The National Press Club addresses are also on ABC24 news channel at
the same time, 1pm today.

> The Australian Computer Society has organised an 2010 Federal Election
> Forum at the National Press Club in Canberra, from 1 to 2pm AEST, 10
> August 2010. This will be live on Sky News and YouTube. You can comment
> via the ACS Blog, or Twitter using the tag #ITElectionForum.
> The forum will feature Senator Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband,
> Communications and the Digital Economy (Labour Party), Tony Smith MP,
> Shadow Minister (Liberal Party) and Senator Scott Ludlam (Greens ICT
> spokesperson). Issues to be discussed include the Digital Economy, High
> Speed Broadband, Professional certification, ICT Skills, and no doubt
> Internet censorship.
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