[SLUG] re : Debian Install

2001-02-04 Thread Steven

I wrote

>Any suggestions about how to stop pcmcia loading?  I have not selected it
as a module to load in the initial configuration.

It never fails.  You can spend an hour looking for the answer to a problem
and 5 minutes after emailing the list you find the answer.  Of course
pcmcia is not loaded as a module it is loaded through a script in init.d.
I was also looking at the wrong site for laptops and have now found the
guide for my particular laptop at


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Re: Debian Install Question

2000-11-27 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{Jason Rennie}
> I'm planning on installing debina on a box i have at home. However i have
> a few quick question as to how to go about it.

have a quick flick through:


particularly the chapter on install methods

> Firstly i was planning to do a netowrk install of all of the distro, so i
> don't need a set of disks. However the base install needs 11 floppy disks
> plus the boot disks (right?).

you only need two (or is it three now?) disks, for kernel, root
filesystem and kernel drivers (modules). assuming you have "normal"
hardware (no scsi), you should be able to get away with using the
*-compact kernel/drivers, which are significantly smaller.

 - Gus

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: Debian Install Question

2000-11-27 Thread Jason Rennie

> you only need two (or is it three now?) disks, for kernel, root
> filesystem and kernel drivers (modules). assuming you have "normal"
> hardware (no scsi), you should be able to get away with using the
> *-compact kernel/drivers, which are significantly smaller.

I got that angus, but how do i get the base install onto the system.

I don't have nfs setup (or compiled into any of the kernels as i dont use
it), so i was under the impression it was that, or cd or floppy
install. Hence i was after a minimal cd install.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Re: Debian Install Question

2000-11-27 Thread Herbert Xu

Jason Rennie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't have nfs setup (or compiled into any of the kernels as i dont use
> it), so i was under the impression it was that, or cd or floppy
> install. Hence i was after a minimal cd install.

With potato you've got the http option to fetch the base system.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( http://www.debian.org/ )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug