[SLUG] Seeking recommendation for music/video player

2011-11-29 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all,

One of my young ones has expressed an interest in an iPod like device
(music, video, apps), preferably one that allows external speakers. I know,
sound quality, blah blah, but they're young and it's for their room :)

Other than the aforementioned device, what would people recommend?

Thanks in advance,


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Android-based smartphones - any drawbacks ?

2012-02-03 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Tom W wrote:

> ps: SLUGers will recall I demonstrated a Huawei Deuce U8520 Dual SIM
Android smart phone at a meeting in 2011. I have now handed it back to
Allphones and asked for my money back. This phone seems to be prone to
locking up, judging by my experience and that of others. This is a shame as
it has some good features:
That's a pity, Tom. I've seen a couple of dual SIM phones recently (can't
recall make/models at the moment) that you may want to explore. I'll try to
remember I read about them.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Android-based smartphones - any drawbacks ?

2012-02-04 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
FOSS vs proprietary software is not a fetish. It's an ethical issue.
As much as making decisions as to what sort of school (or even whether
you send your children to school), or whether you will become a
vegetarian or NOT be a vegetarian is an ethical issue.

Some people can be accused of presenting their ethical positions in an
almost religiously fundamentalist fashion and can be accused of being
dramatic or dogmatic. Usually this is more a result of their personal
presentation and inability to calmly or clearly discuss their
position. In neither case is this a reflection of the validity of
their views, more the response they receive and the reputation  that

It's even possible some people do 'fetishise' the subject of
FOSS/Properietary software. I think this is the case with things like
Apple products. However, this does not make the subject any less an
ethical issue.

If you are serious in phrasing it as a 'fetish' then I'd suggest
looking up the difference.

That said, I don't know if you are serious and I could be seriously
oblivious to a subtle, dry humorous comment. In which case: My big.



> I do not think FOSS vx proprietary software is a moral issue, it is a 
> fettish. Now if others care about your fettish then kewl, and if they are 
> pragmatic in any form words of disapproval are discourteous.
> "Sadly, people these days don't care ..."
> ouch!
> James
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Ethics (Was Re: Android phone etc)

2012-02-08 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
James wrote:
> Patrick
> I absolutely and strongly disagree.
> BTW I'm older a wiser than yesterday: fetish has sexual connetations,
fettish does not.
>  If I choose to use
windows then the only and remote moral issue is MS use the money I fed them
to wreck havoc on the world. Under american law that is their bounden duty.
[California introduces a moral corporation]
> To try to introduce your fettish as an ethical issue smacks of religious
> I think a group like us who see the one-true-way risk being sidelined
(when there are important issues at stake) if we loose track of the ball
and even start to believe that freedom is a moral issue.
> Certainly if you try to argue with the PM linux for every kid because
Windoze is immoral you are going to find your self ignored.
> While this thread drifts OT the basic issue is tremendously important for
us as a group.
> James

Hi James,

I'm afraid I'm not aware of any spelling of 'fetish' with two 'tt's in
either sociology or anthropology (admittedly the former is my area of study
and the latter merely a side interest).

You're right in that it has more than one meaning. It also means that
people attribute mystical or religious meaning and importance to inanimate
objects. Such as those who carry statues of Mary, or Jesus or other
religious figures and believe they have some attributes beyond the physical.

On ocassions some dictionaries may describe it as an obsession and/or
irrational attraction to an activity, but it's not a particularly clear
clear or precise efinition given that obsession/obsessive is a much better
and more accurate definition and already exists within a defined field of
study (psychology).

As for choosing to use Windows - it's an ethical decision. Any interaction
you have with the world and others in it involves an ethical element. It's
unavoidable. Thus the choice of an OS is an ethical decision. Buying it or
copying it (illegally) is an ethical choice. You are aware of some
consequence and of the views of those around you and in the broader

I'd really suggest having a read. It's quite an interesting subject.

There may well be ethical issues surrounding someones fetish, but that
doesn't make it religious fundementalism. For example, the Catholic church
is replete with fetishes (various icons for example) and those who convert
to that religion have undertaken ethical considerations (are the values of
this religous group something which I support).

Finally I would agree with you that if you are to say there is "ONLY one
way" you are starting an ethical discussion and you can risk being
marginalised - but that is the risk run by all those who argued against
slavery, against corporations being able to tell you what you can do with
software, videos, music, books etc that you have bought, supporting (or
not) the super tax on mining companies, women's rights, speed limits and so

It's how you deal with disagreement that marks you out as a whacko or as
reasonable - but then one man's freedom fighter...

I have no problems with saying that I've chosen a computer operating system
on ethical grounds and that it falls in line with my ethical view of the
world, my profession and my values in general.

By definition, all the decisions you make have an ethical component.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Android-based smartphones - any drawbacks

2012-02-08 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Rod wrote:
> I originally asked whether there was any important functionality that
Android-based phones lacked compared to the competition, and whether they
struggled with any file formats. I then added that this appeared to me to
be an issue of available apps and requested confirmation or otherwise of
this assumption - the inference I intended was that I assumed that any such
issues would not be a function of the operating systems themselves but
rather a function of what apps had been written and what they could do.
> Rather than actually address the questions posters responded with clumsy
sarcasm, recast the questions in terms of their pet hobbyhorses and
wandered off into moral philosophy. Closest we got was some facts about
techniques for extending battery life, which is important and relevant, but
I still don't know how Android compares in this area to the competition.
> Rod

Fair enough, Rod. Drifting off the subject...

>From what I know of those with iPhones (I don't have one, I've got a
Samsung Galaxy S2)) , when we compare phones there's little different in
the way of applications and thus general, everyday user functionality. I
think, as Ken commented, there can be circumstances in which something is
only available for iOS (MIMS, as Ken mentioned).

The friends who have iPhone 4's have complained about battery life but in
many ways this is the consequence of these devices have such a large range
of capabilities (web browsing, applications for games and sites, taking
photos, listening to music or watching movies etc). For examle, the  S2
really needs something like Juice Defender to improve it's battery life,
which is not great when compared to my Nokia N95. I can get more than 24
hours if I stop all the automatic synching and endless search for wireless
networks. My N95 would give me a couple of days.

I would imagine it would come down to whether there was a specific
capability you wanted or needed. For example, my Nokia N8 took the best
photos and video of any mobile phone out there. There is daylight between
it and the next on the list...take your choice.

Given your comment in relation to hardware/OS v applications, I'm not aware
of any statistics in relation to people jailbreaking their iPhones but my
understanding is that people do so because of the limitations of the OS as
installed. People also mod Android phones (eg. Cyanogen mods) to provide
options which don't exist with the stock install. I've not explored this in
any detail so am of no use :)

My experience of the browser on stock iPhones is that it's pretty much
dreadful. Highly inflexible and difficult to navigate. My theory about the
rise of apps in the iOS world is that the dreadful browser on the iPhone
has meant that you really do need a separate app to make accessing
information or services an imperative.

On my Android phone I have a few different browsers (Tor, Firefox, stock,
Dolphin and Opera mini) which generally all work well, but on ocassions
each has something or does something better than one of the others. For
instance, the Blogger app is not as good as using a browser (eg. Firefox)
which has been set to 'desktop' mode. Similary, the Google+ app is quite
good but it doesn't render .gif's if someone has used them as part of a

I know this is not a particulary technical reply, but I hope it helps all
the same.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Australian distributor product page for Raspberry Pi

2012-02-29 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Thanks, Jeff.


> From: Jeff Waugh 

> Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 04:40:03
> Have at it:
> More information:
> http://www.rasberrypi.org/
> --
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Linux video editors - any good ?

