Interesting mail from theZagi list - anyone heard of something similar?

Tord S Eriksson


Message: 2
   Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 21:50:37 -0700
   From: "Glen B Elliott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Zagi versus Light Pole,  Zagi Wins!!!!!!!!!!!

   I saw one of the most awesome sights today.  I was out flying zagis with
some friends of mine and one of the guys (Marcus) decided to do some combat
with a light pole.  We had a nice south wind of about 10mph and he was
flying full throttle down wind with a quick 480 in his zagi.  He hit the
light pole in the  center of the right side leading edge.  The zagi did a
full 360 spin in the air and then hung there and then he just flew it away.
The only thing that happened was the front of the canopy was up like the
hood of a car and it still kept flying.

    I wish i had a video camera for that little mishap.  He said he did it
on purpose to show us how rugged a zagi is. I told him to go ahead and do it
again on the left side!!


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