Re: [SLUG] well I'm defeated!

2006-02-27 Thread r . polanskis
Here's what I do, with a template config file that contains the

The httpd.conf is static in that it contains only global
info for the host.Only the most basic info for the site
is included in httpd.conf, as I want to push it out (via n1sps)
as a template.

Then I include the file below, which contains the Section #2
base Name Virtual Host for the system, so there can always be a default
server running, to do things like errors/images/etc.

The Section #3 is a Name Virtual Host that is running as well.

Include a new Section #3 per Name Virtual Host you wish to assign.

You could also use an Apache2 resource directory, calling the appropriate
vhost file by installing it there.

You have to have a matching name for the vhost in the DNS, or
you need to use an IP based Virtual Host, which is beyond the scope
of this article.

Likewise, I break ssl.conf into a globals/default file and then
call up a separate vhost-ssl file as required (with IP based vhost).

#  Section 2: Common server configuration

Alias /livery/ /opt/app/cwis/common/data/livery/
Alias /errors/ /opt/app/cwis/common/data/errors/

ErrorDocument 400 /errors/badreq.php
ErrorDocument 401 /errors/authreq.php
ErrorDocument 403 /errors/forbid.php
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.php
ErrorDocument 410 /errors/gone.php

NameVirtualHost *:80

VirtualHost *:80 
DocumentRoot /opt/app/cwis/common/data
ErrorLog /var/cwis/logs/common/error_log
CustomLog /var/cwis/logs/common/access_log combined

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /opt/app/cwis/common/cgi-bin/

Directory /opt/app/cwis/common/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Directory /opt/app/cwis/common/data
 Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride None
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all
 Deny from env=nastyrobot


#  Section 3 : Name Virtual Host configuration

VirtualHost *:80 
DocumentRoot /opt/app/cwis/pubapps/data
ErrorLog /var/cwis/logs/pubapps/error_log
CustomLog /var/cwis/logs/pubapps/access_log combined

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /opt/app/cwis/pubapps/cgi-bin/

Directory /opt/app/cwis/pubapps/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Directory /opt/app/cwis/pubapps/data
 Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride None
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all
 Deny from env=nastyrobot

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] [ot] Rant on tech salesman who has not heard of Linux

2005-04-08 Thread r . polanskis
On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, QuantumG wrote:

 The relationship to Linux?  He was treating me like someone who knew
 nothing about computers even though I clearly had a Linux T-shirt on.

There is so much buzz around Linux at the moment that wearing a Linux
T-Shirt can be viewed merely as a fashion statement, not as an indication
of any particular commonsense, sensibility with computers but can include


Rachel PolanskisSystems Admin, University of Western Sydney
ADD Werrington North Campus (+61 2) 9678 7291  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have found the solution, Doctor.  Knife them in the neck - Leela, Dr Who
Who do you trust? - John W Howard
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] FOR SALE: CTTE Positions!

2005-03-07 Thread r . polanskis
On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Chris Deigan wrote:

 Can't make it on the CTTE? Then nominate a friend, or that special
 someone. CTTE membership makes the perfect gift and can be ordered with
 current SLUG committee members, in the colour of your choice*.

 ENTERING: You can enter to win this competition of a lifetime by sending
 your nomination to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Choice includes what pen we can find.
 ^ Nominating, seconding, and winning attracts a fee of $25 p/ person
   or $15 for students and unemployed persons with proof on-hand.

You forgot the free ipod


Rachel PolanskisSystems Admin, University of Western Sydney
ADD Werrington North Campus (+61 2) 9678 7291  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   No one in my electorate goes to uni - Jackie Kelly, member for Lindsay
Who do you trust? - John W Howard
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Work For The Dole

2005-01-21 Thread r . polanskis
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Terry Collins wrote:

 Adelle Hartley wrote:

When I was on the dole, I was teaching myself C++ and systems admin.
This was back in 1992-1993.

I was offered several computer courses, most of which were Microsoft
Office based, or simple desktop support type training schemes.

When interviewing for these courses at the CES, they would ask me if I
had any IT experience and then I would pull out a few floppies with
my projects on them and start talking about C++ and so on.

I never got to one of those training schemes as the officer/counsellor
was convinced I was overskilled for them - they thought I'd get bored.
I graciously gave up my slot for a less fortunate pleb, so I could go
back to sleeping in till 1pm and sitting up all night hacking on
various ideas.

Finally I was able to swing a role with the Uni, in the library, ostensibly
doing filing, faxing, foning and fotocopying.   I got an interview for
the 6 month scheme and happened to mention the Internet.   This boggled
the person who eventually hired me, as he was actually putting together
a team of specialist librarians to use the net for their teaching.

In any case I only did one day of filing c and ended up in this team
and quickly became their tech support and so on.   This lead directly
to my current career as a UNIX admin.

Thank Simon Crean (at the time) for his wonderful well targeted
Labour Market Programs!

If a cheme that involved Linux/OSS/programming c had been there
when I was on the dole, my career would probably have been accelerated
even more than it was at the time, when no one had a clue about
computers, let alone *nix.

However much I despise the Howard Govt and it's evil WFTD schemes,
OSS is better than painting rocks and cleaning dead animals out of sewers
or whatever other useless dead end tasks the unemployed have to
do to keep the govt's employment statistics appearing to be
better than they actually are...


Rachel PolanskisSystems Admin, University of Western Sydney
ADD Werrington North Campus (+61 2) 9678 7291  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   No one in my electorate goes to uni - Jackie Kelly, member for Lindsay
Who do you trust? - John W Howard
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Pine filtering extended ASCII?

2004-12-26 Thread r . polanskis
Since my ISP doesn't do procmail filtering,
how can I, using PINE filter all that extended ASCII spam I am starting to
get - the stuff that is made up of non-alphanumeric characters like
Sigma, Omicron, omega, square root symbols and other crazy junk
that is obviously from north korea or where ever?

I have tried filtering on Content-Type utf-8 and so on, but these
are not coming in any particular char set.  Does anyone have a suggestion?
Is this something Mutt can do or am I going to have to resort to some other
method?   My ISP won't give me filtering unless I change my email
acct to something else and I do not want to change my address as I
have had it for 10 years or so


Rachel PolanskisSystems Admin, University of Western Sydney
V1-37, Kingswood Campus (+61 2) 47 360 291 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   No one in my electorate goes to uni - Jackie Kelly, member for Lindsay
Who do you trust? - John W Howard
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs: