On 1/29/21 8:03 AM, Gestió Servidors wrote:
I’m going to upgrade my SLURM version from 17.11.5 to 19.05.1. I know this is not the last version, but I manage another cluster that is running, also, this version. My question is: during the process, I need to upgrade “slurmdbd”. All the fairshare tree (with rawusage, effectvusage, fairshare, etc), will be kept in the new version after upgrading?

Beware: You can as a maximum upgrade only by 2 Slurm major versions!
This is well known, see a summary in https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/niflheim/Slurm_installation#upgrading-slurm

All data in your database will be migrated correctly to the new Slurm version. This assumes that your upgrade process worked without errors! Older MySQL versions may have problems!

Therefore it is critical to first test the database upgrade on a test system! Please see the above page for advice on the upgrade testing.


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