[RCSE] Polish Girls vs. Romanian girls: Lord of the Calamari

2008-06-01 Thread Phil Townsend

 This is a question for Lord of  the Calamari...
 I do know the Romanian girls have a slight smell of diesel fuel but Mr Perkins
 could shed a bit more light on this subject...
 ³The Transmitter impound girl²
 Was she a National Geographic dib?
 What say you DP???

[RCSE] Polish Girls :-)

2008-05-31 Thread Craig Allen
OK.. Ron had it wrong a little bit,,  It's Polish Girls... They come to the USA 
to work each summer... They are very smart.. Most are law or medical students 
and cute as hell and half my age :-) OK maybe a little bit more than half my 
age but still legal :-)

So I show them a great time... SF, Tahoe, LA, Big Sur, Las Vegas, Yellowstone, 

Anything wrong with that? :-) 
