Re: [SLUG] Newlines in environment variables

2005-05-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 11:30:48AM +1000, Peter Hardy wrote:
> xmessage -nearmouse $message

> Now, running this script with bash compresses $message to a single line,
> while zsh keeps the newlines intact. So I'm wondering how to achieve the
> same thing with bash.

Quote $message, as in

$ xmessage -nearmouse "$message"


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Re: [SLUG] gnome-panel gone in Debian-unstable/Metacity

2005-06-09 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 09:39:03PM +1200, Adam Bogacki wrote:
> Trying 'apt-get -f install gnome-panel' as root gives me a long
> string of unmet dependencies which won't cut'n paste from
> gnome-terminal.
> Is this something affecting other Debian unstable users at the
> moment, or just me ?

There are some problems with a migration to 2.10, particularly the
gnome-panel package.



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Re: [SLUG] Re: Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-10 Thread Ian Wienand
On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 10:17:16AM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> Actually, if the initial spec had said "all HTML pages MUST be valid XML 
> or the browser MUST give an error and make no attempt at rendering it" 
> and this had been honoured by NCSA and Nutscrape, the web would be in a 
> much better state.  Of course, that's cloud cuckoo land.  XML didn't 
> exist, and Nutscrape would have "extended" the spec.

Since XML wasn't around, I think it is rather the case that if HTML
had paid more attention to SGML than "it's tags enclosed in <> signs"
we might have had true separation of data and presentation from day 1,
and DSSSL might have been something people would put on their resume.
But at least these days that's starting to happen with XML.

XML is so useful because it provides such good abstractions.  You can
define it with a DTD, whack all your data in it, walk it with XPath
and display it with XSLT and some CSS.


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Re: [SLUG] Increasing the number of Inodes?

2005-07-21 Thread Ian Wienand
On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 10:49:11AM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:
> I've googled, man tunefs & others, read the HOWTOs but I am none the
> wiser as to how I can increase the umber of available inodes in a
> partition.

You can't.  From mke2fs

 -i bytes-per-inode
Specify the bytes/inode ratio.  mke2fs creates an inode for every
bytes-per-inode bytes of space on the disk.  The larger the
bytes-per-inode ratio, the fewer inodes will be created.  This
value generally shouldn't be smaller than the block- size of the
filesystem, since then too many inodes will be made.  Be warned
that is not possible to expand the number of inodes on a
filesystem after it is created, so be careful deciding the correct
value for this parameter.

So you need to move the data somewhere and re-format.


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Re: [SLUG] Bash Question - Redirection of output determined by Variable name

2005-08-03 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 03:00:49PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The $J substitution into the last command works fine but the $R bit, which 
> attempts to redirect the output to a file, does not.  Bash seems to 
> interpret the >> bit as part of the command rather than a redirection 
> instruction.

Read about expansion in the bash manual.  What you want to do is eval
the command.



output=">> /tmp/output"

eval ls $output


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Re: [SLUG] serial to ethernet

2005-09-04 Thread Ian Wienand
On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 11:48:09AM +1000, Richard Hayes wrote:
> I know there are connectors that will do it but I am trying to do it
> with software to reduce the need for hardware.

I'm not sure exactly what you are after; it might just require netcat
and a pipe to /dev/ttyS0.

If it's for interaction (e.g. a console) have a look at conserver,
packaged in Debian as conserver-server (and conserver-client for the
other end).


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Re: [SLUG] Lappies with preinstalled Linux (was Partitioning software)

2005-09-07 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 03:55:45PM +1000, Dean Hamstead wrote:
> oh well
> just thought i would reply on my ibook running only debian linux
> connected via aiport card.
> *shrug*

You, like myself, probably hit the sweet spot with Apple laptops where
we have the Ornico wireless (just Airport, rather than Extreme), a
Radeon chip with decent support and working suspend to RAM.

These days it's all Broadcom wireless, NVidia chips (no drivers for
PowerPC) and only software suspend to disk, which seems to cause as
many problems as it solves.  That and if BenH ever got hit by a bus
(touch wood) I really wonder who else would step in to keep Linux
support even where it's at.  As Erik has noticed strange things can
start to happen and you haven't really any clues on how to start
fixing it.  I certainly couldn't recommend the current crop of Apple
laptops to anyone wanting to run Linux on them.


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Re: [SLUG] MRTG Demo data source

2005-09-12 Thread Ian Wienand
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 10:22:06PM +1000, Richard Hayes wrote:
> I need to do a demo of  signal graphing, so I though I would use MRTG. 
> What non-SNMP / MIB2 data sources are available?

It's very easy to plug an arbitrary non SNMP data source into MRTG.
The output just needs to be in the format 

Line 1
current state of the first variable, normally 'incoming bytes
Line 2
current state of the second variable, normally 'outgoing bytes
Line 3
string (in any human readable format), telling the uptime of the
Line 4
string, telling the name of the target.

As an example, openupsmart ( when running will give
status output on a port like this :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/pkg/sbin/nc localhost 8740
28 days, 21 hours, 46 minutes, 35 seconds

This can be snarfed into MRTG with a target like

Target[ups]: `/usr/pkg/sbin/nc localhost 8740`
MaxBytes[ups]: 300
Title[ups]: UPS Statistics
PageTop[ups]: UPS Statistics
YLegend[ups]: Power Statistics
ShortLegend[ups] :  
LegendI[ups]:  Volts
LegendO[ups]:  Load
options[ups]: gauge, nopercent

You could use openupsmart if you wanted; there is a UPS "simulator"
included in the source which you could quite easily modify to return
some sort of reasonable random variables to make it look real.
( is a sample of
actual data)

Probably easier to just write your own dummy device, though.


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Re: [SLUG] great code to learn from - request

2005-09-20 Thread Ian Wienand
On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 03:55:06PM +1000, Benno wrote:
> On Wed Sep 21, 2005 at 13:09:52 +1000, Taryn East wrote:
> >what nobody else is going to bite? :(
> I think this is because great code is code is due to the absence
> of suckiness rather than the presence of brilliance. At least
> IMHO.[1] 

 Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid
 it. Geniuses remove it.
From SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 17, No. 9, September 1982, pages 7-13.

So the best code is code you look at and say "is that it - I could
have done that", even though you probably couldn't have.

If you're interested in systems, I'd suggest starting with an
intermediate step of some good books first, the obvious ones that
spring to mind are

Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code - John Lions
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment - Stevens
TCP/IP Illustrated - Stevens
Linux Kernel Development - Robert Love (top levels of the kernel)
IA-64 Linux Kernel - David Mosberger (how an architecture really works)

Once you've got some idea jump in and start programming something.
Follow Rusty's driver tutorial from LCA, write toolbars for Mozilla,
fix that annoying bug in Gnome.  You'll soon see how things hang
together, and identify what is good and what isn't.  It's like
learning a musical instrument; you can read about guitar technique
(and that's certainly part of it) but you really need to sit there and
strum the thing to get any good.


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Re: [SLUG] Accidental mouse gestures in Firefox driving me insane.

2005-09-20 Thread Ian Wienand
On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 04:42:49PM +1000, Mike MacCana wrote:
> Firefox keeps randomly going back. It seems to be some kind of mouse
> gesture triggered by my trackpad. I'd like to disable gestures in FF
> completely. 

Do you have horizontal scrolling on your trackpad?  The same thing
happened to me when I switched over to a mouse with horizontal scrolling.

This tip

fixed it for me.


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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 07:39:51PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> With C on 64-bit your number will not be a problem as an integer. C
> integer is size 8 bytes = 64 bits. So 2 exponent 64 less 1 can be
> handled.

This isn't correct; there are two main models for 64 bit computing.
LP64 where longs and pointers are 64 bits (Linux, most UNIX?) and the
Windows model where only pointers are 64 bits.  Many might suggest
this is because so much Windows code would break if long suddenly
became 64 bits, but I think the official reason is efficiency within
the API.

In both cases an int is 32 bits.  In both models a long long will be
64 bits, no matter what your architecture.  It's no wonder people use
Python/Perl/OCaml/Haskell/Smalltalk so they don't have to worry about
any of this.


