Re: [SLUG] Internet Connection

2001-10-18 Thread Raoul Golan


 - Original Message -
 From: cpaul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, October 19, 2001 10:03 am
 Subject: Re: [SLUG] Internet Connection
  your figures come to c. A$170 per gig for international traffic.
  why?  is it because of telstra, or what?
 Could it be that we have a population __less than 2%__ that of the USA? 

US Population: 2.85*10^8
Aus Population: 1.93*10^7

(1.93*10^7)/(2.85*10^8) = 0.068 = 6.8% 

6.8%  2%

On the other hand, our political clout on the world arena is
definitely less than 2% that of the US..


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Re: [SLUG] win4lin + reiserfs = ok

2001-07-02 Thread Raoul Golan

Andre Pang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i was doing a search on google about reiserfs and win4lin and noticed
 that somebody (Jim Clark?) was trying to do it without success.
 report: win4lin 3.0 + kernel 2.4.4 + reiserfs works perfectly.  i even
 munged it to work properly on a Debian system :).
 i'll put up a webpage about it sometime soon if i get enough replies to
 this message asking about it ...

FWIW, I'd be interested to see how it can be installed under Debian...


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Re: [SLUG] OT - Telstra to cap flat rate ADSL Cable plans at 3Gb/month

2001-06-06 Thread Raoul Golan

Andre Pang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 the 3GB cap is ridiculous.  at least Telstra should not be
 calling it a 'freedom' plan.  and people who are on optus@home
 (like myself) shouldn't take too much comfort either, since if
 Telstra pull off this stunt, Optus could just be as big as
 bastards and follow their lead.

What's the situation with Optus?  I thought Optus had to cap their
broadband as well after calling their own product unlimited, and
after coming under fire from the ACCC for kicking people out for
violating the AUP.


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Re: [SLUG] Inittab process respawning too fast

2001-05-28 Thread Raoul Golan

Have you tried commenting faxgetty out in inittab, and starting
faxgetty manually?  What happens when you do this?

This is just telling you that faxgetty is exiting immediately
for some reason or another - and that init has given up 
restarting it.

Terry Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have an inittab process that is respawning too fast (keep getting
 error messages) and I can not work out how to fix it - any assistance
 It is actually faxgetty (hylafax on Suse 6.4 system).
 I've read the man init and inittab, but am none the wiser.These
 talkabout initscript, shich Suse doesn't have.
Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
WOA Computer Services lan/wan, linux/unix, novell
  People without trees are like fish without clean water
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Re: [SLUG] find -exec cp {} current-directory.messages

2001-05-22 Thread Raoul Golan

Jamie Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This one time, at band camp, Terry Collins said:
 Is there a way of telling find to copy a file in the directory where it
 finds it?
 I'm trying to run   find . -name files.bbs -exec cp {} .messages \;
 but this just copies each files.bbs into .message in the directory where
 the command is run, rather than the directories where each files.bbs
 find . -name 'files.bbs' -exec cp {} `dirname {}`/.messages \;

That doesn't work.  Try:

find . -exec echo `dirname {}` \;

and you will see why.


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Re: [SLUG] Query re a CD burner.

2001-04-19 Thread Raoul Golan

Bill Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can anyone advise me on this, please? I need an external
 burner---called, in some magazines, a kit. I *think* I want an
 IDE type that will simply plug into the USB on the docking
 station. If I need a power supply (ie., the kit doesn't come with
 one) I can make it.

I got myself a PCMCIA burner, an HP820E.  It requires the linux 
PCMCIA Ninja drivers to work, and it works well for me.  I've 
burnt lots of CDs with it faultlessly under linux, though the 
driver is still not of "release" quality (using it as a second 
CD drive still causes some kernel panics)

It's also small enough to carry in my notebook case.

The PCMCIA interface card that comes with it is really a SCSI
card, though it's not advertised as such.  Presumably it would
be possible to use that card on other SCSI devices, but I haven't

Maybe a USB notebook burner would do better for you, though.


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Re: [SLUG] Personal sacrifice and free software

2001-02-22 Thread Raoul Golan

Peter Rundle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think that we should try for a name change. The trouble with
 "free" in the English language is that it has two meanings.
 We need to the emphasize "Freedom" and not "costs nothing" which
 implies cheaper than cheap, which then implies poor quality.
 Terms like "Freedom software" or "Liberty Software" are closer to
 the desired meaning but don't sound very catchy. Where's that
 damn thesaurus. How 'bout "Libelle Software"?

"Libre" software seems to be in widespread use in the US.  Problem
is it's not catchy, and I haven't seen it being used outside the
US.  "Libre" is spanish for "liberated".  "Gratis" is spanish 
for "no cost".

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Re: [SLUG] Read a:

2001-02-20 Thread Raoul Golan

"David Slater" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From a REAL beginner to Linux,
 How do I read my DOS zipped file on the A: drive ?
 (Because I want to activate my TANDBERG Tape drive, and I am hoping
 a downloaded firmware upgrade-driver might do the trick).
 Regs, David.

$ mcopy .
$ unzip

Make sure you have mtools and unzip installed.


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Re: [SLUG] That somewhat theoretical problem.

2001-02-19 Thread Raoul Golan

Jason Rennie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  All very well, except that this is a contingency occurring early
  in the process. Even if the flag =1, the process will still
  continue down the loop. I'd like to find a way (other than using
  GOTO) simply to jump out of the loop, jump over the intervening
  subprograms (which are all concerned with continuing after a
  correct response has been received) and simply quitting.
 This might be a rather obvious answer (fear so) but does QBasic have the
 C equivalent of an exit() function call.
 It simply termiantes the program then and there. It also returns an error
 code to the opreating system.

I guess it should be said here that there is an "unbreakable" golden
rule in programming style which says multiple exit points in a
function is a no-no and that there should only be one exit point
at the end.

Like most "unbreakable" golden rules in programming, there are many
cases when one should break it. The problem is that everyone has a
different idea on what those cases are.  Blood has been spilled in
various attempts to come to an agreement. :)

Multiple exit points on error conditions is probably ok, but I'm
not willing to risk life or limb to defend that assertion.


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Re: [SLUG] Microsoft Executive Says Linux Threatens Innovation

2001-02-15 Thread Raoul Golan

Rick Welykochy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 and the winner is:
  (*) I'm an American, I believe in the American Way. 

Hmmm... yet another reason to use Linux. :)

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Re: [SLUG] Microsoft Executive Says Linux Threatens Innovation

2001-02-15 Thread Raoul Golan

Jason Rennie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Damn those Open Source Communists, they're a threat to true
  red-blooded Americans.
 Dont you hate this allusion. Especially, given that communism is 1 one
 that controls everything and decides what is best for the masses. Which is
 much more redmond (maybe they built there becasue of the red
 connotations) than the linux way.

On the other hand, capitalism is about making money, and so is
Microsoft.  Communism is about sharing resources instead of
hoarding private property, and so is open source.

As you can see, there are two ways of looking at this issue,
and neither of them is particularly enlightening.  This 
linux is communism/linux is capitalism thing has been done
to death elsewhere... and nothing can be inferred from the 
arguments except that people love a good flame war.


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Re: Linux doesn't work was Re: [SLUG] SuSE Lays Off (Most) U.S. Staff

2001-02-08 Thread Raoul Golan


 On 9 Feb 2001, Raoul Golan wrote:
  I assume everyone's read this by now?
  Talk about twisting the meaning - I would have hoped better 
  standards from fairfax.
 Why would you expect better from Fairfax? They are, after all, journalists
 at large, the same as most of the others are.
 The large part is as in "largely without a clue".

It's one thing to be clueless and to misreport something.  This story
goes beyond that, and appears to be designed to be misleading.


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[SLUG] Re: Web browsing stupidity

2001-01-29 Thread Raoul Golan

enterfornone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 By reboot, I mean I have a duel boot system and I reboot into Windows,
 Netscape has never killed Linux bad enough to need a reboot but it has
 killed X and regualrly kills itself.

I've seen netscape kill X too.  Beats me how that could happen.
Before this happens netscape hangs X, and when I go into a text
console for a kill -9 on netscape, it dies and brings X down with

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Re: [SLUG] Php support

2001-01-14 Thread Raoul Golan

"Shannon Doyle" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi people.
 I am experiencing some difficulties in getting my mandrake system to
 work with php support.
 I have installed apache from an rpm, then I tried to install mod_php3
 this worked fine, however, whenever I try to go to a site that has a
 file with an extension of .php or .php3 my browser wants to doanload the
 file. I assume that there is something not quite right with the
 httpd.conf file. Like its missing a module entry or something. 
 I have looked at the httpd.conf file and cannot see what or where i am
 missing anything.

I presume when you say "I try to go to a site" you mean "I
try to go to a page on my server".

Did you add something like:

IfModule mod_php3.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps

# The following is for PHP/FI (PHP2):
IfModule mod_php.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml

to your httpd.conf?


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Re: [SLUG] Learning to program

2000-12-14 Thread Raoul Golan

Umar Goldeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE Perl!!! .. *smooch* .. 
 If written neatly, I find it very readily understandable.. but then again
 - that goes for *any* language.. it's the coder, not the language that
 makes code bad. :)


Does that mean that even intercal code can be good, depending on
the programmer?

Some languages have a goto statement: intercal has a comefrom
statement :)  Maybe it should be taught to first-years at uni.



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Re: [SLUG] MS goes Open Source - sort of

2000-10-29 Thread Raoul Golan

John Ferlito [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Microsoft sues you and samba for copyright infringement among a
 whole heap of other things. 
 Moral: Don't browse non open source code looking for ideas. If it's not
 open source then you can't use them.

Is this really the case?  Ideas cannot have a copyright placed
on them... they can be patented, though.  Surely it's OK to
copy a non patented idea.


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Re: [SLUG] More Anti-Linux Olympic madness!

2000-09-17 Thread Raoul Golan

Jobst Schmalenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dick Smith is right. Read whats on his jam, peanut butter etc.


I can understand when people say "buy Australian made".  By buying
Australian made we create jobs in Australia.  But why "buy Australian

I prefer to support local small business, but if it comes to
supporting either Dick Smith (NOT a small businessman), or a foreigner
who manufactures goods here, why should I distinguish between them?
Both need to pay Australian taxes.  Both employ Australians.  Both are
likely to invest their profits where returns are greatest (i.e. not
necessarily here in Oz)

There is a certain amount of hypocrisy when Australian big business
asks us to "buy Australian owned".  When Australian big business
invests oveseas instead of investing their profits locally, that's
just "our" businesses "expanding in a global marketplace", isn't it?
It's never business "taking jobs away from Australia", is it?  On the
other hand, they claim that foreign businesses investing in Australia
are indicative of the "sellout of Australia to foreigners", right?
Presumably the jobs these provide aren't real jobs, unlike those jobs 
created by good Australian corporations.

Even corporate ownership has become a tricky affair.  Australians can
own US shares, and vice-versa. 

In any case, even the "buy Australian made" slogan has its
problems. In this age of globalisation, it becomes a problem to state
clearly where anything is "made"... raw materials from country A,
transport by country B, preprocessing by country C, manufacturing by
D, assembly by E, packaging by F, etc, etc.  A label won't tell you
any of this.

Let's face it, the nation state is dead.  Flag waving never made much
sense, anyway.



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Re: [SLUG] idnetd ?

2000-08-28 Thread Raoul Golan

"Peter McCarthy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What is the identd deamon all about ?
 How does it work and do I really need to run it ?
 I have real the man pages and it says it uses some User ID protocol.  But if I
 run do not run it everything seems to work ok, at least so far...
 The reason why I ask is I believe it may be possible that someone is trying to
 hack my box RH 6.1 as my modem has been going crazy and a bunch of these
 in.identd deamons are running for some unknown reason.  either a hack attempt or
 something else funny is going on.
 Peter McCarthy

It helps you out if one of your users tries to break to
someone else's machine, or otherwise tries to abuse someone
else's system.  The sys admin of that system can contact
you with fairly reliable info about which of your users
is breaking the rules.

See the Security-HOWTO, and the man page.

Most irc servers require you to run it before they accept
a connection from you.

You can also enable logging, and that can tell you why
inetd is starting the daemons.


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Re: [SLUG] Shell Script question

2000-08-28 Thread Raoul Golan

"Aaron Binns" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't have any manuals handy for this one so I thought Id ask the list my
 newbie question.
 I am writing a small shell script for work which reads in comma separated data
 and parses it to another program. I want to check each field to see if it is
 blank and if so exchange the blank for two single quotes (ie: '' ).
 I am trying to use an if statement right now, but I cant figure out how to
 represent a blank.
 if [ $field -eq "" ]
 then $do_something
 else $do_something_else
 What's wrong with the above picture?

Better still, use

if [ -z $field ]
then $do_something
else $do_something_else


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2000-08-17 Thread Raoul Golan

George Vieira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,
 I'm trying to filter out a host and port at the same time but not sure how
 to type the expression..
 I'm trying to do the following but on 1 line:
 tcpdump -x host
 tcpdump -x port 80
 Is there a way to do this to narrow my searchign down?


tcpdump -x \( host and port 21 \)

Also, check out tcpdump2ascii - sometimes it's a lot better to 
look at ascii instead of hex!


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Re: [SLUG] Help, please, with shell scripting for computing checksums

2000-08-08 Thread Raoul Golan

Daniel Freedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 First of all, I've been following slug for a bit as a Kernel Cousin under
 SLUG Pearls, but I've never posted, so I hope this is not an inappropriate
 or off-topic question.
 I'm trying to use md5sum (from Gnu Text Utilities) to compute a checksum
 for alot of files in my home directory or root directory. This wouldn't be
 a problem, except that I want it to compute the checksums on all files in
 ALL subdirectories (so that I can compare original with backup copy).
 Maybe I'm being immensely stupid, but I don't see an easy way to
 accomplish this with md5sum itself (it responds to directories "md5sum:
 bin: Is a directory"), and I'm evidently not adept enough with shell
 scripting to make this work.  I actually looked through the source code to
 think maybe I could modify md5sum itself (in case anyone else wanted to do
 similar checksums), but I quickly got in over my head; the numerical
 simulations I do seem _awfully_ different than coding for applications or
 this type of file access :).
 Any suggestions (or script fragments) would be greatly appreciated.
 Thanks so much,

find dirname -depth -type f -exec md5sum {} \;


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