2012-03-23 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Rod wrote
> Cc:
> Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 09:44:44 +1100
> Subject: [SLUG] Linux video editors - any good ?
> I need to edit and format videos for uploading to UTube, on Linux,
preferably using a free program (no budget !).
> I last tried this on Linux a few years ago and encountered so many bugs
and limitations with Kino, Kdenlive and LIVES that I gave up and used a
cheap proprietary Windows program.
> Is there any fully-usable free Linux editor yet ?
> thanks
> Rod

Hi Rod,

If you have a quick look at






You'll find some videos edited with a combination of KDEnlive, GIMP and
SMILE and a program I cant remember (I'm in Fiji on hols - good excuse I
know :))

I find that I need a combination of applications to get some effects I
want. Then again there's not really any individual program within the
propriety world that does it all either :)

I've found no general issues with KDEnlive so am curious as to what issues
you came across. When I get back (10 days) I'll be more than happy to
correspond more frequently to help out.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Bar Code scanners

2012-04-15 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all,

I've got to scan a whole collection of books (a couple of hundred at least)
and was wondering if anyone has any experience with those that do/don't
work with Linux or know of another way I can scan the books?

A loan of one would be good, if possible.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Meeting this Friday 29 July

2012-07-25 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all,

If you interested in giving a presentation or talk (short-shortish :))
then you may not be too late.

Let me know as soon as you can and I'll let you know.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Talks for SLUG meeting this Friday 28 September

2012-09-26 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all,

Anyone who is thinking of a talk or has one ready for this Friday's
meeting, please let me know if you haven't already.

There are spots available :))



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: Presentation at next meeting

2012-10-14 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Patrick Shirkey wrote:

>1. Presentation at next meeting (Patrick Shirkey)
> Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 13:01:03 +1100 (EST)
> Subject: [SLUG] Presentation at next meeting
> Hi,
> I would like to give a presentation at the next slug meeting but the
> presentation form seems to be broken.
> Max suggested I contact the list directly.
Hi Patrick,

Apols for the site not working. We'll get on to it.

Re: presentations. Fantastic!

Can you let us know what you'd like to present on? I'll PM you and we can
discuss time etc.


Patrick :)
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Talks for SLUG meeting this Friday

2012-11-27 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Can anyone who is intending to give a talk please contact me as soon
as possible so I can ensure we have enough time arranged.

Many thanks,

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] REL On connecting a printer.

2012-12-02 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:39:49 +1100
> I have a printer, a Brother H5340 OD.
> In past editions of Ubuntu, I managed to connect it to the laptop via a
> USB port.
> However, not this time.
> I assume that when I installed the latest Ubuntu, the printer driver was
> saved and lurks somewhere in the machine.
> Details:
> Toshiba Sattelite A660, running Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit version.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> William Bennett.

Hi William,

I'm not certain as to what you mean by:

> I assume that when I installed the latest Ubuntu, the printer driver was
> saved and lurks somewhere in the machine.

Was this a clean install or updating by changing the repos?

If you haven't already, I'd suggest checking out what's available in
the printer options. If you can't find one which suits I had a quick
look at the Brother site for your printer - HL-5340D:


If you can't find the driver in the options provided for printers I'd
suggest downloading and installing the driver from here.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] SLUG mail list

2013-01-12 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all,

My apologies for the current e-mail issues.

During the break (Christmas/New Year) the mail server decided to have a
holiday too!

We're migrating the functions at the moment but according to the erstwhile
Tim (Ansell), this will require some assistance to complete.

Tim can provide more specific details but I thought I'd send a general
e-mail requesting that anyone who is interested in helping out to please
contact the committee list or Tim or myself directly.

Many thanks for your patience and assistance.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] SLUG meeting Friday 22 February - call for presentations/talks

2013-02-17 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all,

It's SLUG time!

Can anyone who is interesting in giving a talk, long, short,
lightening or otherwise or would like to raise something at the
meeting, please contact me directly so we can arrange details.

