Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-06 Thread Stefan Borg

Personally, I wouldn't go past PostgreSQL.

I have worked with a developer did regression testing
on both PostgreSQL and MySQL. He found that PostgreSQL
was faster and more stable (than MySQL) as the number
of records increased.

I have worked with PostgreSQL for about 2 years and
have overall found it a very reliable product.

Stephan Borg
Osgiliath Pty Ltd

> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:40:26PM +1100, George
Vieira uttered:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web
server but it must
> > to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL
at all and I was 
> > someone could tell me if this is possible and how
to do it..
> >
> mod_auth_(mysql|ora), but it is a festering pile of
> I've just deployed a virtual server with
authenication again a mysql, 
i couldn't count all the problems on 2 hands and feet.
(ie: more than 
20 ;-)
> Bet someone else has a better idea, too.

_ - Yahoo! Store
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RE: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-06 Thread George Vieira

Thanks for all your suggestions... After all that I finally got around to
the client and speak to someone who knows what they want and in the end they
didn't even bl00dy want Linux to interface to the SQL server... A different
site will access the SQL via URL retreival command (site to site lookup) and
the linux box is just to host 5 virtual sites and other things (what a
waste)... Mind you, this machine will be a pilot for a very large hit rate
site and when it fall (It'll be IIS) we be there to laugh at them and
install it on Linux..

Damn, seemed like a nice tought project..

thanks again for your help..

-Original Message-
Dean Hamstead
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:21 PM
To: George Vieira
Cc: 'Steve Kowalik'; 'SLUG List'
Subject: Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

Perl has an Ms-SQL module, ODBC and JDBC drivers no doubt
exist. Lets not get flaming going, but mod_perl is so the
way to go.

And i like jserv as well. Php is good, but i see so many
poorly done sites using php is makes me sick. I mean, SSI
will suit 90% of sites ;)

But anyway, your other option is to unload all the data from
Ms-SQL into text files (its a select option) and then load
the data into mysql/post/your fav db here, using the "load"
command. My and Post are both highly SQL compliant, post
more so than My, and i can only assume MsSQL at least supports
the SQL basics.


George Vieira wrote:
> So I guess it's a talk of getting them to go fully linux? If so, is there
> ways of porting the data over and is MySQL is best option... things like
> that?
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Kowalik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:22 PM
> To: George Vieira
> Cc: SLUG List
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:40:26PM +1100, George Vieira uttered:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must
> interface
> > to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> > someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..
> >
> mod_auth_(mysql|ora), but it is a festering pile of
> &(&^(*_^*^)_^_*&+)(*)(+*+)(*&_*&^.
> I've just deployed a virtual server with authenication again a mysql, and
> couldn't count all the problems on 2 hands and feet. (ie: more than 20 ;-)
> Bet someone else has a better idea, too.
> > thanks,
> > George Vieira..
> >
> >
> > --
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> > More Info:
> >
> --
> Steve
>   "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding
> contest."
> --Me
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

ICQ: 16867613

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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread Dean Hamstead

Perl has an Ms-SQL module, ODBC and JDBC drivers no doubt 
exist. Lets not get flaming going, but mod_perl is so the
way to go.

And i like jserv as well. Php is good, but i see so many 
poorly done sites using php is makes me sick. I mean, SSI
will suit 90% of sites ;)

But anyway, your other option is to unload all the data from
Ms-SQL into text files (its a select option) and then load
the data into mysql/post/your fav db here, using the "load"
command. My and Post are both highly SQL compliant, post 
more so than My, and i can only assume MsSQL at least supports
the SQL basics.


George Vieira wrote:
> So I guess it's a talk of getting them to go fully linux? If so, is there
> ways of porting the data over and is MySQL is best option... things like
> that?
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Kowalik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:22 PM
> To: George Vieira
> Cc: SLUG List
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:40:26PM +1100, George Vieira uttered:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must
> interface
> > to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> > someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..
> >
> mod_auth_(mysql|ora), but it is a festering pile of
> &(&^(*_^*^)_^_*&+)(*)(+*+)(*&_*&^.
> I've just deployed a virtual server with authenication again a mysql, and i
> couldn't count all the problems on 2 hands and feet. (ie: more than 20 ;-)
> Bet someone else has a better idea, too.
> > thanks,
> > George Vieira..
> >
> >
> > --
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> > More Info:
> >
> --
> Steve
>   "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding
> contest."
> --Me
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

ICQ: 16867613

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread Rodos

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, George Vieira wrote:

> I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must interface
> to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..

As someone else mentioned more information would be good.

But let me assume that the data which you whish to present/update on the
web site exists in an MS SQL database and you can't move it because there
are other Windows based applications which also manipulate the data.

If that is the case you might like to look at UnixODBC of which the best
choice seams to be Easysofts piece of middleware.

I used it connect a threaded C application under linux to a remote MS SQL
server database. It worked very well, you write standard ODBC API calls in
your C and link to a library.

Other tools such as DBI under Perl work with it as well so you can write
your web application in Perl and use DBI to get at the data from the SQL

Of course the best solution if you can is to get the data onto a Linux
database. The licensing cost of SQL server can be huge. But if you can't
then this is a good way to get Linux in for a good portion of the
application. There is heaps of detail on the net if you go searching.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread George Vieira

So I guess it's a talk of getting them to go fully linux? If so, is there
ways of porting the data over and is MySQL is best option... things like

-Original Message-
From: Steve Kowalik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:22 PM
To: George Vieira
Cc: SLUG List
Subject: Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:40:26PM +1100, George Vieira uttered:
> Hi all,
> I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must
> to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..
mod_auth_(mysql|ora), but it is a festering pile of
I've just deployed a virtual server with authenication again a mysql, and i
couldn't count all the problems on 2 hands and feet. (ie: more than 20 ;-)
Bet someone else has a better idea, too.

> thanks,
> George Vieira..
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

  "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread Rick Welykochy

David Guest wrote:

> As perhaps an extension of this, a colleague of mine has recently developed
> an ASP/IIS front-end to a dbf database. What tools would one use to do the
> same thing under GNU/Linux?
> Apache and .

MySQL or PostgreSQL

DBI + Apache::DBI



mod_jserv (mod_jsp?)

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

> As perhaps an extension of this, a colleague of mine has recently
> developed an ASP/IIS front-end to a dbf database. What tools would one use
> to do the same thing under GNU/Linux?

One simple way would be to develop with PHP and its dBase interface. You
could also do this with Perl or Python.

- Jeff


 100% Pure Slashdot Wisdom: "Source code gives a whole new meaning  
 to free software." 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread David Guest

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Kowalik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "George Vieira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:40:26PM +1100, George Vieira uttered:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must
> > to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> > someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..
> >
> mod_auth_(mysql|ora), but it is a festering pile of
> I've just deployed a virtual server with authenication again a mysql, and
i couldn't count all the problems on 2 hands and feet. (ie: more than 20 ;-)
> Bet someone else has a better idea, too.

Dear Sluggers

As perhaps an extension of this, a colleague of mine has recently developed
an ASP/IIS front-end to a dbf database. What tools would one use to do the
same thing under GNU/Linux?

Apache and .


David Guest
General Practitioner, Lismore

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread Steve Kowalik

On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:40:26PM +1100, George Vieira uttered:
> Hi all,
> I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must interface
> to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..
mod_auth_(mysql|ora), but it is a festering pile of &(&^(*_^*^)_^_*&+)(*)(+*+)(*&_*&^.
I've just deployed a virtual server with authenication again a mysql, and i couldn't 
count all the problems on 2 hands and feet. (ie: more than 20 ;-)
Bet someone else has a better idea, too.

> thanks,
> George Vieira..
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

  "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding contest."

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must interface
> to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
> someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..

For... Logs? Authentication? Are you going to be running PHP or Perl on it
for application development? Details, we need details!

- Jef


  "I think that Clueless was deep. I think it was deep in the way   
 that it was light. I think lightness has to come from a deep place if it's
   true lightness." - Alicia Silverstone

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] SQL servers and Apache

2001-03-05 Thread George Vieira

Hi all,

I have been offered a job to build 4 Apache web server but it must interface
to a Windows NT SQL server.. I have not done SQL at all and I was hoping
someone could tell me if this is possible and how to do it..

George Vieira..

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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread John Ryland

On Monday 27 November 2000 21:01, tom burkart wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Question is, which is worth putting the effort into -
> > indeed, is one better than the other ?
> If you are after speed and can put up with a limited implementaion - mysql
> is your answer.
> Postgresql is a very complete implementation - the cost is speed.

This is true. When I was last using MySQL it wouldn't allow me to do a nested 
SQL query. I found that very annoying. Also back then it wasn't GPL and 
wasn't transactional. BUT it was fast.

Anyone know if you can do nested queries now with MySQL?

> Anyway, Postgresql 7 is supposed to be a lot faster...



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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread Howard Lowndes

My experience.

MySQL is faster, PostgreSQL has more functionality, but then I haven't
studied the latest version of MySQL.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Not wanting to start another Jihad here, but I want to
> install either PostgreSQL or MySQL on my server.

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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Is there a RAD-type interface for PostgreSQL ? I've briefly played
> with the MySQL front end and it's good to do rapid dev. with. 

Well, there's the web-based php(My|Pg)Admin, which I find pretty poor, but a
lot of people like them. There are also some Gnome and KDE interfaces under

I'm a bit of a fan of the text interface myself - psql even has command
completion. :)

> Yes, I know I need to put the effort into learning the language,
> etc, but I need to get a few things going quickly.,...

