I am finally getting around to setting up my own weight driven foamcutter
system, and I would like opinions about a few key details. I don't mind
getting referred to online drawings and such, but I have seen most of them,
and am now looking more for multiple opinions and solutions to particular

1. What kind of line are people running through their pulleys? What does
Feathercut use? What does Del recommend?

2. What are various folks' solution to how to attach the pull-line to the
cutting wire or bow? (It makes more sense to attach to the cutting wire for
my design, but I'd like to hear about both, if folks do both)

3. More specifically, what keeps the attachment point (of the pull-line to
the cutting wire) from slipping sideways when cutting a more highly tapered
wing planform? And if the attachment point can be made slip-free, then what
keeps the attachment point from bearing up against the side of the foam
block or template when cutting more extreme tapers? Or is this just not a
problem for some reason I don't yet understand?

Thanks, as usual, for insight and info.

Scobie in Seattle

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