Hi guys,

The WSM was a very good time. Great format!!! The
first 2 days... not what I would consider to be a true
soaring contest (Not organizers fault, but condition
oriented).. for the most part... the wind was blowing
so hard, it was more of a launch and hang... and get
lucky. Two HUGE notables who didn't make the flyoffs
through no fault of their own - that Joe guy and Tom
Kiesling. Both of them outflew the field on almost all
of their flights... Nice flying guys - it didn't go

For those that made the flyoffs, great job guys. I
approached every prelim flight as... look at the
scores... how many points can I drop and still get
in... I just made sure I hit the field, and get some
landing points (with 80 landing points available -
that's equivalent to 1 minute 20 of flight time). Yes,
it was blowing hard enough that I NEVER went downwind
in the prelims... well.. ok once... but that Joe guy
was in my group. 

For those armchair pilots on the exchange who are
saying that the quality of flying was sub par due to
the point spread... ummmm ... @#%#@@*&~ YOU! ;-)

The flyoffs were brutal - but the weather co-operated
and gave us more of a soaring comp. The first 3 rounds
of flyoffs were pretty much a landing contest. With
only a couple of the top guys missing the ride, or
taking hits. Yes, we were flying a long way out. But
you really didn't want to leave the thermal due to the
monster sink around them. I'm quite glad I got my eyes
fixed... ;-)

The 4th through 6th round was a different story. Air
got brutal and light. Round 5 Mike S snuck away as the
only guy to truly get out.. and pounded the group. I
came in to the thermal too low to work it... but
certainly had to try (I'm a first place or no place
kinda guy)... and had a parking lot
landing/crash/embarrassment. I've never done that
before, but the stakes were too high to give up. I
autographed Steve Siebenaler's truck... in more ways
than one. That's the flight that gave Mike the margin.

Congrats Mike on a job well done. He has been Mr.
Muncie this year... winning every contest he's been
there for. 

Arend Borst - another great competitor - Congrats!

Cody - Damn kid! Nice job buddy!

And then there was the rest of the top ten who kinda
stunk the place up.... 

Special Congrats goes out to Joe Wurts for selling his
house during the last 3 rounds of the flyoffs.

All in all.. a good time had by all!!!

See ya'll in a couple of years!


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