RE: WSDL Problem

2001-10-08 Thread James Pasley


This is an XML namespace issue. The targetNamespace attribute at the
start of the file defines the namespace that all the definitions you define
in your WSDL file will be in. Whenever you reference any of these
you must use the correct namespace prefix, in your case the tns prefix.

So to be fully correct, you should fix the references to the messages and
portTypes as well as the bindings.

You shouldn't add the prefix before the operation name as the WSDL spec
states that this is a non-qualified name.

I've attached a fixed version of your file with the namespace prefixes
added in all the right placed. 

If you would more details on the kinds of errors to avoid when writing WSDL
check out this link:



-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 5:24 PM
Subject: WSDL Problem


I have created a java class which has one method square taking a double and
returning a double.  I have deployed this class to SOAP.
I have genereated WSDL via IBM wstk tool. I am using WSIF to try and
read the WSDL and invoke the method,  but I cant seem to call it without
some changes to the WSDL that was generated.

If I add tns: to port binding i.e. port binding = tns:MathXBinding, and
also before operation name, I find I can call the service.
Problem is I can't seem to get the IBM tool to generate my WSDL with tns:
front of these definitions.

I have included the original WSDL file, perhaps some WSDL heads can have a
and suggest something.

(See attached file: MathX.wsdl)



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RE: WSDL Problem

2001-10-05 Thread Neil Smyth

I've had the same problem when using the wsdl4j toolkit. If you step through
the Definition returned from the wsdl4j toolkit, you'll find that it doesn't
find the referenced binding node - because it is looking in a different
namespace. I've found this problem with a good subset of the wsdl files from

Given that you are generating the wsdl from another tool in the wstk, I'd
classify it as a bug with the generating tool. I'm also not sure about what
the correct syntax as per the wsdl spec is, anyone have any pointers on
that? Should the binding reference always be namespace qualified or not?

If you can find an easy way around this please let me know! I've resorted to
doing basic xml tree searching for the time being which is far from ideal :)



-Original Message-
Sent: 05 October 2001 17:24
Subject: WSDL Problem


I have created a java class which has one method square taking a double and
returning a double.  I have deployed this class to SOAP.
I have genereated WSDL via IBM wstk tool. I am using WSIF to try and
read the WSDL and invoke the method,  but I cant seem to call it without
some changes to the WSDL that was generated.

If I add tns: to port binding i.e. port binding = tns:MathXBinding, and
also before operation name, I find I can call the service.
Problem is I can't seem to get the IBM tool to generate my WSDL with tns:
front of these definitions.

I have included the original WSDL file, perhaps some WSDL heads can have a
and suggest something.

(See attached file: MathX.wsdl)



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