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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 09:42:41PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> This should be 8 bytes = 64 bits.
> So 2 exponent (64-1) - 1 = max int size in 64 bit machine.

I think you missed my point.  An int is still only 32 bits on a 64 bit
machine.  On a 64 bit machine running Linux a long will be 64 bits,
however on Windows a long is always 32 bits.


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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 09:59:26PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> It is easy to check if one has a 64-bit machine.  I'm curious to
> know.

Have a look at the AMD64 ABI, for example

Figure 3.1 gives you the size of types.


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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 10:40:47PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> The only change from 32-bit to 64-bit machine as far as
> data type sizes are concerned is 'long'. Changed from 4 to 8 bytes.
> This resolves the argument comprehensively.
> This means that there is going to be minimal improvements from
> a 32-bit to 64-bit PCs. 
> I had wanted to buy a 64-bit CPU, but with this I will defer.
> I need to check that documentation re AMD64.

When thinking about why things are as they are, it's always good to
consider the alternative outcome.  Imagine if the size of int did
increase to 64 bits.  Firstly a lot of code would break.  That's a
bug, and would eventually be fixed after some initial pain.

Suddenly every int variable now takes up twice as much space, every
array of ints is twice as big.  This means binary sizes increase and,
more importantly, you waste a lot of your cache.

How often does a loop counter overflow a 32 bit variable?  To be sane
people would have to reduce the size of variables they know won't
overflow.  So maybe you could make a short a 32 bit variable on your
64 bit machine.  But now when people try to move their code between
machines might find their counter becomes 16 bits, which is much more
realistically overflowed.  Now programmers have to be concerned about
sizeof(int) and sizeof(short) to maintain portability.  It would be a

64 bits is mostly about addressing; the times we need to cater for 64
bit variables that aren't addresses are limited.  I'd still consider
an AMD64; there are a number of architectural enhancements over x86.
Of course if you want a real 64 bit architecture, pick up an Itanium
from somewhere :)


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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 08:01:59AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually, just checking one 64 bit machine would not be enough.
> If you stick to Linux and gcc then you get fairly consistent results
> but C is bigger than gcc (only slightly).

I'd suggest it is the other way around; gcc implements *much* more
than the C standard.  C99 says that the minimum size of an integer is
2 bytes, but anything bigger is OK.  The real reference is the
relevant ABI for the architecture/operating system combination.


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Re: [SLUG] Output from 64 bit machine

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Wienand
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 10:22:33AM +1000, Benno wrote:
> (Of course using printf then becomes a real bitch...)

What's wrong with the PRI macros in inttypes.h?


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Re: [SLUG] Gentoo getting better

2005-10-04 Thread Ian Wienand
On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 10:45:33AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We've got it running on AMD64, PIII, PIV and P-M all tuned and boy
> does it make a difference. Distros I've compared are Ubuntu on a PIV
> and Debian on AMD64. It is faster than both standard installs if
> compiled for the platform.

Can you show us some numbers from your benchmarks?


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Re: [SLUG] Driver query

2005-10-05 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 08:53:39AM +0800, James wrote:
>  Program_ 3("ABC TV Sydney AC3"   ,   545,   512,  A660,   256)

Totally unrelated to Linux, but ...

I've never noticed these channels before.  Does that AC3 refer to
Dobly Digital, and does this mean those channels are actually
broadcasting with full 5-channel surround sound?

My set top box shows me an alternative digital audio stream for most
channels, but when I put it through my speakers it's only ever the
front two left/right.  I've been wondering if they ever will broadcast
the true "surround sound" signals.


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Re: [SLUG] Strange results from "df"

2005-10-13 Thread Ian Wienand
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 10:54:05AM +1000, Roger Barnes wrote:
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1114879816 109103408 0 100% /mnt/seagate

> I can copy files onto the disk and the Used number goes up, but the
> Available and Use% counts have me baffled.  Could this be something
> to do with sparse files?  If so, how might I identify the culprit/s?

