[slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

2021-01-04 Thread David Baker

Last year I posted on this forum looking for some help on backfill in Slurm. We 
are currently using Slurm 19.05.8 and we find that backfilled (smaller) jobs 
tend to push back large jobs in our cluster. Chris Samuel replied to our post 
with the following response...

This sounds like a problem that we had at NERSC (small jobs pushing back 
multi-thousand node jobs), and we carried a local patch for which Doug
managed to get upstreamed in 20.02.x (I think it landed in 20.02.3, but 20.02.6 
is the current version).

We looked through the release notes and sure enough there is a reference to a 
job starvation patch, however I'm not sure that it is the relevant patch... (in 
>  -- Fix scheduling issue when there are not enough nodes available to run a 
> job
> resulting in possible job starvation.

We decided to download and install the latest production version, 20.11.2, of 
Slurm. One of my team members managed the installation and ran his backfill 
tests only to find that the above backfill issue was still present. Should we 
wind back to version 20.02.6 and insall/test that instead? Could someone please 
advise use? It would seem odd that a recent version of slurm would still have a 
backfill issue that starves larger job out. We're wondering if you have 
forgotten to configure something very fundamental, for example.

Best regards,

Re: [slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

2020-12-21 Thread David Baker

Could I please follow up on the Slurm patch that relates to smaller jobs 
pushing large jobs back? My colleague downloaded and installed the most recent 
production version of Slurm today and tells me that it did not appear to 
resolve the issue. Just to note, we are currently running v19.05.8 and finding 
that the backfill mechanism pushes large jobs back. In theory, should the 
latest Slurm help us in sorting that issue out? I understand that we're testing 
v20.11.2, however I should clarify that with my colleague tomorrow.

Does anyone have any comments, please? Is there any parameter that we need to 
set to activate the backfill patch, for example?

Best regards,

From: slurm-users  on behalf of Chris 
Sent: 09 December 2020 16:37
To: slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com 
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hi David,

On 9/12/20 3:35 am, David Baker wrote:

> We see the following issue with smaller jobs pushing back large jobs. We
> are using slurm 19.05.8 so not sure if this is patched in newer releases.

This sounds like a problem that we had at NERSC (small jobs pushing back
multi-thousand node jobs), and we carried a local patch for which Doug
managed to get upstreamed in 20.02.x (I think it landed in 20.02.3, but
20.02.6 is the current version).

Hope this helps!
Chris Samuel  :  
  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

Re: [slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

2020-12-10 Thread David Baker
Hi Chris,

Thank you for your reply. It isn't long since we upgraded to Slurm v19, however 
it sounds like we should start to actively look at v20 since this issue is 
causing significant problems on our cluster. We're download and install v20 on 
our dev cluster, and experiment.

Best regards,

From: slurm-users  on behalf of Chris 
Sent: 09 December 2020 16:37
To: slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com 
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hi David,

On 9/12/20 3:35 am, David Baker wrote:

> We see the following issue with smaller jobs pushing back large jobs. We
> are using slurm 19.05.8 so not sure if this is patched in newer releases.

This sounds like a problem that we had at NERSC (small jobs pushing back
multi-thousand node jobs), and we carried a local patch for which Doug
managed to get upstreamed in 20.02.x (I think it landed in 20.02.3, but
20.02.6 is the current version).

Hope this helps!
Chris Samuel  :  
  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

Re: [slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

2020-12-09 Thread Chris Samuel

Hi David,

On 9/12/20 3:35 am, David Baker wrote:

We see the following issue with smaller jobs pushing back large jobs. We 
are using slurm 19.05.8 so not sure if this is patched in newer releases.

This sounds like a problem that we had at NERSC (small jobs pushing back 
multi-thousand node jobs), and we carried a local patch for which Doug 
managed to get upstreamed in 20.02.x (I think it landed in 20.02.3, but 
20.02.6 is the current version).

Hope this helps!
Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

[slurm-users] Backfill pushing jobs back

2020-12-09 Thread David Baker

We see the following issue with smaller jobs pushing back large jobs. We are 
using slurm 19.05.8 so not sure if this is patched in newer releases. With a 4 
node test partition I submit 3 jobs as 2 users

ssh hpcdev1@navy51 'sbatch --nodes=3 --ntasks-per-node=40 
--partition=backfilltest --time=120 --wrap="sleep 7200"'

ssh hpcdev2@navy51 'sbatch --nodes=4 --ntasks-per-node=40 
--partition=backfilltest --time=60 --wrap="sleep 3600"'

ssh hpcdev2@navy51 'sbatch --nodes=4 --ntasks-per-node=40 
--partition=backfilltest --time=60 --wrap="sleep 3600"'

Then I increase the priority of the pending jobs significantly. Reading the 
manual, my understanding is that nodes job should be held for these jobs.

for job in $(squeue -h -p backfilltest -t pd -o %i); do scontrol update job 
${job} priority=10;done

squeue -p backfilltest -o "%i | %u | %C | %Q | %l | %S | %T"


28482 | hpcdev2 | 160 | 10 | 1:00:00 | N/A | PENDING

28483 | hpcdev2 | 160 | 10 | 1:00:00 | N/A | PENDING

28481 | hpcdev1 | 120 | 50083 | 2:00:00 | 2020-12-08T09:44:15 | RUNNING

So, there is one node free in our 4 node partition. Naturally, a small job with 
a walltime of less than 1 hour could run in that but we are also seeing 
backfill start longer jobs.

backfilltestup 2-12:00:00  3  alloc reddev[001-003]

backfilltestup 2-12:00:00  1   idle reddev004

ssh hpcdev3@navy51 'sbatch --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=40 
--partition=backfilltest --time=720 --wrap="sleep 432000"'

squeue -p backfilltest -o "%i | %u | %C | %Q | %l | %S | %T"


28482 | hpcdev2 | 160 | 10 | 1:00:00 | N/A | PENDING

28483 | hpcdev2 | 160 | 10 | 1:00:00 | N/A | PENDING

28481 | hpcdev1 | 120 | 50083 | 2:00:00 | 2020-12-08T09:44:15 | RUNNING

28484 | hpcdev3 | 40 | 37541 | 12:00:00 | 2020-12-08T09:54:48 | RUNNING

Is this expect behaviour? It is also weird that the pending jobs don't have a 
start time. I have increased the backfill parameters significantly, but it 
doesn't seem to affect this at all.


Best regards,
