Hello Sanford,

Friday, September 5, 2008, 2:21:38 PM, you wrote:

> I  say,  "yes,  remove  the  extensions."  For  when  one  deals  with
> multi-boot  or  VM  environments, seeing a Windows-style name can make
> you  think  it's  just  showing  through  from  another  filesystem or
> somethin'  or  was  accidentally dumped there. Obvs. direct SNF admins
> wouldn't be likely to have this confusion, but other people on the box
> could.

> Feel  you  should  leave  the names in mixed case; that isn't non-*nix
> IMO.  Forcing lowercase on case-preserving + case-sensitive systems is
> like  pretending  they're not cp/cs (easier to remember, sure, but not
> using the power, etc.).


This is what we've decided to do.


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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