Well fellow race fans,

I am happy to report another great race at Torrey is in the books. We had 29
racers come out and test their skills amongst the best in the US.  Paul
Naton traveled the furthest from Pennsylvania, With Ron Vann and Tim Bigley
coming in from the San Francisco bay area, as well as Joel Cagnon from Santa
Barbara.  We were joined by a few new F3F pilots Joe Rodrigues of TD fame,
TPG president Parvis Kamiab, TPG raffle coordinator Alan 'Moose' Butler,
local Mark Canfield, and perhaps Robert Lopez (not positive it was his first
time).  We held our Pilots meeting in the glider port's office at 9:00 am on
Saturday, and got round zero underway around 11:00 am.  Conditions were
consistently building, and by round 1 our last pilot in the roster Tom Copp
of F3X.com fame threw down a blistering 40.80 second run.  Time would later
prove that to be the fast time of the contest.  For a 29 pilot event, things
were moving very quickly, finishing each round in less than an hour.  We
finished things up around 5:00pm, finishing 6 rounds (0-5).  Saturday
evening brought some light showers and clearing winds for Sunday.  Flyable
at sunrise, we had great air for our 10:15 am start.  We finished our last
round around 3:45 pm and gathered for awards presentation.  We all knew who
were going to stand at the podium.  Tim Bigley was the consistent
competitor, flying smoothly all weekend.  Making no mistakes was good enough
to earn him a 3rd place podium spot.  Tom Copp seemed to have things all
wrapped up after the absolute clinic he put on Saturday, but Kyle was coming
on strong on Sunday.  It was anyone's guess.  Kyle ended up sneaking away
with the victory, by a mere .041%  Great job Tom and Kyle.  I learned allot
from your guys's performance.

So here are the scores,

1  P Kyle                    9573.53

2  Copp                      9569.65

3  Bigley                    9424.06

4  Smith                     9339.89

5  Cone                      9291.80

6  L G                       9114.21

7  Field                     9089.37

8  Klein                     8940.82

9  Paulson,Kyler             8887.21

10 Reel                      8813.98

11 Vann                      8756.63

12 Neja                      8719.93

13 DelHagen                  8624.05

14 Meitzer                   8515.08

15 Monte                     8458.07

16 Rackliffe                 8430.82

17 B Bob                     8414.10

18 Bates                     8329.00

19 Harju                     8216.11

20 Liberatore                8203.70

21 Jolly                     8088.02

22 Seaman                    7892.82

23 Cagnon                    7823.61

24 Rodriguez                 7718.65

25 C M                       7344.03

26 B A                       5468.89

27 N P                       4185.53

28 Lopez                     3817.36

29 Kamiab                    2276.59

I am currently writing an article for RCSD, please send me your photos for
addition to the article.

David Klein
Graduate Research Student
Department of Structural Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering
University of California San Diego

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