[smartos-discuss] problem in samba sharing mount in LX centos-7

2018-04-07 Thread 龙白滔
hi, folks,

I was trying to mount samba sharing directory under LX centos-7 and encounted 
below problem.

I used the latest centos-7 lx dataset whose image uuid is 
3dbbdcca-2eab-11e8-b925-23bf77789921 from Joyent (20180323). Then I installed 
cifs.utils and samba-client packages and the problem remains.
Some article said that centos-7 needs to reboot to load cifs module into 
kernel. I did so but it made no difference.
lsmod,  modprobe cifs command output nothing.

Mounting the same samba sharing directory under SmartOS and Windows works well.

Thanks for reading this post and welcome any thoughts and sharing.


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[smartos-discuss] Re: CouchDB failing in LX zone

2018-04-07 Thread John E. Barfield
Ive had some of my own headaches with LX branded zones and found it interesting 
to enable dtrace debugging of LX in the GZ following the hints and using some 
of the dtrace scripts in this guide:


Its pretty simple to replace the lx binary with the debug version and then 
monitor the output using dtrace from the GZ.

I think that the most important thing to determine is whether or not your 
application is using unsupported syscalls.

We have found a lot of apps that run great in LX while others just simply need 
to run in a VM. Then there are those that we’ve simply ported to a native 
SmartOS zone to get the best experience.

John Barfield

On Apr 7, 2018, at 2:31 PM, smartos-discuss 

This is a digest of messages to smartos-discuss.
Digest Contents

  1.  CouchDB failing in LX zone

CouchDB failing in LX 

Sent by Amos Hayes > at 
Fri, 6 Apr 2018 21:52:30 -0400

Hello SmartOS folks. I have been running SmartOS at home for years now with 
only one issue with a GZ upgrade way back in 2014 so thank you for a rock solid 
system! Plex on an LX zone is my media server. Recently I deployed a new 
SmartOS server in a remote location to host an instance of the application we 
develop at work. We run & develop on Ubuntu in a VSphere environment. It has 
prerequisites like Java/Jetty, CouchDB, and ffmpeg. Everything seemed happy in 
an LX zone at first. But as it turns out, Apache CouchDB on an Ubuntu LX zone 
seems to have trouble remaining responsive. I have the same application setup 
on many VMWare Ubuntu guests and do not have any stability problems with 
CouchDB. I am using this Ubuntu 16.04 image (with apt update and full-upgrade): 
 The rest of the setup is identical to my other VMWare guest setups with 
CouchDB 1.6.0 from the default repositories and our application and its 
dependancies such as openjdk, ffmpeg, etc. The tricky thing is that everything 
works for a while and then at some point within hours/days couchdb will become 
unresponsive. Looking at top shows its beam.smp process locked at 100%. There 
are various errors in the logs that seem to point to resource problems 
encountered somewhere in the Erlang code. An example snippit would be: 
{error_info, {exit, {timeout, {gen_server,call, 
[<0.2715.5>,{open_ref_count,<0.4245.5>}]}}, [{gen_server,terminate,7, 
[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,826}]}, {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3, 
[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,240}]}]}}, I'm not informed enough to know how to 
debug this, although I did try some basics like making sure the zone was 
assigned sufficient RAM (I upped it to 16GB out of 32GB total on host) and that 
quotas were set to 0 (although this was adjusted after creating the zone.) 
Restarting couchdb brings it back up and it behaves normally again for a while 
with no errors or warnings during use. I haven't taken this up with couchdb 
folks yet because the only thing different in the environment is that I'm 
running it in an Ubuntu LX zone vs. an Ubuntu VMWare guest. If anyone could 
point me to some things to try or something I can set up to try to catch more 
details when it happens again, I'd appreciate it. I am completely unfamiliar 
with dtrace but I gather this type of problem is where it shines. I have 
changed the couchdb logging to "warning" so it will only log warnings and 
errors so the logs will be a bit more manageable. I imagine it will break again 
within a day and then maybe I'll have some focused logs to post somewhere. 
Thanks for reading through. I welcome any thoughts.

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