Title: October RC Soaring Digest
The October issue of RC Soaring Digest is now available for downloading from the RCSD web site <
http://www.rcsoaringdigest.com>. This issue has forty-six pages of text and photos. The PDF is approximately 9.6 MB in size.
Of particular note in this issue is a 12 page review of the Samba Model Pike Perfect by two Seattle Area Soaring Society members, Jim Laurel and Andy Page. The October issue highlights are now available at <http://www.rcsoaringdigest.com/highlights.html>.

If you are using a dial-up connection and have been wishing for smaller RCSD PDFs, consider downloading the compressed version (3.4 MB) of this issue from the RCSoaringDigest Yahoo! groups Files section. The image quality is somewhat reduced, but download time is significantly less. You must be a member of the RCSoaringDigest Yahoo! group to download the compressed PDF.

Thanks for your continued readership!

Bill & Bunny Kuhlman

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