I have a ASUS A7N266 motherboard
AMD 1700+ CPU
Built in Nvidia Geforce 2 MX 32 colour card
5.1 built in sound card
Compaq Qvision 210 Colour monitor
3Com 509 network card
Ihave tried all the verions of Red Hat 6.0 - 7.3 The RH detects my colour card but a unprobed
monitor and if I select the correct monitor and do a test it freezes.Also if I select various
monitors it als freezes after doing a test.If I do not do a test I don't get a graphical logon.If
I logon and type startx I get an error, too do with the colour card and monitor.I have  loaded
Mandrake 8.2 and and it works Which I do not WANT I want REDHat.I have copied the Xconfig file
and over written or edited RH Xconfig file too the same as mandrake.IT DOES NOT WORK
I have loaded Red Hat 8.0 by using lowres installation because using standard when it detects
the colourcard and then upprobed monitor it freezes. When I load redhat using lowres it detect
my colourcard and unprobed monitor and after I reboot it starts loading and just before the
graphical logon should come up it freezes. The screen is blank.I have tried selecting different
monitors such as generic and I have the same problem
Can you help me please

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