Re: [SLUG] Hacked email

2011-07-01 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Sat 02 Jul, 2011 at 15:17:06 +1000, DaZZa wrote:
 This is a common problem, apparently
 and Google's security measures, quite frankly, SUCK. You set a
 password recovery mechanism, and then let it be *changed* without the
 criteria being met - so if someone hacks your password, they can
 simply *change* everything which might identify you - and then they
 say We can't verify who you are, and you are 100% screwed.

Time to start using Two Factor Authentication?

can be turned on from Account Settings.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Solaris is dead. Long live Linux.

2010-04-02 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Fri 02 Apr, 2010 at 20:14:58 +1300, Adam Bogacki wrote:

Maybe i've missed it, but I'm yet to find out what this means for people who
are already using Solaris 10 (ie, existing users).

Are they now on a 90 day trial, or are existing installs excluded from the
whole pay for it change?

Either way, I can see pain in my future

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2008-08-28 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Wed 27 Aug, 2008 at 10:14:46 +0800, jam wrote:
They won't respond to support mail: 10 over they last year
Drew Keating: The TIO can't MAKE us change anything
iinet are blacklisted as their invoice mail is not RFC compliant

For the record, wanting to choose DODO over iiNet, would make you the first
person in history ;-)

DODO's service, as noted by others, is appalling. I can't say the same for

And seeming you brought up blacklists, and what it seems,,
maybe you would like to check out these, if you are going with amnet


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Re: [SLUG] Nomination: Sridhar Dhanapalan for Ordinary Committee Member

2007-03-28 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Wed 28 Mar, 2007 at 22:40:52 +1000, Lindsay Holmwood wrote:
 I'd like to nominate Sridhar Dhanapalan for the position of Ordinary
 Committee Member.
 Sridhar has become increasing involved in the local Linux + FOSS
 community over the last year, helping out at Software Freedom Day, 2007 on the AV team, and currently organising the LA stand 
 at Open CeBIT. 
 I believe Sridhar's leadership and ideas would be valuable contributions
 to the SLUG community, and a natural extension of his current

I do agree.


 - Scott
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Time to re-visit a curly one

2006-05-28 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Mon 29 May, 2006 at 15:41:01 +1000, O Plameras wrote:
 A simple solution:
 Just add one activity for the poster to do, i.e., to every posting  
 server will elicit a confirmation from the poster whereby this 
 confirmation is
 identified by a unique-key.
 The SLUG list server generates this unique-key and sent along with the
 request to the poster to confirm his/her post. If it is not confirmed within
 a specified time, the posting will be purged and hence not sent out to the

I don't think that this implementation would help at all, and would be more
of a hinderence, and make people more annoyed with having to confirm each
email reply, then just delete spam email as it is received.

 - Scott

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Re: From Header (Was: [SLUG] Snakes and Rubies?)

2006-05-21 Thread Scott Sinclair
 the correct email should be listed in the from header of this email tho :p
 (I'm more awake now)

Appears those drugs weren't the effect this time - It was sSTMP deleted my
From Header - gotta love it.

 - Scott

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: gettext php config ?, was: [SLUG] photo gallery recommendations sought

2006-05-06 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Sat 06 May, 2006 at 22:55:56 +1000, Voytek Eymont wrote:
 'Your webserver does not support localization. Please instruct your system
 administrator to reconfigure PHP with the gettext option enabled.'
 phpinfo says:
 './configure' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-layout=GNU'
 # whereis gettext
 gettext: /bin/gettext /usr/bin/gettext /usr/share/gettext
 /usr/share/man/man1/gettext.1.gz /usr/share/man/man3/gettext.3.gz
 is it that I have gettext in /usr/bin/gettext and it's expected in
 '/usr/shared' ?
 can I symlink it or something ?

PHP has it's own gettext module which it needs to load (like it has a mysql
module and so on...)

