I'm not sure that I understand your terminology, but my answer assumes
that your term "object inputs" refers to the SOAP RPC style and "XML
inputs" refers to the SOAP Document style.
A SOAP service should be implementation-independent regardless of whether
you are passing XML documents (document style) or invoking methods with
parameters (RPC style). Your WSDL description will describe the structure
of your inputs regardless of the style used. From the WSDL descriptions,
anyone should be able to build clients and/or services using any platform,
language, and toolkit they choose. Assuming that you're using relatively
simple datatypes (string, int, struct, array, etc) as defined by Section 5
of the SOAP spec, pretty much every SOAP stack should be able to encode
and decode your objects. Document style generally requires the application
to convert the input string from XML into the appropriate lanuage objects.
RPC does the conversion automatically. Most people view RPC style as
Document or RPC style shouldn't have any bearing on UDDI queries. UDDI
doesn't indicate this level of detail about your service. In UDDI you
create a tModel to represent the service type, and this tModel points to
your WSDL description. You can classify your service type with taxonomies
to help people find the tModel. UDDI supplies standard taxonomies for
industry and product codes and for geographical locations. In UDDI V2
you can define your own taxonomies. You can also classify a tModel using
other tModels. But you would not be able to find a tModel based on the
objects it supports unless you create tModels for each of these objects,
and then somehow manage to relay information about all of these tModels
to everyone who might want to use them for searching purposes.
Best regards,
Anne Thomas Manes
CTO, Systinet
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:14 AM
> Subject: Implementation-independent services...
> This is probably a pretty basic question but I'm not sure I should be
> implementing what the specification for the project defines...
> I am creating a system where different development groups are implementing
> a pre-defined SOAP service. It's possible that the service implementors
> will not use Java. There is a defined API for the SOAP service
> as follows:
> String getPublication( PublicationInputModel pim, EntitlementsModel em)
> The original architect specified that the objects should be passed in as
> XML instead of objects to support a non-Java SOAP service implementations.
> It seems to me that I should just publish the generated WSDL to
> the service
> implementors and that should be sufficient for them to implement the
> service in any language. Is that the correct way to do this? It also
> appears that using XML inputs (vs. objects) hampers discovery of services
> in a UDDI repository.
> Thanks,
> Shawn.
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