My name is Francisco Rademacher. I am a new Sailplane owner and operator. I started less then 2 weeks ago but am fascinated, and hooked on the grace, and beauty of non-powered planes. The way they look, perform, and do no damage to surrouding area gives them a whole new dimension that with my powered planes was not achievable. They are without a doubt 10x more relaxing.

I live all the way across the country in Cincinnati, Ohio but with all my heart have signed the petition. Anyone who kicks gliders out citing insruance as a reason is one that can be easily seen as a person who does nto give a damn. By which I mean fi he did 5 minutes of research he would see that anyone with AMA is "fully" insured.

I am sorry this is happening to you guys and girls over there in Cali. I only hope that the type of piggish behavior by owners such at that scoundrel Jebb do nto happen over here. if there is anything I can do such as contact local Sailplane clubs for support, just tell me and I will do everything I can. Don't let up as no fight worth fighting for is ever easy.....Francisco Rademacher

 Robert Bingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

two steps forward, one step back. change in progress.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 9:34 AM
> To: Robert Bingham; Yahoogroups; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; rcse;
> Dan Field; Dennis Uyemura; Gary Fogel; Jerry Craft; John McNeil; Larry
> Fogel; Larry Scaramella; Nathan Woods; Rob Whyte; Steve Condon; Timothy
> E. Cone; Tom Copp
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Torrey Pines Petition!
> 'Course, it would be better if the date was correct,
> since it's not yet September...
> Tom
> --- Original Message ---
> From: "Robert Bingham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [RCSE] Torrey Pines Petition!
> >Friends of Torrey Pines,
> >We have posted a Petition online that addresses many
> of our concerns about
> >the most recent closure of RC Soaring at this
> historic soaring site. This
> >petition can be signed by anyone (worldwide)

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