
I just got done compiling and installing FVWM2 2.3.20. The module
path is /usr/X11R6/libexec/fvwm/2.3.20/ . In the past (2.2.x and before)
the FVWM had a configuration file in $HOME, either (.fvwmrc or .fvwm2rc).
The new installation does not seem to be using the file I originally had,
i.e. $HOME/.fvwm2rc.

1. Where is the FVWM2 reading the configuration file from?

2. Why does FVWM does not start from XDM but works fine from GDM?

The "fvwm2" binary is installed in /usr/X11R6/bin. My distro is Slackware 7.1.


Subba Rao

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