No, you've by default got 5% of space reserved for root (so you don't
fill your disks up and paint yourself into a corner).

You can modify this with tune2fs.  There's also an option when you're


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Re: [SLUG] latex question

2005-10-24 Thread Ian Wienand
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:37:07PM +1000, Taryn East wrote:
> I'm writing a template for an invoice that we will send to the customer.
> It's in landscape format and has a lefthand section (with all the
> details fo the order and price etc - which the customer keeps) and a
> righthand section (which is a summary section that is torn off by the
> customer and sent in with their payment).

I'm not sure about why the minipages overlap, but I had to do
something similar once and I used multicol to separate out the page.
It has some disadvantages (watch out putting images in, you need to
use a special float).  You can see the original stuff at

but your example looks something like




%%% Header section %%%
% customer details and address
   Insured Name here\\
   Customer name here\\
   Street address here\\
   Suburb, State PCD
Logo here
\begin{tabular}{ll} % policy identifiers
   Date:   & policy date here\\
   Invoice No: & 0510abcdef\\
   Policy No:  & NSW 0510 ghijkl \\
   Amount: & \$ AAA.aa\\
\\ %%% end of header section row %%%







try something like

$ pslatex test.tex
$ dvips -Ppdf -t landscape  test.dvi
$ ps2pdf


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Re: [SLUG] latex question

2005-10-24 Thread Ian Wienand
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 02:04:40PM +1000, Taryn East wrote:
> only now the column-widths are not controlled in th way they were for the
> tabular environment :(

yes, multicol doesn't do column widths.

> any other ideas?

Looking back at your original example, Latex is assuming you are using
a portrait page, which isn't wide enough to get all that stuff in.
Thus Latex then just shoves the boxes ontop of each other.

I think what you need to do is make sure you have something like


to setup landscape mode (and thus set \textwidth properly to something
nice and wide).  Make sure you don't include anything like
\usepackage{a4} after it, because that will reset \textwidth.

You can check the width with the \showthe command (\showthe\textwidth)
to make sure it does look wide.


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Re: [SLUG] Linux hosting in Australia?

2005-11-13 Thread Ian Wienand
On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 01:08:27PM +1100, Peter Chubb wrote:
> Or

I've *heard* that things can get a bit slow as the machines are loaded
pretty high; however they certainly have good low end prices.  When I
looked into them around a month ago they were not accepting new
sign-ups, so they must have completed expansion if they are accepting
new customers now.


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Re: [SLUG] Via EPIA MII 1.2GHz Nehemiah + SUSE 10 ssh compatability issue

2005-11-16 Thread Ian Wienand
On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 03:11:18PM +1100, Grant Parnell - EverythingLinux wrote:
> Not sure if anyone else has used SuSE 9.3 or SuSE 10 on a Via EPIA MII
> with 1.2GHZ CPU but we have a machine here that's segfaulting when running
> ssh-keygen for example but runs fine otherwise. We have tried different
> RAM and hard disk and done a memtest86 for days. 

Is your kernel built for the Nehemiah processor?  Looking at Kconfig
there is an option

config MVIAC3_2
bool "VIA C3-2 (Nehemiah)"
  Select this for a VIA C3 "Nehemiah". Selecting this enables usage
  of SSE and tells gcc to treat the CPU as a 686.
  Note, this kernel will not boot on older (pre model 9) C3s.

What does /proc/cpuinfo say?  

I'd assume that doing something like ssh-keygen would try using SSE if
it thought it could to speed things up and probably cause a segfault
or SIGILL.  Try running with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.0 and that would
bump you back to non-optimised libraries which might help.


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Re: [SLUG] Via EPIA MII 1.2GHz Nehemiah + SUSE 10 ssh compatability issue

2005-11-16 Thread Ian Wienand
On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 02:01:05PM +1100, Grant Parnell - EverythingLinux wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Ian Wienand wrote:
> > Try running with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.0 and that would
> > bump you back to non-optimised libraries which might help.
> No change.

Oh well.  Run it under gdb and find out what instruction it it barfing
on, at least then you'll have an idea where to start.


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