Hello Sniffer Folks,

We are in the process of updating the control script in our source
distribution. The goal is to provide a drop-in script that can be used
on most distirbutions. The current control script works fine on many -
but we want to do better than that :-)

Along the way the question of naming conventions was raised (again).

I'll explain:

SNF runs on many platforms and currently most SNF installations are on
Win* of some type. So, we elected the names SNFServer.exe and
SNFClient.exe since that would make sense to most folks currently
using SNF.

On *nix platforms folks don't use the .exe extension, and in fact most
of the time don't use mixed case names.

In order to keep things simple we decided to use the same names across
all platforms. This helps make documentation more consistent. The
thinking was that being consistent in our support materials was more
important than platform specific naming conventions.

None the less, on occasion someone will point out that using a .exe
extension on a *nix platform is, well, simply not done. It makes me
chuckle a little bit, after all it's ok to have .sh at the end of a
bash script for example-- but it is true that more than once now I've
been asked about the .exe at the end... usually something like "Do you
really want to keep that .exe there??" implying there is something
wrong and unspoken about it.

We aim to please so if it makes *nix folk more comfortable when there
is no .exe on the end we're happy to change that.

My question is: Do any of our *nix users consider this to be an issue?
Should we change the names of SNFServer.exe and SNFClient.exe in the
*nix distribution to drop the .exe ?

Feel free to email me directly if you wish.

I look forward to your insights.



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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