RE: [SLUG] RedHat 7.3

2002-08-31 Thread Raul

 Hello to whom this may concern i was wondering if any of your
 members have
 had any trouble with disk 3 in RedHat Linux 7.3 as i downloaded 3
 copys of
 it all different i even went out and bout the pocket book
 thinking this will
 be good no probs well disk 3 still has the same problem is there any way
 round this?

 any help would be gratefull

I noticed I was not able to install mysql support (on disk 3) when I tried
to install/upgrade it. My solution was to not to install mysql support and
then add it again later. I think you can confirm this by checking the other
virtual terminals on install as I noticed the package failed verification
and the installer decided that it would just abort instead of move on.

Hope that helps...

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RE: [SLUG] Networking with Modem Card

2002-02-05 Thread Raul

Good and bad news, everyone has told you the bad news so far.

You can get some phone cable (RJ12-RJ12) and hook them up, but you will need
another modem and it will be at modem speeds. I did it once at 14.4 modem
though it is not pretty. Why not use the IR port (if available) and if it is
for transfer only, then just run a parallel cable or something.

If you want a real network, then get the right gear unfortunately. :(

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RE: [SLUG] Squidguard and other filtering proxies

2002-01-31 Thread Raul

Have we lost the point here? If they want one then give them one! Just make
them well aware that if they want a total ban then it is impossible, and
maybe a means of maintaining the rules for themselves and that is that.

No point giving up because it is impossible.. (I actually would almost be
more concerned if we could censor everything)

I've been looking into that for someone who has requested though still am
looking for a better solution. Dan's Guardian look ok, though I know there
must be better.


 -Original Message-
 Alan Vink
 Sent: Friday, 1 February 2002 11:23 AM
 To: Slug; David Fitch
 Subject: RE: [SLUG] Squidguard and other filtering proxies

  Yes, several Internet centres for youths have turned off their networks
  because they can't stop kid from looking at pr0n.

 I'm not a list administrator, but remember:
 (*cough* slug-chat *cough*) - by Jeff Waugh

 IMO you/they are doing it wrong.
 Ignoring the fact I don't think it's bad for kids to see porn

 It's somewhat difficult to ignore when written down as a statement!
 It may be a fact that YOU do not think it's bad for kids to see porn, BUT
 for the rest of us, it is just another opinion that is clearly not related
 to the subject of this list!

 If you want to flame, please do it offline -

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RE: [SLUG] Redhat Linux 7.1

2002-01-20 Thread Raul

news, most Linux installers will not work under 4M of RAM. Things may have 
changed with new kernels, but at one point 2-4M was minimum memory required to 
boot Linux at all!!

As a 
*Anything that boots Xduring install = no 
(I'm thinking Mandrake here)
OpenBSD systems I thinkneed 12M for install, but less to 
Slackware is the best for running on low end machines from my 
*Redhat is 
bloatware and not designed for low spec 
* "Whatever the 
installation docs for the distribution say"... sorry, but it has tobe 

depending on how you install matters as well, most installers will require even 
more RAM if you are booting off a floppy set due to ramdisks which also keep 
that 4M thing a limit. 8M should be plenty, but if you can get a kernel that 
runs in 4M RAM, then try a preinstalled system like LRP, Smoothwall?, ZipSlack, 
or maybe some other tiny linux distribution to get around the 

  To those familiar with Redhat Linux 7.1, I was intending to install this 
  version on my laptop- it's an old piece of hardware, an Acer Note Light. It 
  houses a Pentium 1 at 100MHz, 1 MB DRAM and a 774 MB hard disk. 
  Now is it a feasible idea for me to install Redhat Linux 7.1 on this 
  laptop? Are there any alternatives, any suggestions? 

RE: [SLUG] Slackware anybody?

2002-01-04 Thread Raul

In some ways I consider Slackware to be a good training distribution. I run
into a lot of Linux users who are distribution dependant because the know
how to use a wizard, but not configure the real files that control things.
Hence the argument mentioned previously about Slackware not being a very
useable distribution.

It also depends on your usage profile. If you want a system that has 1000
programs that you never run, and use 5 new ones each week, then stick to a
mainstream distribution. If you want to install a base system and put only
an extra package or two on your system, then slackware is ok.

Definitely not the 'cutting edge' of distributions, and best suited for
machines that don't have X on them (if you can imagine such a system) :)

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RE: [SLUG] National Bank Internet Banking

2001-12-10 Thread Raul

I couldn't resist the chance to vent on this one.. :)

 it pops me straight to the unsupported browser screen then points
 me to download netscape or IE - I've already got netscape just not
 under windoze.  Really, how hard can it be to write html/java that works
 on any browser?  that's supposed to be the idea of it.

