I learned some important F3J towing techniques at the NATS F3J event several 
years ago.  I cannot run so I have a problem getting someone to tow for me 
since I cannot return the favor.  My heat was called and I did not have a tow 
person.  The call went out on the PA system and Joe Wurts towed for me.  So 
at the horn I released my 2 meter Lil Scorpion and it did not launch very 
high.  Joe came back and explained two important things to me.  First let the 
runner build up plenty of line tension before I launch, and second, ping off 
at about 75 percent of launch height while there is still plenty of tension 
to produce a zoom.  The rest of my launches were much better.

Since then I have studied Joe's F3J launches.  He builds up plenty of 
pretension and signals the runner to start at about three seconds before the 
horn.  Joe can just barely avoid being pulled across the starting line before 
the horn sounds.  Joe has optimized tow hook location, trailing edge 
deflection, and model design to give the best launch.  The result is minimum 
launch time and maximum flight time in the window.

Bob Harold   
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