The simple answer is to just add a line such as

and then request your users to use the -L option as described at

This works very well, however it does not do enforcement like Slurm does
with other resources. You will find posts in this list from me trying to
achieve such enforcement with prolog, but I ended up banging too much my
head on the keyboard and so I eventually gave up. User education was easier
for me. Depending on your user community, banging your head on the keyboard
might be easier than educating your users -- if so please share how you
solve the issue

On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 7:48 AM Sylvain MARET via slurm-users <> wrote:

> Hello everyone !
> Recently our users bought a cplex dynamic license and want to use it on
> our slurm cluster.
> I've installed the paid version of cplex within modules so authorized
> user can load it with a simple module load cplex/2111 command but I
> don't know how to manage and ensure slurm doesn't launch a job if 20
> people are already running code with this license.
> How do you guys manage paid licenses on your cluster ? Any advice would
> be appreciated !
> Regards,
> Sylvain Maret
> --
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