Re: [slurm-users] Create users

2018-09-15 Thread John Hearns
Loris said:

Until now I had thought that the most elegant way of setting up Slurm
users would be via a PAM module analogous to pam_mkhomedir, the simplest
option being to use pam_script.

When in Denmark this year (hello Ole!) I looked at pam_mkhomedir quite closely.
The object was to automatically create home directories, not for Slurm
users. What I found was that pam_mkhomedir uses a precompiled
executable, rather than triggering a script which you would expect. So
it is difficult to customise.
there is an Oddjob based version
However in the past I have found the Oddjob version unreliable on an
HPC cluster, so used the standard pam_mkhomedir

pam_script does look to be the answer here. And I do admit to not
having heard of it.

On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 at 09:11, Loris Bennett  wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I'd be interested in seeing your Lua submit script, if you're willing to
> share.
> Until now I had thought that the most elegant way of setting up Slurm
> users would be via a PAM module analogous to pam_mkhomedir, the simplest
> option being to use pam_script.
> However, given that we do have users who somehow never get round to
> submitting a job before their HPC access expires, setting up the Slurm
> account when the first job is submitted seems quite appealing.
> Cheers,
> Loris
> Paul Edmon  writes:
> > So useradd is adding a Linux user, which sacctmgr creates a Slurm user.
> >
> > What we do is that we run AD for our Linux user managment. We then in our 
> > job submit lua script look to see if the user has an account in slurm and 
> > if they don't we create it.
> >
> > Another way would be to make all your Linux users and then map that in to 
> > Slurm using sacctmgr.
> >
> > It really depends on if your Slurm users are a subset of your regular users 
> > or not.
> >
> > -Paul Edmon-
> >
> > On 9/12/2018 12:21 PM, Andre Torres wrote:
> >
> >  Hi all,
> >
> >  I’m new to slurm and I’m confused regarding user creation. I have an 
> > installation with 1 login node and 5 compute nodes. If I create a user 
> > across all the nodes with the same uid and gid I can execute jobs but
> >  I can’t understand the difference between user creation with “useradd” 
> > command and the “sacctmgr” command
> >
> >  sacctmgr create account name=test
> >
> >  sacctmgr create user jdoe account=test
> >
> >  Also, is there anyway of creating a user at login node and replicate to 
> > the compute nodes ? What is the best practice for user creation ?
> >
> >  Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> --
> Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
> ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin Email

Re: [slurm-users] email preferences

2018-09-15 Thread Chris Samuel
On Thursday, 13 September 2018 4:24:41 AM AEST Ariel Balter wrote:

> How do I set email preferences for this group?

 Chris Samuel  :  :  Melbourne, VIC

Re: [slurm-users] Create users

2018-09-15 Thread Chris Samuel
On Thursday, 13 September 2018 3:10:19 AM AEST Paul Edmon wrote:

> Another way would be to make all your Linux users and then map that in to
> Slurm using sacctmgr.

At ${JOB} and ${JOB-1} we've wired user creation in Slurm into our online user 
management systems (both Django based & independently created), so when people 
are added/modified/deleted then it runs sacctmgr to keep everything in step.

 Chris Samuel  :  :  Melbourne, VIC

Re: [slurm-users] Slurm on POWER9

2018-09-15 Thread Chris Samuel

On 15/9/18 2:45 am, Keith Ball wrote:

So we figured out the problem with "slurmd -C": we had run rpmbuild
on the POWER9 node, but did not have the hwloc-package installed. The
build process looks for this, and if not found, will apparently note
use hwloc/lstopo even if installed post-build.

Correct - autoconf will detect hwloc if the headers & library are
present there at compile time.  It links against it so it *must*
be there when you are compiling in order to use it.

All the best,
 Chris Samuel  :  :  Melbourne, VIC