Re: [RCSE] He who launches highest wins...NOT!

2002-01-28 Thread gldr guy

Keep on dreaming Bruce!

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 02:35:21  
 Got2soar wrote:
 No other event at Nats last year showed a turnout loss like this. 

Because all the westerners were scared the locals were gonna kick their 

Bruce Davidson
Louisville, KY
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RE: [RCSE] Titanium rods wanted?

2002-01-28 Thread Douglas, Brent

Yes, actually. try  ...

Good Luck,

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 12:01 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Titanium rods wanted?

Anybody got a source for Titanium rods, tubes etc.?  (Other than DOD or 

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Re: [RCSE] Low HL turnout at NATS, Weather or DLG related?

2002-01-28 Thread RCsoarnut


  One point that I did notice regarding lower turnouts was that all of this 
was new and guys were hanging back waiting to see what developed.  They were 
waiting to buy a plane till it all sorted out a little.  After the Nats when 
HL season should have been winding down a little a lot of planes were 
delivered.  I think you will see a lot of guys back on the roster this year.  
DLG's are expensive and a lot of guys weren't ready to plop down the whole 
handlaunch budget early in the year only to find out they bought the wrong 
plane. (you know, someone else's:-)  Sorry I couldn't resist:-) 

Denny Maize
Polecat Aeroworks
(717) 789-0146
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Re: [RCSE] Messy shop thread

2002-01-28 Thread Tom Broeski

My new shop is neat and clean (mostly).  I posted more pictures
I took up 3 rooms in the house and had to build a 30 x 32 shop.  Now my wife has the 
house back.

Stephen Syrotiak wrote:

 That's disgusting!  Or is that the part of the shop where the sitting
 and thinking is done?


 Seriously, are you building out in the barn or something

 Stephen Syrotiak Building Service
 Southern Connecticut
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re: [RCSE] Fusion from NSP, a slightly biased report

2002-01-28 Thread Michael Lachowski

As I understand it, the model with Joe's airfoil is so good, you don't
have to do any flying to get the time, and the MPX radio is programmed to
do all the landing.

I guess you won't have to go to contests anymore.  Just send the model
and transmitter and let someone hold it while the model and radio wins
the contest for you.  Cool.
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Re: [RCSE] Fusion from NSP/quote OTW

2002-01-28 Thread Dieter @ ShredAir

If DP says it, I believe it, but Do I smell the quote of this week?? 
Brian Smith

With the Profi, you can accomplish
miracles, both for landing, and for normal flight.

I thought it would be this one:
I'm going to make it easier to fly. The planform may be a bit 
aggressive for most of you.


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[RCSE] HLG Practice Tasks and Flight tasks

2002-01-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CAn I get some ideas as to what pilots are doing to develop their skills for
HLG tasks?

What are the tasks for contest?  I know of Poway, the NAts, the F3 series.

What else?  Any real fun stuff.  Anyone still doing limbos and loops?

At one time there was an event where your inverted flight time was scored.


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Re: [RCSE] Fusion from NSP/quote OTW

2002-01-28 Thread Rick Eckel

Good.  But I thought the best quote was:

Very controllable even at stupidly slow speeds. I played some
today with running it out of energy short, just to learn it...

I've used this excuse many times myself. :-)


At 07:31 AM 1/28/02 -0800, Dieter @ ShredAir wrote:

If DP says it, I believe it, but Do I smell the quote of this week?? 
Brian Smith

With the Profi, you can accomplish
miracles, both for landing, and for normal flight.

I thought it would be this one:
I'm going to make it easier to fly. The planform may be a bit aggressive 
for most of you.


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Re: [RCSE] Fusion from NSP/quote OTW

2002-01-28 Thread Wwing

In a message dated 01/28/2002 9:36:58 AM Central Standard Time, 

 I thought it would be this one:
  I'm going to make it easier to fly. The planform may be a bit 
  aggressive for most of you.

Headlines of the week of Arizona Contest:

Aggressive Planform Holds most of Contest Attendees Hostage

An aggressive planform, armed with a German transmitter held police at bay 
when it threatened entrants in a sailplane contest last week. Sources close 
to the event said that police are trying to contact a shadowy character known 
only as DP who is suspected of having sent the device to the event. He is 
said to be one of only a handful of people known to be able to control the 
planform. He is said to reside somewhere in California.

Bill Wingstedt
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2002-01-28 Thread Jerry Krainock

John Erickson has it right.  To paraphrase an old saying Launch for
show, fly for dough.

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Re: [RCSE] Messy shop thread

2002-01-28 Thread RCsoarnut

In a message dated 1/28/2002 9:23:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

Kool Beans Thomas

  They finally got you that padded room they have been reccomending:-)

Denny Maize
Polecat Aeroworks
(717) 789-0146
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[RCSE] The saga of Hard Luck Gomez

2002-01-28 Thread tony estep

The Saga of Hard Luck Gomez

At some point each of us comes to one of those moments in life that
change everything, where the future course of one's whole existence can
take this path or that, and there's no ducking it. When that moment
came for Hard Luck Gomez, he may have made the wrong choice; or maybe
not. See what you think.

