[RCSE] Re: Incidence and Decalage (long)

2000-05-08 Thread Robert Steinhaus

Computing best decalage for desired speed and trim is actually fairly
involved. I know of no one good reliable simple formula that you can use to 
calculate decalage (angular difference between wing and horizontal stab) for 
all sizes and types of soaring gliders. If you pressed many designers they 
would probably have to admit to you that a fair amount of empiricism (read 
flight trimming) is typically involved  in setting up decalage on a new 
design. Decalage is effected by many other glider design parameters 
including designed range of speeds, CG location, Airfoil pitch moment, 
wing's drag moment, wing downwash angle of air at tailplane, etc. A variety 
of approaches to computing decalage are possible. These methods vary in 
their reliability and difficulty.

Method 1 - Best Approach - Plane Geometry Software

If you are lazy and want to get the right answers I would suggest you
investigate some very fine glider design software called "Plane
Geometry". You can do all the necessary calculations on paper to get a
good estimate of decalage (but it is an arduous and error prone
process). For routine work it is much easier (and less error prone) to
use a computer program to do the grunt work for you. Blaine Rawdon (a
rather gifted professional aerodynamicist and active aeromodeler) has
written a truly excellent Excel spreadsheet that greatly simplifies the
process of accurate soaring glider design. Plane geometry is very
helpful for answering questions like optimum decalage, best fuselage
deck angle (angle the wing mounts on the fuselage for minimum drag),
tail length and tail surface sizing for best performance and handling,
control surface sizing to achieve known good effective response from
control surfaces, etc.. I know of no other single tool that provides as
much excellent information as Plane Geometry (initially,  you may be a
little overwhelmed with the amount of information Plane Geometry
provides. You can begin by only using the parameters you need and over
time learn more about more exotic parameters and use them when you need
them). Michael Shellim has a fine review of Plane Geometry on his web
page that should give you a good idea of how the interative process of
using the design tool works. You can view Mike's informative page at


Plane Geometry's results for decalage, fuselage deck angle, and
stabilizer geometric incidence are the most reliable of any of the
calculational methods I have tried. Plane Geometry is easily worth the
approximately US$20 which it costs if you design model gliders. One
thing that Plane Geometry does not do is predict the performance of a
proposed glider design (Plane Geometry does not have a database of
airfoil polars/performance). You must use other tools to identify an
airfoil/wing design that should have good Lift/Drag, sink rate,  etc.
Plane Geometry will help you implement that design by providing vital
design information like decalage, CG range, tail sizing for
stability/performance, etc. Plane Geometry focuses on the design issues
of conventional gliders with tailplanes (cruciform and V-tail). Design
Problems relating to tail less gliders (flying wings) and canards are
not directly covered by Plane Geometry.

Decalage Method 2 - Designer’s rule of thumb

(Good starting point for an estimate of decalage but less
accurate/reliable than Plane Geometry Software)

Almost every thing else affects decalage at least a little (CG location,
airfoil pitch moment, wing's drag moment, downwash angle of air at
tailplane) so the final setting is often a matter of trimming rather
than computation. For thermal soarers trimmed for good performance at
speeds near maximum lift to drag 5 to 6 degrees from the zero lift angle
of attack  of the wing is usually a good starting point for an initial
guess of decalage. For example, the zero lift angle for RG15 is
approximately -2.52 degrees  so a beginning suggestion for decalage for
an RG15  thermal soarer would be somewhere around 2.48 degrees.

Decalage Angle (RG15 thermal soarer) =  AoA~ -2.52+ 5 degrees = 2.48

Note: Decalage for slope racing gliders is typically a little different
than for thermal soarers. I would suggest adding  3 degrees to the
airfoil zero lift angle as a designer’s guess for the decalage (thermal
gliders are tuned for optimum performance at speeds near those for
optimum Lift/Drag  while racers are trimmed for performance at high
speed and typically require a little less decalage than soarers when
trimmed that way).
Example (Slope Racer)

Decalage Angle (S2062) = AoA~ -2.03 + 3 degrees = 1 degree

The decalage for a racer needs to
be small to preserve the speed range of the glider. Typically very small
angles (= 1 degree) are involved which are difficult to measure and to
build accurately. This desgner's rule of thumb is a surprisingly good
initial guess of a value of decalage but you will have to typically
resort to flight trimming to get final 

[RCSE] Selectable Tx FM frequency shift polarity

2000-04-07 Thread Robert Steinhaus

FM radios modulate the base carrier in frequency (slightly increasing and 
decreasing the frequency of the carrier) to transmit information to 
receivers and servos. The polarity of the shifting of the carrier is 
different for different manufacturers. It would be nice to use one 
transmitter with all styles and manufactures of FM receivers.
I would be grateful to know if any FM computer transmitter offers the 
feature of switchable frequency shift sense (selectable FM shift polarity). 
Does anyone know of a manufacturer making a transmitter having this feature?

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[RCSE] Fiberglass Mold Surface Coat

2000-03-16 Thread Robert Steinhaus

I would be grateful to know of a source for fiberglass mold surface coat 
(sometimes a special hard epoxy is applied to the surface of a fiberglass 
mold to improve wear and durability). There is one product listed in 
"Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Company" catalog but I am uncertain if it is 
appropriate for model fuselage mold fabrication. Thanks for any leads!
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[RCSE] Liftroll.xls Question for John Hazel

2000-02-04 Thread Robert Steinhaus

Discussion in rec.models.rc.soaring usenet group reveals that enthusiastic 
local Liftdistribution software "experts" do not understand (at least in a 
satisfying intuitive way) why the "Local Cl" graph tends to peak up when 
local chord become narrow and decrease when local chord become large (the 
situation at the root of strongly tapered wings). It is clear that this is 
the way that Liftroll responds but it is not quite clear and intuitive why 
this is. Could you provide us an insight as to why Local Cl increases as 
local chord gets smaller (tips) and decreases when local chord is larger 
(root)? Does the expression that gets plotted on the Local Cl graph include 
local chord as a term in the denominator (thereby making the plotted 
expression larger when local chord is smaller)? Is there some other 
interesting (and intuitive) reason why the Local Cl graph has this behavior?
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[RCSE] Flying Wing?

2000-01-14 Thread Robert Steinhaus

The DAW Schweizer 1-26 you are currently flying is a rather nice versatile 
slope glider when properly trimmed (especially if the glider has been built 
with ailerons and reduced dihedral of about 2 degrees). If the glider was 
built with rudder/elevator and standard recommended polyhedral it tends to 
exhibit some tendency to get blown over in strong winds/crosswind landings 
on the slope. I have had good results with the straight dihedral aileron 
equipped Schweizer HLG penetrating in rather strong winds up to about 25 
mph. I might suggest you consider examining the trim of your glider before 
you dump it in favor of a flying wing or other aircraft. Consider

1) Check the CG to make sure it is at the manufacturers suggested location 
(the Schweizer tends to build up mildly tail heavy).
2) Check the decalage (relative angle between the chord line of the wing and 
the chord line of the horizontal stab) such that it is approximately 1.5 
degrees. Foamy airplanes tend to get tweaked when crashed or carried in a 
vehicle and they get knocked out of trim. It is also possible to warp the 
EPP fuselages when assembling using strap tape. Check to see the the aft 
portion of your fuse lies flat when placed against a flat surface (if not it 
is an indicator that the fuse is warped/tweaked and you need to correct the 
problem using a monocoat iron/heat gun bending the part in a direction 
opposite the warp while applying heat).

When properly adjusted the DAW Schweizer has one of the widest performance 
envelopes (light lift to very strong wind conditions) of any EPP foamy 
glider. The improvement resulting from getting the decalage set correctly is 
significant. If you have too much positive incidence set in the horizontal 
stab it will reduce the high end speeds that the glider can operate at. 
Schweizer 1-26 gliders built for the slope can benefit from slight reduction 
of the decalage to no more than 1.5 degrees as this will preserve the wide 
speed range the glider can fly at.

The best flying of the EPP foam flying wings in my opinion is the CSD 
Boomerang. This is a rather agile glider designed for combat but is tuff 
enough for intermediate flight training. If you decide not to work further 
on improving your DAW Schweizer this would be a glider to consider (it flies 
in light lift and also fine in quite strong winds).

Best wishes!
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[RCSE] Re: best airfoil and layout for speed and turns on slope ?

1999-12-02 Thread Robert Steinhaus

There are some really fine experienced designers  (which I will not mention 
for fear of leaving someone out) that tend to lurk in RCSE and the F3F 
mailing list. My hope is that a few of them will join this discussion and 
offer nice suggestions. I will offer the following two wing designs in an 
effort to be of help (and possibly take some flack and learn something from 
my friends).

For all around balance I am not aware of a better airfoil than RG15 for the 
F3F course. You can experiment with thinner lower cambered airfoils like 
HQ10/08, RG14, or SD6062 which indeed are marginally faster on the straights 
but tend to lose it in the turns. I would suggest you consider the following 
two wing designs

Wing One - Aspect Ratio 13.4
RG15 Root with SD7003 Tips

Root Chord 21 cm (8.3")
Root Panel Length  50.8 cm (20")
First Break Chord  20 cm (7.9")
Mid Panel Length   38.7 cm (15.25")
Second Break Chord 15 cm (5.9")
Tip Panel Length   27.3 (10.75")
Tip Panel Chord08 cm (3.15")

This wing uses RG15 for Root, First Break, and Second Break airfoil -
Tip airfoil is SD7003 which performs a little better than RG15 at very low 
reynolds numbers and should make the wing slightly faster than a straight 
RG15 wing. No geometric washout (twist)is used in this wing but the 
difference in airfoils between the root and tip yeilds about .8 degrees of 
aerodynamic washout and should improve handling and reduce the tendency of 
tip stall. This wing rather closely approaches elliptical lift distribution 
but in my opinion has tips that are too small and will cause more drag and 
handling problems then a slightly larger tip (a very small chord tip suffers 
higher profile drag and stalls at a reduced angle of attack because it is 
operating at very low reynolds number). For speed and F3F I would compromise 
on a slightly lower Aspect Ratio and slightly wider chord tip and live with 
the slightly reduced lift efficiency.

Wing Design Two - AR=12.95 - Slightly larger Tip Chord
RG15 Root with SD7003 Tips

Root Chord 21 cm (8.3")
Root Panel Length  50.8 cm (20")
First Break Chord  20 cm (7.9")
Mid Panel Length   45.7 cm (18")
Second Break Chord 15 cm (5.9")
Tip Panel Length   20.3 (8")
Tip Panel Chord10.8 cm (4.25")

RG15 is used for Root, First Break, and Second Break Airfoils -
SD7003 used for the Tip. The lift distribution of this wing is not quite as 
good as for Wing One but the improved handling indicated by the local lift 
distribution charts and the improved reynolds number that the Tip operates 
at should make this wing faster and easier to fly. No geometric washout 
(twist) is used on this wing but as in Wing One the use of diferent airfoils 
produces an aerodynamic washout of about 0.8 degrees which should help 
reduce the tendency to tip stall.

Best wishes with your project.
I must be beautiful to soar in Norway (during the months when the sun 

  Hi fellows.
  I intend to make a wing, designed for speed and turns on slope i.e. F3F
  1) What airfoil will be best suited for this?
  2) Below you are able to consider my new wing layout
  IM not sure Help and Comments are Highly Welcome.
  WS 236cm (92-92 inch)
  Chord 1 (root) 21cm (8.3) (max due to fuselage pylon support )
  Chord 2 20cm (7.9)
  Chord 3  15cm (5.9)
  Chord 4(tip) 08cm (3.15)(washout 1,5 ?)
  Kjell-AAke Alfredsen,
  City of Tromsoe Norway
  69degree of latitude north
  Up here at the top of the earth;
  from the 21november until 21jan
  the sun disappear and a small amount of daylight is visible
  At a part summertime the sun shines all the night and day
  and we fly at all hours around the clock.

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