Greetings All -

I am glad I took today off after spending nearly a week in Muncie.  A ton of e-mails to go thru, plenty of unpacking and odds and ends to do as well but I'm glad to unwind a bit and think back on the weekend before going back to the regular day job.  This past weekend - from practice day (of sorts) on Thursday to the awesome ending on Sunday with the flyoff rounds were the best of memories.  I have no doubt that in our facet of the R/C World, we have the best people to be around across the board.   The best of the best down to us wannabees are wonderful people to be around and 4 days like this is a lot of being with this great group. 

My thanks to all of the people who worked to make this event go off so well even though the weather conditions weren't what one would think of when R/C Soaring comes to mind.  Having said that though, these were the conditions that do define the best and the 10 finalists and the flying that went on throughout the weekend, but especially during the 6 flyoff rounds, prove that. T'was not a landing contest by any means!

Looking forward with anticipation to the next one!

Good Health and Good Lift! Mark

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