On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 00:44, Rajnish Tiwari wrote:
> Hi All,
>       I need to install the package corresponding to development
>       tools onto a RH EL server - but it doesn't have X-Windows.
>       I guess the good old command line interface (CLI) is the option.
>       Assuming I've found the rpm on the RH cds, what is the
>       command to install it from CLI ? I'd wish to install
>       it in whatever default location. (I am to give this instruction
>       to a complete linux newbie sitting in another part of
>       the world !!)

So, there's a few tools you should probably know about. First of all,
the basic "install this package file" program is called "rpm". It
installs stuff, deletes stuff and lets you query the database of
packages you have installed. Assuming you have only one RPM you need to
install, and you have all of its dependencies installed, this is the
best command to use:

    rpm -Uvh <file name>

The U is for upgrade, but it will install if a previous version isn't
there. Using it will prevent you from installing parallel versions of
software. 'i' is the option for straight installation. 'v' is for
verbose and 'h' prints out hash marks as a progress indicator.

If you want it to automatically install dependencies, then there is a
tool called 'up2date' that will do what you want. It may require some
configuration, I'm not sure. I'd guess that with EL the default setup
will do. At any rate, you generally just do

    up2date <package name>

and it will download the package from redhat, along with any
dependencies and install them all for you.

> PS:   It is times like these that I love .tar.gz files. Hmm ... give
>       me Slackware anyday :-)

These days RedHat ships with tar and gzip by default. These truly are
exciting times we live in.



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