Many thanks,

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] SLUG Meeting Friday 22 February 2031

2013-02-21 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
SummaryDate: Friday, 22 February 6 p.m.
Start: Arrive at 6pm for a 6:30pm startDetails

Main Talk
David Lyon: Raspberry Pi

Lightning talks to be determined on the night.

LocationGoogle Sydney Level 5, Workplace 6 48 Pirrama Road Pyrmont, NSW
Map: http://signup.slug.org.au/map Getting there The Google office is the
big black building marked "Accenture" opposite Star City Pirrama Road

If using the trains, you can go either get off at;

   - Town Hall station, head towards Darling Harbour, walk across the
   Pyrmont footbridge and then follow Pirrama Road towards Star city.
   - Central station, then follow the light rail instructions.

If using the buses, the route 443 stops right out front of the building.

If using the light rail, get off at Star City station and walk across the

If you drive, then you can look for parking on the suburban streets around
the office (or pay for parking at the Casino), and then walk from there.

 Afterwards We'll be aiming to finish by 8pm and will be heading to the
Pyrmont Bridge Hotel (PBH) afterwards to socalise and eat dinner
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] March SLUG meeting will also include AGM

2013-03-06 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Dear All,

This months SLUG meeting will also include an AGM.

Tim Ansell will be stepping down as President and I am also considering not
standing for the committee this year.

We would like to encourage all SLUG members to consider standing for the
committee or in supporting someone who may wish to. There are many ways you
can support the community and we encourage you to 'put on your thinking
caps' and 'roll up your sleeves'

SLUG needs your help and input to continue to provide interesting and
enjoyable meetings, to maintain and further develop community interaction
and involvement and to help move SLUG into new areas of activity

Should you have any questions about the committee and its responsibilities,
please don't hesitate to contact Tim or me or any of the other people whom
you know may have previously been involved with coordination SLUG

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] SLUG AGM and Meeting 29th March

2013-03-12 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi All,

Thought I would write to remind people of the pending AGM and to  encourage
people to nominate for the SLUG committee.

Remember that the committee members organise the meetings and talks and act
as contacts for those who are interested in presenting, attending meetings
and engaging with SLUG, as well as more immediately influencing the
direction SLUG takes in the future.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] SLUG AGM and Meeting 29th March

2013-03-19 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Per Marghanita's comment about the scheduled SLUG meeting being on 'Good
Friday' my only excuse is that I don't 'attend' to such things :)

Tim is checking if we can get the space on the Thursday preceding.

Update soon.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] IMPORTANT: March SLUG meeting cancelled

2013-03-25 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Dear All,

Due to a confluence of events - early Easter and regular SLUG meeting
evening - the March meeting will be postponed until April.

Unfortunately we were not able to secure a room for this Thursday, as
opposed to our normal Friday.

The April meeting will also comprise our AGM.

Please indicate ahead of time if you are interesting in being on the SLUG

All positions will become vacant at the AGM and at present there are no


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] 20 years of using Linux at home

2013-04-05 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
From: Martin Visser Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013
21:46:39 +1100

> Subject: [SLUG] 20 years of using Linux at home
> Well today pretty much marks 20 years since I've used Linux at home.


Happy anniversary, Martin :)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] WAS: 20 years of using Linux at home NOW: Book - 20 years of Linux

2013-04-06 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
>From: Marghanita da Cruz 
>Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 13:50:27 +1100


>I am probably going to regret this...but do you think this is worth a book?

I think it would definitely be worth a book, M.

Key moments in GNU/Linux history told as a users personal recollection :))

Just my two-penneth worth.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Coffee Table Linux

2013-04-08 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Sounds great to me! :)

On 9 April 2013 12:00, Marghanita da Cruz  wrote:

> Hi Patrick and all,
> As it turns out, the Empire Hotel (corner of Johnston St and Parramatta
> Road Annandale)
> has been refurbished and has reasonably priced food. (They have LED candle
> lighting)
> A couple of doors down is a LED store - and I might be able to organise
> something with him, if this appeals.
> Marghanita
> David Lyon wrote:
>> Sounds good to me.
>> Let's hear what other people have to say.
>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Marghanita da Cruz <
>> marghan...@ramin.com.au 
>> >
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for this David.
>> Perhaps we could have an LED Lighting theme for the May SLUG meeting.
>> in the spirit of the vivid festival http://www.vividsydney.com/
>> LEDs are my pet project, but the only link to Linux, so far, has
>> been the
>> webserver:
>> http://www.ramin.com.au/eco-__**sydney/LED-Lighting-guide.__**shtml
>> >
>> Marghanita
>> David Lyon wrote:
>> In Europe, people not only use Linux to power data-centres but
>> also
>> their coffee tables. Adding LED's to your Linux can give very
>> relaxing
>> results.
>> Here's a nice coffee-table probject for Linux along with a
>> link to the source code:
>> �- 
>> https://metalab.at/wiki/__**RetinaTattoo
>> >
>> -- Marghanita da Cruz
>> Ramin Communications Pty Ltd
>> http://ramin.com.au/
>> Phone:(+61)0414-869202 
> --
> Marghanita da Cruz
> Ramin Communications Pty Ltd
> http://ramin.com.au/
> Phone:(+61)0414-869202
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] SLUG Meeting and AGM 26 April 2012 and request for talks

2013-04-18 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Dear All,

1. The regular SLUG meeting will be held concurrent with the AGM.

2. Could anyone who would like to present on the night please contact me

3. We presently have no nominations for the SLUG committee.  If you would
like to nominate, please do so.

Being on the committee is an opportunity to have a direct influence on the
direction and focus of SLUG and can be very interesting and rewarding.

4. Details for the upcoming meeting:

   Google Sydney - 48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont

 * Date: Friday 26 April 2013
 * Start time: Arrive at 6pm for a 6:30pm start
 * Format: Lightning talks

  We still have room for more Lightning talks.


* They don't have to be long
* They can be something about which YOU are interested - most likely other
people will be too!
* You do not have to be a world expert on the subject, though you may
surprise yourself that you are the ONLY person in the room that knows
anything about which you are talking :)

Please contact me if you're interested :)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Weekly Reading material for Linux

2013-05-07 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
> From: David Lyon 
> Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 10:27:54 +1000
> Subject: [SLUG] Weekly Reading material for Linux
> Hi all,
> This site has on some of the interesting posts on what Linux has been doing
> recently:
>  - http://linuxgizmos.com/
> Many things I didn't know about.
Nice one, David. Thanks.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] James Vasile Talks about Legal Aspects of Software Licences

2013-06-03 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
From: Richard Ibbotson 

> Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2013 23:30:07 +0100
> Subject: [SLUG] James Vasile Talks about Legal Aspects of Software Licences
> Hi
> https://soundcloud.com/richard-ibbotson/james-vasile-came-to-sheffield
> I did this so that everyone could listen to it.


Thanks for that, Richard.

Will have to have a listen :))


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Debian Linux Release

2013-08-20 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Brett wrote:

" Debian Linux Release."
> This sounds like a good talk for Friday Week ?
> Brett Coady


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Photographs and Archive

2014-01-31 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Nice one, Richard.

I like the layout and the text that appears on the images when you select one.




 Richard Ibbotson 
> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:36:35 +
> Subject: [SLUG] Photographs and Archive
> Hi
> http://sleepypenguin.homelinux.org/photographs/
> http://sleepypenguin.homelinux.org/blog/?p=296
> After some long weeks of some system administration it looks like I've
> been able to sort out my web server at last.  If you are interested
> have a browse.  Might entertain you for a few minutes.
> Regards
> --
> Richard
> Sheffield UK
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Reminder : September 2015 SLUG meeting

2015-09-12 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Friday 25 September

Google offices
48 Pirrama Road

We still have room for other lightning talks so if you have something to
talk about or start a discussion on or even a question to ask please call
or email rob...@smitonline.net.au 0468 306 239

Food will be at 6pm and talks usually begine at 6:30pm

Main Talk

Using SAMBA4 as a Active Directory domain controller.

