My Internet connection has been working fine after following the advice in lesson 17C @ but as allways it was too good to last?

I had been trying to read my old IDE doze disks for the purpose of data transfer but after I had came into (hardware related) problems I took my doze disks down to the local computer shop for the purpose of  data recovery

Then when I put my computer back the way it was I tried to access the intenet, so I made changes to the dhcclient script which in turn modeified the resolv.conf file so that the resoolv-conf file held the correct nameservers in it (It woluld have been useful if the dhcclient -script actually did this without user interference)

and after lots of mucking arount I realised that Mandriva Linux doesn't recognize my network card and I thouhgt It is really strange as a few days ago Mandriva Linux had no trouble recognising my network card.

I also found that there is a graphical screen in which I can choose to make my graphics card active but this doesn't activate my graphics card when I try it.

Now I have also installed a lot of updates lately and I am thinking that if I could uninstall some or all of those updates could this help the situation

Does anybody have any Ideas?

Actually I am wondering if maybe I may have ripped out part of the dhcclient-script that enables the network card to be detected in which case I should ask if somebody could send me a copy

Thanks Steve


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