It's not impossible, but can be limiting/hard for one reason.. Netscape.
After working in the industry you quickly learn to hate Netscape for all the
annoying bugs it has in it's implmentation. If you every tried following the
W3C HTML 4.0 standard (with funky stuff like style sheets) then you quickly
find yourself adding little hacks to make Netscape work. You patch a problem
in Netscape 4.08, you break Netscape 4.5! It's crazy!!

Time to get a new browser and not expect the world to change for you! ;)

If Mozilla still doesn't take it (as in your case I think it doesn't), then
give them feedback! Some of those freaks probably aren't aware that their
pages are broken! :)

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RE: [SLUG] Microsoft Quality Programming in C

2001-10-24 Thread Raul

 I recall a few postings regarding Quality C Programming as described
 in a Microsoft text. The posting was perhaps on this list, about a week

 I recall it being so funny and oxymoronic that I want the title of the

Sounds interesting! I could just imagine them doing code optimization by
removing checks to 'streamline' things. :) How many times do we see M$ bugs
from overflows or unexpected inputs??? ;)

Gee, I actually remember learning at a MSDN conference (yes, I will be going
for fun on Thursday) that you should never run your IIS applications in
isolated processes as it makes them slower and M$ looks bad! Hmmm...
interesting seeing that most people do that because they distrust the apps
and you need to isolate applications from having one disrupting them all! :)

 Was this mentioned on SLUG or do I need a lobotomy? I couldn't find it
 in the archives.

I don't recall it being posted so I'd love to see someone post it also! :)

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Re: [SLUG] Hardware - Antiques

2001-06-09 Thread Raul

I'm not sure if it counts, but I have an LRP setup for a 386SX/20. Naturally
no hard disk and only 4M of RAM which has 2 nic's in it to be a mini router
for my cable connection (it did work once before).

Can't get much slower than that unless someone wants to try a full blown
install on a box like that! :)

- Original Message -
From: Steve Kowalik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Hardware - Antiques

 On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 11:22:53PM +1000, Jon Biddell uttered:
  Q. What is the oldest / wierdest / most cantankerous piece of hardware
  you've ever had Linux running on ?
 An extremly flaky 386DX/33. Ohhh, that was fun. Not. I'm sure everyone else
 can beat me though. :-)

   I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding

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Re: [SLUG] nsa developes secure version of linux

2000-12-29 Thread Raul

Aren't the NSA the agency that keeps pestering people to give them a
decryption method for their encryption algorithms for the sake of national
security / crime prevention??

- Original Message -
From: "Dean Hamstead" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] nsa developes secure version of linux

 OpenBSD people =)


  Mike Holland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
nsa developes secure version of linux
   Thats a bit misleading. Its more of a demo of certain security features,
   rather than a secure OS.
  well it's not a full blown linux distribution, and I haven't tried
  it, but it appears to be a set of patches you can install on RH6.1
  and bob's your uncle.
  I also get the impression though that it's not finished or well
  polished etc.  I'd say they're hoping there's enough interest in
  it from the open-source community to take it as a base to develope
  a full blown secure version of linux.

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Re: [SLUG] nsa developes secure version of linux

2000-12-29 Thread Raul

Exactly! I'd prefer to trust a bunch of Canadian hackers with OpenBSD over
someone who is a known back door artist. ;)

"NSA develops secure version of linux" I guess is our funny headline for the
week! :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] nsa developes secure version of linux

 On Sat, 30 Dec 2000, Raul wrote:

  Aren't the NSA the agency that keeps pestering people to give them a
  decryption method for their encryption algorithms for the sake of national
  security / crime prevention??

 There's no "pestering" about it. They flat out demand it. The NSA is the
 sole reason it was so fscking hard to get a 128 bit browser outside the
 USA for years.


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Re: [SLUG] Re: Delphi, was Learning to program

2000-12-21 Thread Raul

 While it is good to see Borland/Inprise porting to Linux, I would
 point out a practical problem with Delphi.

 Not so much the language itself, it may well justify those
 enthusiastic exclamation points, but it is only available from
 one company, and it's future is tied to Borland's fortune.

 A language with an Open Source implementation is a much safer
 long term bet.

But there are no real alternatives in the wings. For some reason the Linux
crowd has problems adopting Java and cling to archaic languages like C++ and C
for application development. These languages have their merrits as the OS
level, but as soon as you actually want to do something big (Java) or fast
(Delphi), then there is little alternative.

The best tools available on this front seem to be Python and Perl but there
are limits to how far you should be really taking them.

 There are many proprietary languages that have bitten the dust.

Well noted. Kylix is a major risk because it is a proprietary implementation,
but without it Linux will always be a real bitch to code for.

(Ex-Delphi coder / lover)

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