Hi Guys,
I am looking at some marketing plans for a new company that makes electronic components for RC.  They will have a respectable budget for marketing and I am trying to help them spend it wisely.
I'd like to know your thoughts on marketing --
1. Do your dollars follow print ads, web banners on RC Groups/RC Universe, or the advice of your flying buddies? Do you attend any of the RC sales conventions?
2. Do you find your Local Hobby Shop a valuable resource on choice of electric motors and controllers? Do you buy locally or online?
3. What are your deal makers/deal breakers for electronics such as controllers, servos, receivers -- ie, is price your main concern, quality (and how do you decide that something is quality), or perhaps made (and serviced) in the USA vs. overseas for manufacture, support and service?
4. How many electric planes do you buy/make a year?
5. Would a company's support of (your club's) events with prizes or advertising be a factor which would help you choose their product of equivalent price and capability over another manufacturer's offering?
I would really appreciate your input.  RC is a small community and every little bit of support helps -- helps the hobbyist, helps the events, and helps the manufacturers pay their bills so that they can develop and make cool products available at the most reasonable prices so we can all go out and fly.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Lee Estingoy
(913) 685 8291

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