Re: [SLUG] Possibly Useful Content

2007-01-29 Thread Oliver Hookins

Stephen Black wrote:
I have received much help from the SLUG community and 
I would like to try and help somebody for a change.

There will be people reading this list whose computer is
not working well, who are lost in a world of not knowing which way to turn?

That was me a few days ago but then I saw the light! HALLELUJAH!!!

Instead of trying to fix the problem I pulled out the install CD 
and I started formatting like iv'e never formatted before in my life!

and then I re installed fc6 onto my computer.

While that may fix the problem in some cases it doesn't help you learn 
anything and actually encourages bad behaviour. It's the windows 
mentality: reboot, upgrade or reinstall. You've been lucky but there are 
many problems which reinstalling can't fix, and in those cases by 
reinstalling you just waste time without finding the cause of the problem.

You'd be better served gathering detailed information and googling or 
asking for advice on the list.

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Re: [SLUG] e-mail content filter

2007-01-22 Thread Oliver Hookins

On 1/23/07, Matthew Hannigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Someone recommended dspam -- but
is old and been claimed by some squatter/exploiter.

Time to laugh or cry...

...if you are a real masochist.
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Re: [SLUG] e-mail content filter

2007-01-22 Thread Oliver Hookins

On 1/23/07, Jamie Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This one time, at band camp, John wrote:
>A signpost would be appreciated and any suggestions as to how I might
>achieve my desired configuration.

Try setting up dspam in between your MTA and the delivery.

I haven't used it yet, but I was reading about it several months ago.  It
might be suitable.

I'd suggest using it before recommending it. It's really "argh, it burns"
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Re: [SLUG] LDAP replication with OpenLDAP - slurpd behaving badly

2007-01-18 Thread Oliver Hookins

Howard Lowndes wrote:

Alex Samad wrote:

On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 10:20:11AM +1100, Howard Lowndes wrote:
OK, I now have replication running albeit with cleartext credentials 
and without SASL - they're on the TODO list - tks to all who responded.

What I am seeing now is slurpd is working and doing the replication 
and I have independently checked that the updates have happened in 
both databases.

What slurpd is not doing is clearing the slurpd.replog file, thus it 
keeps trying to update and is hogging the CPU.  I see the size of the 
slurpd.replog file go to zero bytes briefly, then return to it's 
original size; this seems to occur on about a 30 second interval.

If I cp /dev/null slurpd.replog when it has a positive size then it 
all goes quiet.

Any ideas on why slurpd does not clear the slurpd.replog file after 
it has done the updates?

what version of slapd are you using, with 2.3.x (not sure which 
revision) the

preferred method syncrepl

2.3.27 and syncrepl is not available from FC6 anywhere

Syncrepl works in 2.2.x as well, if you can't get a later version of 

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Re: [SLUG] LDAP replication with OpenLDAP

2007-01-18 Thread Oliver Hookins

Del wrote:

My problem is that in the master slapd.conf file I seem to have to 
have the replica credentials in cleartext, which I don't like.  I 
have tried passing them as {SSHA} but that doesn't seem to work.  Is 
there a way around this problem.

How about connecting using ldaps (i.e. LDAP over SSL) ?

Correct solution to the wrong problem (sending, not storing, clear text

Whoops, yes misread the question a little there. Still, he is connecting 
over standard LDAP unencrypted so over SSL is a good idea.

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Re: [SLUG] LDAP replication with OpenLDAP

2007-01-17 Thread Oliver Hookins

Howard Lowndes wrote:

I am having a small problem with LDAP replication with OpenLDAP.

The relevant part of the master slapd.conf reads:
replica host=

and the relevant part of the replica slapd.conf reads:
suffix  "o=lannetlinux"
directory   /var/lib/ldap
rootdn  "cn=replica,o=lannetlinux"
rootpw  {SSHA}vb3qg3DofXJfERT3w76mhT1GvXP31rbD
updateref   ldap://:389

My problem is that in the master slapd.conf file I seem to have to have 
the replica credentials in cleartext, which I don't like.  I have tried 
passing them as {SSHA} but that doesn't seem to work.  Is there a way 
around this problem.

How about connecting using ldaps (i.e. LDAP over SSL) ?

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Re: [SLUG] Why is Sleepycat BDB database so big

2007-01-16 Thread Oliver Hookins

Howard Lowndes wrote:
Does anyone have any idea why the Sleepycat BDB database use bu=y 
openldap is so big.

I have an ldap database with just over 200 entries, but the BDB occupies 
over 430Mb.  Seems highly inefficient to me.

The transaction logs tend to grow out of control, I'm still not sure why 
this happens. You can shrink the local database by stopping slapd, cd to 
the database directory then run slapd_db_recover, slapd_db_archive -d, 
then slapindex -v for good measure before starting slapd again.


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Re: [SLUG] howto safely remove Evolution (Ubuntu Edgy)?

2007-01-10 Thread Oliver Hookins

On 1/11/07, Sonia Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to remove Evolution from a Ubuntu Edgy machine I admin (my
dad's) - how do I safely do this?

I get these dependencies in aptitude:

  * evolution-exchange depends on evolution (>= 2.8.0)
  * evolution-plugins depends on evolution (>= 2.8.1)
  * nautilus-sendto depends on evolution (>= 2.4)
  * ubuntu-desktop depends on evolution

The first two I can obviously ignore, what about the last two?

