.6.24-17-generic
initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic  vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic
initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.24-17-generic
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls /home/boot
abi-2.6.20-15-generic initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic
abi-2.6.20-16-generic initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic.bak
config-2.6.20-15-generic  memtest86+.bin
config-2.6.20-16-generic  System.map-2.6.20-15-generic
grub  System.map-2.6.20-16-generic
initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic  vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic
initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /home/etc/lsb-release

Two other questions:

1. How do I direct my console output to the Clipboard so that I can
forward it? Currently I do a cut & paste.

2. How do I print documentation like "Intro to Linux" which is in HTML
format? At present using Firefox  I only get a small part of a page
printed in the middle. I would really like to read some of this
excellent documentation.


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Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Partitions

2008-06-01 Thread David Liell

The following is the output of my MOUNT command:

/dev/sda3 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
/sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)
varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/sdb5 on /boot type ext3 (rw,relatime)
/dev/sda5 on /home type ext3 (rw,relatime)
/dev/sda1 on /media/windows type fuseblk
/dev/sdb1 on /media/famvids type fuseblk
/dev/sda6 on /media/myvids type fuseblk
securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
// on /media/hp-laptop type cifs (rw,mand)
gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/david/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon

>From this it appears (to me) that I can clean out my /home folder and
use it to keep 'My Documents' and other stuff like that.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] MythTV and Ubuntu Hardy

2008-08-03 Thread David Liell

Has anyone got this up and going yet?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Non Acceptance

2008-08-03 Thread David Liell

Would the Mediator of this group please explain why none of my requests
are accepted. Am I doing something wrong?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Xsane/Sane Hardy Problems

2008-11-07 Thread David Liell
I have had many problems with Xsane Hardy Ubuntu 8.04. and a HP F4185 
All-in-one. They are:

1. Viewer locks up and freezes system
2. Scan produces an A4 page regardless of photo size.

HP claims that F4185 is supported in HPLIP

Any suggestions welcome

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Canon LBP3100 and Ubuntu

2009-06-20 Thread David Liell
I have tried everything I can find to get this working but without 
success. The drivers install OK. CUPS GUI looks OK. I send jobs OK and 
CUPS says 'job completed' but nothing prints. I have checked out the 
printer in Windows and it works. Any help appreciated.

Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid
Driver is V1.60 for Canon 3000 (3100 not there). I have also tried V1.80.
Printer is USB connected.
I also connect to a Brother printer via my home network.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Canon LBP3100 Printer and Ubuntu

2009-06-25 Thread David Liell
I have tried everything I can find but still can't get this to print. Is 
there anyone in SLUG with some printer experience that could help 
please? I am using the recommended drivers and they installed OK. The 
CUPS GUI shows a print job as 'processing', but it never finishes. 
Should I just dump the printer and buy an HP which I am sure will work?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Canon 3100 Printer and Ubuntu 8.10

2009-06-27 Thread David Liell
I spent 2 weeks trying to get this working. The problem was that I had 
left a second printer installed on the same USB socket. I deleted both 
printers with System/Admin/Printing and reinstalled the correct model 
and drivers. All works fine now.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html