Doug Reel and Kyle Paulson both joined the 190mph+ DS club at Vincent today.  They were flying two new 2meter molded DS Extremes, and recording speeds with a radar gun.
They both recorded top speeds of 192, and Doug was "cruising" in the high 180's  while talking about the servos etc. and the 100" exxtreme he has on order.
They were flying unballasted at a 22 oz wing loading and the wind was 20 mph. They found a line that produced much higher speeds, but could not get the radar gun to record it, so they were obliged to fly closer and slower, but still managed repeated high 180's and low 190's to 192.
Doug says that the Extreme is the most solid feeling plane he has ever flown DS with, and that it was "easy."
Neither plane suffered any damage from the speed session, although one flap horn became loosened on one plane.  These planes should be good for a lot more, just use good servos and linkages! 
Considering that conditions were nothing special, when they can get a better angle or a better radar gun 200 mph and more should soon become routine.
I'm very happy for Brian, since he has really busted his butt on this project, and has come up with a plane that is just "born" to do this.
...Of course with a lot of help from Joe Wurts, and Brian is the first to credit Joe's airfoils and planforms.  They are the best.
The 100" CNC version should be insane...
John Roe
McComposites website:
Standard disclaimer:  I don't get nuthin' from Brian/McComposites.

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