I will be talking about SAMBA4 and using it as a active directory Domain
Controller. Will begin with a discussion of the basics of AD and some of
the essential components like kerberos and how it works.

How to find us:
Oposite Star city. Front doors lock after 6 if you arive late call 0468 306

Details: http://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Linux-User-Group/events/225240286/
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] slug Digest, Vol 115, Issue 1

2015-11-18 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
I'd say it needs a new sponsor/organiser.

I was not able to make the last meeting so wasn't able to raise the
issue at the meeting.

1. Did anyone raise the issue?
2. If so, was there a resolution to the issue?

Any information appreciated :)


> -- Forwarded message --
> From: David 
> Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:36:20 +1000
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Website
> Not a great advertisement for Linux in Sydney :(
> Whoever is looking after the website, isn't. Does SLUG need a new website 
> sponsor? or is the organisation passed it's use by date? T'would be a pity 
> indeed.
> David
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] slug Digest, Vol 115, Issue 3

2015-11-18 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan

From: Marghanita da Cruz 
> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 09:16:31 +1000
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Website
> Hi All,
> How about a hackfest of the website at the SLUG meeting on Friday evening.
> Who has the passwords? Do we have to recover them?
> Marghanita
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Disabling HDMI sound

2015-11-21 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi All,

My new machine has an ASUS motherboard:

H170M-E D3

and an AMD Radeon R7 360 video card.

I'm running Kubuntu 14.04

I am getting no sound through the motherboard's onboard sound card.

I get sound over HDMI and fortunately my monitor has an HDMI port AND
built in speakers. However these are no-where near as good as my
desktop speakers.

The only option in the BIOS is HD Audio Controller (enable/disable).
However nothing I change here has any effect.

In the GUI the onboard sound is greyed out. Alsamixer shows HDMI sound
only. The desktop GUI shows only HDMI.

aplay -l shows only the HDMI sound.

I have tried a number of things including
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist I have added


and adding a line in GRUB
radeon.audio=1 and using 0 as well.

I have found another possible solution here:

Which suggests, under Linux kernel parameters

Option: radeon.audio
Value:: 0,1
Default Value: 0
Explanation: Disable/enable HDMI audio

My question is: what *do* I do with this? I'm assuming I need to
add/remove something *somwhere* but...where/what?

Any help would be most appreciated. Without the onboard sound card I'm
stuck with the crappy monitor speakers and cannot use headphones nor
use a microphone for video conferencing etc.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] Disabling HDMI sound

2015-11-22 Thread Patrick Elliott-Brennan
Hi all again.

First, thanks Josh for your suggestion.

Sridhar suggested checking dmesg, which I found:

[4.054115] snd_hda_intel :01:00.1: Handle VGA-switcheroo audio client
[4.054117] snd_hda_intel :01:00.1: Force to non-snoop mode

Then looking in syslog I found:

Nov 16 20:41:04 patrick-desktop kernel: [4.109628] snd_hda_intel
:00:1f.3: failed to add i915_bpo component master (-19)

So, doing a Google

I found:


Which lead to:

Which suggested:

sudo apt-get install dkms

followed by a visit to:


Which is by the Ubuntu Audio Development Team

Packages in “ALSA daily build snapshots”

oem-audio-hda-daily-lts-vivid-dkms - 0.201509251531~ubuntu14.04.1.deb

I then installed the .deb and rebooted

Et voilà!

Sound out of the onboard audio.


Had to fiddle around with the PulseAudio settings and master controls
to make everything use the onboard audio but there we are.

Thought I'd post this in case anyone else experienced the same problem :)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html