He could see it creeping up on him as the seasons came and went. He
used to chat about it with his old buddy Chris Aliss as they hung
around the dusty shop. Chris hadn't been out to the field for a long
time, and was begining to recognize that his own career was over.
Sometimes when HLG would come back from the field, he would fill Chris
in with stories of what was happening out there, and HLG's stories made
Chris nervous.

HLG, said Chris Aliss, don't talk to me about those new guys
spinnin' around and whirlin' up in the air outa sight. If I'm gonna
launch, I want to see where I'm goin' and no spinnin' or none of that
new-fangled stuff for me. Hard Luck didn't argue, but he was tempted
to point out that Chris hadn't left his shelf for over a year.

Still, Hard Luck was himself sticking to the old ways, and had never
spun or whirled in his life. The very thought of it made him dizzy. He
saw how the others did it, how excited they looked when they came down,
and heard their chatter; but he clung to the idea that it just wasn't
for him.

It wasn't for him, that is, until the fateful sunny spring day when he
met Daisy Lee.

Hard Luck was lounging in the pits, trying to spit out a bit of grass
that had slipped into his hatch, when a slinky composite with six
servos sat down next to him. She was so close that she was almost
touching him, and HLG felt a quiver in his boom.

His mind raced. How could he start a conversation with this fox?
Finally, he just blurted it out. Whoo, you look sleek! I'm Hard Luck
Gomez. What's your name?

She answered in a soft purr. Hi. I'm Daisy Lee Glitz, she murmured.
My friends call me Diz.

Pleased to meetcha, HLG offered. The ensuing silence was deafening.
He had to think of something So, Diz, I have to ask. What is it

What's what like, Hardy? she said in her throaty voice.

I mean, what's -- what's it like to do all that spinning and zooming?

Why Hardy, she replied. Are you one of those straight-ahead Boy
Scouts? Not that there's anything wrong with that, she added quickly.
Hey, big guy, if you've never tried it, you should. I mean -- it's a
rush. She flicked her flaps demurely.

Look, she volunteered. Watch me. I'm about to take off. Oh Hardy,
just watch. See how I do it. It's so wonderful. Really.

HLG stared transfixed as DLG stretched her wings and began to spin.
Faster, faster -- zowie, what velocity! And then, with just the
slightest fetching wiggle of her shapely tail, she was gone. Whooof!
Look at that! Adrenalin surged through HLG's skinny frame. He knew that
there was no turning back.

When Daisy Lee returned, she was flushed with excitement. Her servos
were buzzing. HLG could stand it no longer. Mustering up his courage,
he whispered to her excitedly. Diz, can you show me? Do you think I
can do it?

It's easy, she assured him. Come on to the disco with me, Hardy.
We'll spin together. It'll be fabulous. 

I dunno, Diz he faltered. Nobody has ever touched my tip -- that
way, you know his voice trailed off. 

HardyHardygive me your tipspin with me Daisy Lee's
voice was entreating, very soft, but Hard Luck heard nothing else.
Let's get high, Hardy, really really high. Let me take you up. HLG
felt his fears melting, replace by a sudden resolve, a passionate

Okay, he said forcefully. His spar was as stiff as carbon. Let's
give it a whirl. 

The rest was just a blur. He seemed to see the world revolving at the
speed of light, the horizon rising and falling like a carnival ride,
and then -- just when he thought his body would fly apart -- he felt
himself rising, not like before, but rocketing, zooming, far above the
floodlights where he used to level off, up, up, up --- whh!!

Back in the shop the next day, HLG slumped next to Chris Aliss. He
ruefully surveyed his body. He had a break at one poly joint and
incipient cracks in numerous other places. His tail was ragged, his
horns were partly pulled out, and his fuse was blown.

I guess I just wasn't made for it, Chris, he groaned. He waited for
the burst of disapproval that he was sure Chris would register.

But to his surprise, Chris gave him a kind look. Oh, what the hell,
Hard Luck, he said in a reassuring voice. Never regret it, old
friend. You did what all of us ought to do. You went out with one last
great fling. And he raised his tail and gave HLG the V-sign.

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[RCSE] She is only in could she be so evil?

2002-01-28 Thread bagswereusel

I resubscribed to RCSE just in time to read DPs post on the all new Fusion.
Take a tip from Bozo...

You will NEVER see The Great and Wonderful Bozo  actually fly a contest...
Why , You might ask.
Because The Bozo always what would be the point...yawn...Bozo has
to win, it's in the rules  right on page # 8788...part 3...Look it up some
time. But he does fly the best stuff...And Mike Lachowski has it right. You
dont have to fly to win.
I think DP is just beginning to understand this. (It has taken a few extra
contests at the worlds to push him over the edge)
And now in the words of the great CLIFF CLAVEN:
Beer Norm?
Why Not.

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RE: [RCSE] HLG tweaking tips?

2002-01-28 Thread Bill Kuhl

In my opinion, a lot of the performance is gained or lost in HL in the
amount of drag from the plane. With enough flying you can tell with a gentle
launch how a plane is gliding; does it slip through the air, or does it drag
like flying through molasses. 

But another big factor in drag, is how you fly. Any extra movements can
really kill the performance in light lift.  Over the weekend I was flying on
a small slope and discovered a great difference in performance when I flew
extremely smooth.

My two cents,

Bill Kuhl

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