I want to remove evolution because I got my dad using thunderbird, to
make Linux more like his old 'doze machine. He keeps on accidently
opening evolution, even though I've removed it from menus...

There are probably gnome configuration items that still reference it as the
default mail client. Have a look through gconf, you should be able to find
them and remove them.
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Re: [SLUG] trackpad vertical scroll

2007-01-07 Thread Oliver Hookins

Kim Pepper wrote:

I've got a Compal CL-50 laptop with Edgy installed. The edgy xorg
installation detected a generic mouse device, but there is no
vertical/horizontal scrolling when dragging a finger down the rhs/bottom

I googled about it and found a whole lot of info on a synaptic driver, 

i tried, but go no mouse at all.

Anyone know how to get this working?

Mine just worked automatically (Dell Inspiron 6400), and it is using the 
synaptics driver. That being said, only the vertical scroll zone is 
working, not the horizontal (which would be handy), so if you find a 
solution let me know. It's probably just related to correct 
configuration of the synaptics driver.

For your reference this is the input device section for my touchpad from 
 my xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver  "synaptics"
Option  "SendCoreEvents""true"
Option  "Device""/dev/psaux"
Option  "Protocol"  "auto-dev"
Option  "HorizScrollDelta"  "0"


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Re: [SLUG] blocking image/html email in postfix. Was: SPAM is ramping up

2006-12-23 Thread Oliver Hookins

Sonia Hamilton wrote:

* On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 08:33:01PM +1100, Rob B wrote:
I know greylisting is all the rage at the moment, but 
tarpitting/stuttering seems to be the next big thing due to spambot 
authors writing bots that can get around the greylist delays.

I'm googling this - looks good.

On a related issue, I would like to block (at my mailserver - postfix)
any mail that contains an image (gif) or is in html. Any pointers on how
to do this?

Radical I know, but I'm tired of the spam (yes I have spamassassin with
regularly updated 3rd party rules + greylisting - a lot still gets

If you are already using spamassassin you could write a new custom rule 
that looks for the text "Content-Type: image/gif" or "Content-Type: 

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Re: [SLUG] migrating Apache 1.3x to 2 ?

2006-12-22 Thread Oliver Hookins

Voytek Eymont wrote:

I'm looking at migrating Apache 1.3x vhost server to new machine running
Apache 2 vhosts;

Sounds like you are undertaking something similar to one I did last year 
(migrating a RH 7.3 machine to RHEL 4). I found barely any changes had 
to be made to the vhost files. If you have the luxury of throwing the 
vhosts onto the new machine and testing it yourself then do so... fixing 
up the errors as you encounter them. The behaviour and presence of some 
main config directives has changes though so as always the first point 
of reference should be the Apache docs.

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Re: [SLUG] migrating MySQL 3 to 4 ?

2006-12-22 Thread Oliver Hookins

Voytek Eymont wrote:

I'm looking at migrating MySQL 3.x server to new machine running MySQL 4.x;
at this time I aim to dump one by one user databases and insert data into
MySQL 4.x,

if there are any MySQL experts here, any comments please ?

If you read the MySQL 4 documentation it has a section on upgrading from 
 version 3. Things to look out for are use of reserved words in 
table/column/database names, as there are a lot more reserved words in 
version 4; you may also run into problems with autoincrement columns due 
to the differing starting values (which can be fixed during import by 
setting the SQL mode in the session variables).

What I did last time is run mysqlbackup on the source and pipe that into 
mysql via ssh on the destination. Any things that needed fixed up to 
work on MySQL that were simple search/replace jobs I piped it into sed 
or perl before the destination server.

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Re: [SLUG] Brain Freeze - ADSL

2006-12-11 Thread Oliver Hookins

O Plameras wrote:

Voytek Eymont wrote:

On Mon, December 11, 2006 11:21 am, Scott Waller (Lots of Watts) wrote:
 Finally changed over to Layer2 1.5 meg

blah blah blah.  And am having problems with my setup.

Scott, dumb question:

I thought about this.

what's the advantage of having a 'Layer2' connection over the usual
'userid/password/login' connection ?


Better throughput than Layer3, in general.  Devices on Layer2  work  
less as hard than
devices on Layer3. Layer3 assembles data before send and dis-assembles 
at receive.

Layer2 does not. So, less latency.

Not quite right, you still have layer 2 frames which are disassembled 
and reassembled. However your device is operating as a simple ethernet 
(or ATM if your ISP supports it) bridge rather than also encapsulating 
the traffic in PPP which is the norm, hence less overheads.

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Re: [SLUG] ADSL without paying for a phone line?

2006-12-11 Thread Oliver Hookins

Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

This one time, at band camp, Sonia Hamilton wrote:

Is there a way of getting ADSL at home without paying for a landline? I
use my mobile for everything, and don't use the landline but am paying
for it to run ADSL on.

Nope.  Welcome to Australia, where we subsidize privately owned 
corporations whether we like it or not.  Think yourself lucky you can at 
least get decent ADSL.  My line is connected via a RIM (little mini 
exchange in the street) so I can't get ADSL2+ connected and instead have 
to connect via a Telstra port, so I'm once again subsidizing Telstra.  
My line rental is the same, despite getting a diminished service.

My only recourse is to keep getting paper bills and to pay by credit 
card.  This at least costs the bastards money.

And the end user too, more and more these days. There are at least a 
couple of bills each month I have to pay where it costs me extra if I 
want a paper bill, or if I don't set up automatic debit for payment.

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