Paul and you others,

We have all, I think, now and then experienced a bad servo - a HS-60
comes to mind, and, no, I wasn't allowed to exchange it.

But that is passed, forgotten, and a good lesson. Always
test before doing anything to your servos (no, I didn't even cut
off the lead).

But please, Paul and you others, stop turning this list into a 
one-man battle against the rest of the world. It ain't that interesting.
And both sides, stop baiting each other! Pick your fights elesewhere,

There are 6 billion men and women out there, so a single disgrunted
customer doesn't make much difference - that's the sad truth. Not nice
to be that customer, but that life isn't always a song and dance is 
also part of growing up, to toughen and to learn. Enjoy the good times
and forget the hardships!

Not so long ago about 500 people, men, women and children, were burned 
alive by some devoted nuns, doing God's Gospel, as they thought. THAT is 
something to think about. A few lousy servos is not, unless they result in a
crash costing thousands, or the health of others.

Enjoy your loved ones and take care,


PS Those nuns will soon face trials, together with some of their friends. 
Hope sincerely that they all will be consumed by the Eternal Fire in Hell.



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