Re: [RCSE] Dreamcatcher - rant - press delete now to skip....

2004-11-21 Thread Barry Andersen
You don't indicate your own dealings with Roy Simpson - mine have been minimal - and yes, he seemed a bit abrupt to me.

I'm certain though,  that you have had no dealings with Marc Gellart.  Marc is not given to  criticizing unfairly and has given more to the soaring community than most.  Many on this list know him well as a fine guy, and good soaring buddy.  Pretty harsh language aimed at a guy you know little or nothing about.  Particularly when based on your objection to unfair criticism. 

Pause before you type.


I'm not sure that I understand your complaint and venting of your frustrations against Roy Simpson.  It appears that your MO got lost or such.  That certainly is not his fault.  I find your comments of him disgusting and uncalled for and can assure you that I would not want to have any dealings with you after this sort of display.


Re: [RCSE] Dreamcatcher - rant - press delete now to skip....

2004-11-20 Thread Jeff Gortatowsky
Umm... I don't think Mark is saying the USPS can't lose a money order. I
think what he is saying is that that so-and-so might actually have considered
that the USPS -CAN- lose one before condemning him as a slacker and a thief
and selling it out from under him. 

Man I hope all the rest of the vendors in soaring are not like this. Thinking
'they are always right' (even -if- they are!). You don't get to be a growing
business by suspecting your customers are out to screw you (even is a few
_are_). That's a cost of doing business. Swallowing your anger towards a
customer is a known hazard. If you don't know that, you are doomed. This guy
could have done a lot more business if he'd have just shut his mouth and hire
a person with a shread of tolerance to answer the phones and write emails.
I've had to listen in on support calls for my company. I KNOW from what I
speak when it comes to swallowing your pride.

Like said, I wish him Godspeed in whatever health problems he may have, but
it does not excuse his rude, intolerant, and insensitive behavior. Anyone out
there doing business that does not understand the customer -is- always
right EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG, does not understand how to become a successful
business. You tongue lash the mirror, not the customer on phone. You always
fix the customer first. Everything else will work itself out. The guy that
owns that joint is a total business bozo. 

I do hope everyone gets the goodies they ordered. Especially the Grand
Espirts... man... is there no way of coming up with a G.E. like plane but
without stepping on Copyrights? It's such a sweet plane...

Best wishes to all and to all a good night..

Jeffrey D. Gortatowsky
La Habra Heights, California 

Madam, there's no such thing as a tough child -- if you parboil them first for 
seven hours, they always come out tender.  - W.C. Fields
What wretched scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch? - W.C. Fields
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