I'd imagine your system is in one of the two states:
* It has PHP and the gettext module installed, but it is commented out
  in php.ini. To fix, uncomment a line in php.ini that looks like:

* You don't have the gettext module installed, which in this case, you
  should use your package manager and install a module named similar to

After each step, it should then be fixed by restarting the apache process.

- Scott

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Where's Sydney's Akihabara?

2006-05-04 Thread Scott Sinclair
On Fri 05 May, 2006 at 14:22:21 +1000, Mark Sargent wrote:
 Hi All,
 just wondering where most SLUGers shop for PC parts etc. I miss my Akihabara
 ;-(. I ventured to a few of the small PC shops in Sydney CBD, but was
 bitterly, in a fun kinda way, disappointed(did I mention that I miss my
 Akihabara?-lol). Anyway, whilst I certainly don't expect to be pampered as
 much as I would at Aki, I do hope to get some sort of techincal relief with
 something more appealing than what I got yesterday. Hope to hear your
 thoughts on this. Cheers.
 Mark Sargent

If you are mainly looking for the best price on parts, then i find that MSY
has often had the best price on numerous parts I have bought. See for pricelist.

As mentioned by the others, Technocity above the capitol threatre is quite
good for lots of computer stores in one place tho, but they all seem to be
about the same price on alot of things.

Other than that, for comparitive shopping, maybe check out - an online comparison tool for computer parts/gadgets.

- Scott

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: SLUG codefest: this Sunday, 9th April

2006-04-07 Thread Scott Sinclair

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

Whats the networking like. Will we be able to surf, cvs, ssh and
irc onto the internet?

Besides the mentioned proxy, probably might be restricted to certain ports.

IRC from inside UTS' network apparently is blocked now, or is in the 
process of being blocked, but this does not stop you ssh'ing home or 
such to IRC ;)

SSH on port 443 for the win! :-)

Scott Sinclair
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: 2006-2006 President's Report

2006-04-05 Thread Scott Sinclair

Craige McWhirter wrote:

While many SCLUG members are involved in SLUG, unfortunately it's a been
a while (years?) since SLUG has run an install fest. Something to think

At the AGM last month, it was brought up the idea of not having 
installfests as such, but instead 'deckfests' [1], where people's 
computers are decked out with great open source software (or operating 
system if they need it) seeming how Linux is really becoming easy to 
install these days.
It was Lindsay's idea, so I imagine he has more of an idea on the exact 

[1] Well, it was either Deck or Desk. Either or sounds good ;)
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Heads Up - troubles with time zones

2006-03-26 Thread Scott Sinclair

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
I have the same problem on my Gentoo and PCLinuxOS systems. My Ubuntu Breezy 
installation is fine, though.

I too had the same problem on my Gentoo system, even after emerge'ing 
the right thing - I just simply forgot to copy the new tzdata file from 
/usr to /et/localtime (thanks Phillip Derrin!)

I believe in Ubuntu, that /etc/localtime is a symlink, and thus why it 
probably didn't have this problem.

Scott Sinclair
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SLUG special dinner on Wednesday (29th)

2006-03-26 Thread Scott Sinclair

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

On Sunday 26 March 2006 13:03, Pia Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

everyone invited to a special FOSS community dinner/drinks next Wednesday
evening from about 6pm at the James Squire Brewhouse in Darling Harbour.

Is that Wednesday 29 March or 5 April? Just trying to clarify.

Subject: Re: [SLUG] SLUG special dinner on Wednesday (29th)


Scott Sinclair
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] What about Ubuntu? (was daylight saving patch for redhat 7.3)

2006-03-23 Thread Scott Sinclair

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

Yeah, but I'm lazy. I just wanna to an apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade
and have the damn thing fixed :-).

You could have a look at:

(this was posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Jeff Bailey, just 
yesterday! ;)

Scott Sinclair
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Committee Nomination

2006-03-22 Thread Scott Sinclair

Chris Deigan wrote:

I'd like to nominate Scott Sinclair (also known to some as praetorian)
for the position of secretary.

Let's be daring, let's be wild.

I accept.

Scott Sinclair
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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