[SLUG] Automated secretary anyone?

2003-09-10 Thread Grant Parnell - EverythingLinux
Below's just some thoughts I had last night inspired by the fact I can 
spend a day at the office being really busy but can't remember where the 
time's gone and often forget important stuff. Like a lot of small 
businesses we can't afford a secretary to keep us in line. Does anybody 
have a clue if there's something like this already? It's not exactly 
something I can easily think up a search for. Although I tried and found 
mostly Windows stuff that wasn't really close enough to what I had in 

Automatic time tracker / secretary

Keeping tabs on you
* pops up and asks what you're doing every 15 mins to which you give a one 
or two word response EG "phoning Tom"
* if no response checks least idle terminal every half hour & sends 
message to it
* if terminal idle for 2 hours but email gets sent, send an email
* email says "what are you up to?" to which you reply with a short 
* if it can't find you, when you're back it asks "what were you up to 
between xx and yy time?"
* perhaps impliment a jabber bot
* perhaps in future provide an SMS gateway

Reminding you
* things scheduled for certain times & dates should pop up when due and/or 
when the reminder time is set.
* Frequency of reminders based on how responsive you appear
(eg, no point telling you something's on in 5 minutes if you're not 

* Should provide you a timesheet of what's happened each day which should
be filled in & returned.
* Should provide weekly & monthly timesheet/reports

SQL database for schedules & event logs
A reminder daemon - lets you know what's on
A contact daemon - keeps track of the best way to contact you and provides 
a communication channel for other programs
A command processor - when info comes back from the contact daemon it must 
be interpreted either in the context of a reply or a new command.

EG You should be able to send an email to the secretary with something 
like "Schedule meeting 9am with Tom" and it will know that since it's 10am 
at time of writing you mean the next working day and the meeting's at your 
office. If it doesen't understand it can email you some examples and ask 
for clarification.

Grant Parnell - senior consultant
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup & tech support.
Web: http://www.everythinglinux.com.au/services  
We're also busybits.com.au and linuxhelp.com.au.
Phone 02 8752 6622 to book service or discuss your needs.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Automated secretary anyone?

2003-09-10 Thread Michael Lake
Grant Parnell - EverythingLinux wrote:

> Automatic time tracker / secretary
> ==

Keeping tabs on you
> * pops up and asks what you're doing every 15 mins to which you give a one 
> or two word response EG "phoning Tom"

apt-get install clippy

> * email says "what are you up to?" to which you reply with a short 
> explanation

integrate clippy with Ximian Calendaring application

> * if it can't find you, when you're back it asks "what were you up to 
> between xx and yy time?"

spyware - enough said

> * perhaps impliment a jabber bot
> * perhaps in future provide an SMS gateway

integrate clippy with your mobile phone

> Summaries 
> - 
> * Should provide you a timesheet of what's happened each day which should
> be filled in & returned.
> * Should provide weekly & monthly timesheet/reports

Grant. You are excellent manager material :-) Ask for a promotion.

> Ingredients
> ---
> SQL database for schedules & event logs
> A reminder daemon - lets you know what's on
openClippyd - an open source implementation of Clippy as a daemon

> A contact daemon - keeps track of the best way to contact you and provides 
> a communication channel for other programs

a tracker like that put round animals necks to track em in the wild 
could be attached to you so you can be tracked. It will know whether you 
are in the receiving/despatch room or updating the Everything Linux web 
siet or in the dunny :-) Naturally this is integrated with closed 
circuit television system (Axis cameras with embedded Linux) which 
monitors you as well.

> EG You should be able to send an email to the secretary with something 
> like "Schedule meeting 9am with Tom" and it will know that since it's 10am 
> at time of writing you mean the next working day and the meeting's at your 
> office. If it doesen't understand it can email you some examples and ask 
> for clarification.
"Schedule meeting 10am with Sidney in Burke" :-)

The system has now corrected your spelling mistake of Sidney to Sydney 
and you are now scheduled to meet Burke in Sydney.

Grant, you have too much free time on your hands and you are thinking 
too much. Get back to work :-)
Anthony, give grant Grant more work to do :-)


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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug