[RCSE] Garrison Aerodrome Offline

2001-02-04 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Hi, Guys:

Garrison Aerodrome is going offline for a while as I migrate to
Cleveland for my new day job.  I'll re-subscribe once I get a local ISP
in C-town.  So don't be suprised if I don't respond to your e-mail or
phone messages until the weekends.

FYI:  I am having a slight delay getting the V3 Push-E Cat to market due
to the fact that I can only get to my shop on weekends now, and there
are several other things competing for that time as well. However, the
V3 will still hit the streets in a couple of weeks as soon as I finish
updating the instructions.


Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Hand Cat Update

2001-01-08 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Hi, Guys:

For those of you who are interested, I just finished the P2 prototype
Hand Cat, EPP hand launch glider.  I've posted 4 photos on the "coming
soon" page of my web site for review: http://www.rc-aero.com/spy.html

I managed to get out and toss the model a couple of time this evening
even though the winds and temperatures were both not very conducive to
test flying.  I need to tame down the elevator throw a bunch, but
already I can see that the revised P2 launches higher and penetrates
better than the original P1, and it also seems more responsive.

The design goal for the Hand Cat is to be not only a great plane for
sport flying, but to also be the ultimate back up ship for contests-the
plane you can count on to be there and fly still fly competitively.

Specs on the new P2:
Wingspan: 59 inches
Wing area: 265.5 sq. inches (1.84 sq ft)
Wing loading: 5.5 ounces/sq. ft.
Airfoil: blended section from root to tip, modified Selig 3000 series.
Washout: 1 degree at tip
All up weight: 10.1 ounces

Design features of note:

Integrated throwing pad
Composite EPP foam/balsa/carbon construction
Bolt down wing
Swept forward V-tail

The fuselage as seen on the web page is an interim item.  The P3
fuselage will be production intent and will implement a canopy for
accessing all components.

I welcome any questions or comments.  Assuming I can get some air time
for test flying, the Hand Cat could be in production as soon as the end
of the month.


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Garrison Aerodrome Notice

2000-10-25 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Hi, Guys:

I would like to let everyone know that due to a large influx of orders,
things have really bogged down at Garrison Aerodrome temporarily.  It
would appear that my new ads in S&E and MAN are working.  Now I just
have to adjust a little to deal with the demand.

Because of this, I have to let everyone know that our 2 to 4 week time
to ship is in full effect regardless of what I might have said on the
phone or before.  I am working to catch up as fast as I can, and will
ship all orders as soon as possible.

For faster service, all of our kits are available from New Creations and


Other dealers are available that are not carrying our complete line. 
You can check them out at:


Also, we are phasing out the retail sale of speed controls, servos,
receivers and radios.  These high overhead items are limiting my cash
flow and slowing order response, and I will therefore not be restocking
them when they run out.  This means that the current "complete" kits and
"accessory packs" will be revised in contents and price shortly.

As soon as I get on top of my order board, I will be able to resume my
development projects and bring new gas, glider and electric products to
you, our customer.  Thanks for your support as we grow to meet your


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [RCSE] Tribute to RADS, Harley

2000-09-20 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Ah, yes, the naysayers are back!

And yet, and yet...

When I made the move from my Grand Esteem to my Genie, suddenly I was
not limited by my plane anymore.  This in spite of the fact that the
Grand Esteem used a very "slippery" 7035 based airfoil progression and
the Genie uses the old tried and true 7032.

My scores and performance at the OVSS Fall Roundup suprised me more than
anyone else.  But what was most telling of all was the sound as all the
birds came down from Max times.  All the latest hollow molded super
birds were screaming in from the heavens sounding for all the world like
a flock of electric EDFs.  And then came the Genie, a light, almost
ethereal whistle coming from its wing tips and empennage as it came by
on its high speed pass.

It takes energy to make noise, and its corollary is drag.  I'll take
RADS, which lets me fly a better TD airfoil and still penetrate with the
latest hollow molded ships.


Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [RCSE] OVSS shin dig

2000-09-04 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Cliff Schwinger wrote:
> I am curious too! Who was the pilot and what was he flying?!?!?

The "big ole antique" airplane Bruce referred to was Bill Friend's
latest Sailaire.  Bill is something of a Sailaire aficionado.  His old
blue and white Sailaire frequently finished at the top of the LOFT
contests, but Bill would always talk about building a new one with
"Phillips entry" and other wing mods.  So the one at the OVSS FRU was
the one he's been threatening to build for a while.

I'll try to find out from Bill what the modifications were and list them
all for the exchange.

However, don't think it was just the plane.  Bill is an excellent
pilot.  He's heroic at LOFT for his ability to work "garbage" lift for
an entire task.  And he knows his plane very well.

Would have been interesting to have Bill and Captain Jack in the same
air with their sail-porkers.


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Canal Run X-C Race Web Page Up

2000-07-30 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Hi, Guys:

The Canal Run web page is up and active.  Will Sears is heading the
effort as the contact man and the chairman of the Glider Guider special
interest group within the club.  The URL to the web site is:


The cost to enter the event will be $40.  Yeah, I know it's a long way
off, but I just wanted to get it on as many people's radar as possible.

By the way, Bob Steele, our local LSF Level 5 and Great Race survivor
will be laying out the course.  He's absolutely positive he can find at
least a mile of "tree tunnel" for Jim Bacus and the guys from Chicago.


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Resurrect the Great Race?

2000-06-18 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Hi, Guys:

There was a discussion at the recent LOFT/Flying Circuits LSF Day
regarding the Great Race that had been held in Chicago until the early
'90s.  Many of our members participated in this event and some nostalgia
was shared regarding the adventures they had shared.

At one point, we began discussing what it would take to resurrect the
event, basing it at the Flying Circuits field instead of the Chicago
area.  The FC field is uniquely suited to cross country events with
plenty of straight country roads, few trees and easy access.  Setting up
a 20 to 30 mile course would be a fairly simple task, and most routes
would have little traffic to contend with.

With participation in X-C at the Nats on the rise, now might be the time
to bring the Great Race back to life.  I would like to contact the clubs
in the region to set up a cooperative sponsorship of the event if
possible.  Please contact me if you would like to see an event like this
come to life again.


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Directions to Pennsylvania HLG meet

2000-06-09 Thread Darwin A. Garrison


Ray Hayes is in need of some assistance.  Seems as though he's planning
on attending a certain HLG meet this weekend in Pennsylvania somewhere
in the vincinity of Carlisle.  Unfortunately, in his eagerness to get
out there and hob nob with his HLG buddies, RAY FORGOT THE DIRECTIONS TO

So, now, Ray sits sadly by himself is a Super 8 Motel, lost and forlorn.

Could someone please help Ray regain his happiness (if not his dignity)
and give him a call at:

(717)245-9898 Room 202

And tell him where to go (and maybe give him directions to the field as


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)413-4122  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] RE: EPP Slope Racers

2000-01-05 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

Hi, Guys:

I have been watching this thread with considerable interest.  I have
managed to take a look at a couple of web sites showing pictures of the
currently available "slope/aerobatic" models, and I find the entire
realm fascinating.

I am currently in the process of building an initial prototype of my own
concept, which is being made to a request from an individual in
California.  I have taken a completely different route than the other
models that have so far been available for review on the web.  Since I
don't slope, my flat land tests will involve bungee launches and high
speed diving.  After that, the prototype will journey to CA for some
real tests.

I am curious, however.  What "makes" a good slope racer/aerobat?  Is it
raw speed? Fast handling?  Energy retention?  How about the criteria for
an EPP racer?  Is "more durable" acceptable over "indestructible"?

I've already made my design choices for the first iteration (something
of a compromise on the above criteria), but I would welcome some insight
to carry with me during the test flight stages.


Darwin Garrison
Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)486-2889  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-01-05 Thread Darwin A. Garrison

> Looking at the Javelin, though it seems a bit heavy at 15oz..and the Hand
> Cat from Garrison Aerodrome, though not sure it is in production yet..
> Anybody have any ideas on how to lower the weight of the javelin, and know of
> any other choices I may consider in EPP HLGs?
> Rodger
> RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
>"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, Ron, thread watchers:

I regret that the Hand Cat has yet to reach production.  This is an
unfortunate result of having too many pies to eat.


I did more or less finish my redesign over the Christmas holidays,
including cutting a proof of concept fuselage pod.  We learned many
things going through the trials with the initial prototype, especially
when it comes to making sure the plane is durable while still keeping it

The P2 Hand Cat features a revised wing planform, different, modified
airfoils, a V-tail, and  revised internal layouts.  All of which came
from our experience with the first prototype.  The new model has a
target weight of 10 ounces, and should launch higher, turn well, and
range further during its flight.  It also has a much more comfortable
and effective launch grip.

If there's enough interest, I'll post some .gif shots of the CAD file,
and maybe a digital pic of the new pod.  As soon as I complete and fly
the P2 prototype, I will post a writeup and pictures to the web page.

Target date for production kits is sometime during March.


Garrison Aerodrome R/C Models
Phone: (219)486-2889  Fax: (219)486-9761
Web: http://www.rc-aero.com or http://www.garrisonaerodrome.com
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]