The PostgreSQL docs are a bit obtuse, which is a shame. They're definitely
written from the point of view of 'developer seeking SQL92 compliance'. :)
You read up on something useful and find out at the bottom of the page that
it isn't implemented yet (the one that I *really* miss is outer joins, but
these are coming RSN). :D

>  > Again, very humbling stuff. 
> Yes, you can say that again...:-)

Heh. :) So many good people... I have a lot of beers to buy this January.

- Jeff


  "One World, one Web, one Browser." - Microsoft promotion  
 "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler  

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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread Peter Faulks

My 2c (inc GST)

mySql is NOT a relational database - it does not have foreign keys or
It does not support host variables / embedded SQL
It does not support sub-selects (select column from table where
another_column = (select pk_col from another_table where ))

I have written a fairly biggish set of cgi programs in C using mySQL, it is
simple enough to use, seems reliable?, but I felt like I was using a 'toy'

I am about to get into PostgresSQL, and from what I have read so far, it
seems vastly superior.

BTW, there is another contender, Interbase is open source now


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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread Jon Biddell

> Erk. This question always gets people's goat. :) You *can't* avoid a bit of
> bustling.

Always seems to be the way...

> My old argument is this: PostgreSQL is a database, MySQL is an SQL queryable
> datastore. If you want to use database features (as most sites require these
> days), use PostgreSQL. If you want a familiar interface to simple datasets,
> use MySQL. Portable? PostgreSQL. RAD? MySQL. Yada, yada, yada.
> That said, both projects are kicking some serious arse at the moment, and
> the competition is really giving the developers a tickle. Like the embedded
> systems hoopla, Free Software databases are finally getting the attention
> they deserve.

Is there a RAD-type interface for PostgreSQL ? I've briefly played
with the MySQL front end and it's good to do rapid dev. with. 
Yes, I know I need to put the effort into learning the language,
etc, but I need to get a few things going quickly.,...

Still, there's always Oracle...Eeek !!!

 > Again, very humbling stuff. 

Yes, you can say that again...:-)



"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"
John Wiltshire - SLUG

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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Not wanting to start another Jihad here, but I want to
> install either PostgreSQL or MySQL on my server.

Erk. This question always gets people's goat. :) You *can't* avoid a bit of

> Question is, which is worth putting the effort into -
> indeed, is one better than the other ?

MySQL was designed to fit a specific purpose, and has grown as needs have
changed. PostgreSQL was designed as an acedemic project, and has grown as
database research has changed.

These days, both are moving into similar ground. I personally believe that
PostgreSQL is the better software - I haven't found a circumstance for which
is didn't suit.

Performance is no longer the issue it once was - even Tim Perdue, a long
time MySQL devotee, has written an article showing that PostgreSQL
outperforms MySQL... Sourceforge will be moving to PostgreSQL soon, and will
be better for it.

My old argument is this: PostgreSQL is a database, MySQL is an SQL queryable
datastore. If you want to use database features (as most sites require these
days), use PostgreSQL. If you want a familiar interface to simple datasets,
use MySQL. Portable? PostgreSQL. RAD? MySQL. Yada, yada, yada.

That said, both projects are kicking some serious arse at the moment, and
the competition is really giving the developers a tickle. Like the embedded
systems hoopla, Free Software databases are finally getting the attention
they deserve.

Again, very humbling stuff.

- Jeff


  ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread tom burkart

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Question is, which is worth putting the effort into -
> indeed, is one better than the other ?
If you are after speed and can put up with a limited implementaion - mysql
is your answer.
Postgresql is a very complete implementation - the cost is speed.

When I decided to write some code with DB backend I decided I would put up
with the speed penalty and use the more complete implementation.  Later
when I have a complete product, I will re-evaluate wether most or all
functionality I require exists in the fast one I will change the drivers
to that one...

Anyway, Postgresql 7 is supposed to be a lot faster...


AUSSECPhone: 61 4 1768 2202
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Re: [SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 09:49:47PM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Not wanting to start another Jihad here, but I want to
> install either PostgreSQL or MySQL on my server.
> Question is, which is worth putting the effort into -
> indeed, is one better than the other ?

How long is a piece of string? :-)

Each databses has some advantages and some disadvantages when compared
to the other. What sort of purpose did you have in mind to use the
database for? That may help us give more directed advice on the pros and
cons of each solution.


Malcolm Tredinnickemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd

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[SLUG] SQL Servers

2000-11-27 Thread jon

Not wanting to start another Jihad here, but I want to
install either PostgreSQL or MySQL on my server.

Question is, which is worth putting the effort into -
indeed, is one better than the other ?


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