A Google search turned up the fact that Mike Lake in Oct 2001 had the
same basic problem, and solved it with SLUG's help.

On  2 Mar, luke wrote:
>  My nightly backup script gets the following error every time, when
>  backing up one set of files across NFS:
>  cd /
>  ....
>  cpio: Read error at byte 0 in file home/coo/stella/sam/Same4.1, padding with zeros
>  cpio: Read error at byte 0 in file home/coo/stella/sam/Same5.1, padding with zeros
>  The backup runs as root.  Root can open the files and examine it
>  manually (e.g. with vi), across the network just fine.
>  Only these files have the problem - other files backup okay.
>  Permissions look good - owner and group are correct, and uid and gid
>  now match on both machines (they didn't, before!).
>  E.g:
>  $ ls -l /home/coo/stella/sam/Same4.1
>  -rw-rw----    1 stella   kendall     43662 Jan 26 12:05 /home/coo/stella/sam/Same4.1

Notice that the file is not readable by "other".

>  The only clue I have is these error messages on the console of the
>  machine where the files live, at last reboot:
>  fh_verify: sam-copy/Same4.1 permission failure, acc=4, error=13
>  fh_verify: sam-copy/Same5.1 permission failure, acc=4, error=13
>  etc.

A strange red herring.

>  coo:/home on /home/coo type nfs 
> (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,soft,bg,timeo=14,retry=1,addr=

Notice the lack of a no_root_squash for that NFS mount.

>  Just found this, too, from the commandline:
>  # cd /
>  # echo home/coo/stella/sam/Same4.1 | cpio -o -H newc > /dev/null
>  cpio: Read error at byte 16384 in file home/coo/stella/sam/Same4.1, padding with 
> zeros
>  This only differs from the scripted version in that in the script, all
>  100 or so files get a read error at byte 0.

Another red herring?

Anyway, I chose to make the files other-readable (rather than adding

Though I can't say I'm impressed by cpio's error message
"Read error at byte 0 in file ..., padding with zeros" rather than
"Permission denied".  Unless that's NFS returning the wrong error
number somehow.


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